Episode 1

136 views 9:11 am 0 Comments May 12, 2023

Episode 1: The Difference Between US


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Episode 1: The Difference Between US*

Transcript Source: http://www.pbs.org/race/OOO __ General/OOO_OO-Home.htm


Look around the room. Who do you thinkis likely to be most similar to you,
biologically or genetically? Why?


What is the difference between a biological and a social view of race?

Excluding your immediate family members, are you more likely to be genetically like
someone who looks like you or s_omeone who does not?

. Why is it impossible to use biological characteristics to sort people into consistent races?

Note: Review some of the concepts such as “non-concordance” and “within-group vs. between group
variation. ”

Who has benefitted from the belief that we can sort people according to race and that
there are natural or biologically based differences between racial groups? Explain

Besides race, what other things explain why some people might be more susceptible than
others to disease? Think about the girl in the film with sickle cell anemia. How is
ancestry different from race?


Briefly define what is meant by “Race the Power of an Illusion” ?

(Important: integrate your racial identity development readings into your answer)

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In your Blackboard response to the video make sure you integrate the
reading: “Scientific and Folk Ideas About Heredity by Marks -see “Race the Power of

Remember follow proper citation guidelines: and cite the video when
. necessary