Entrepreneurship in an International Context

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Entrepreneurship in an International Context


Assessment 1 – The role small enterprises play in the economy of a country / region.

Table of Contents


As per the current study analysis, the aim is for assessing for SMEs where the contribution is for economic development and then there are measurement to ensure the employment generation too. The production or income is also set with studying over different forms of characteristics which are investigated and then there are impacts on development of economy indicators for employment, production too. It is for the income in small and medium sized enterprises.

Importance of SME Sector for Country Economy

The understanding is based on focusing over the different entrepreneurship consideration which is the major factor for development of economy. The effective entrepreneurship education and then the proper access of skills and knowledge is needed for starting and growing new business standards. The private sector is critical for development of economy in country. The local business is considered important for high job creators and then generate income which involves the consumptions internally and then there are domestic investments too. The government is focused on growth of economy and well-being for ensuring how public can provide better opportunity for small firms to grow and then provide environment for small and medium sized enterprises.


In India, it is seen that Small and Medium Sized Enterprises which plays a major role on handling the development of economy and the development of social standards. The SME includes the standards with vital sectors which ensures the equitable, inclusive and the proper employment with fast growth of economy. The approach is on the different standards which involves how the SME plays a major role on the overall growth with the industrial standards. The SME has been playing a major role on the industry economy. The SME has been involved with the essential roles for employing people who are generally seen to be unemployed or underemployed. The crucial point is for the accounting of advantages with low capital requirements or a higher generation of employment with decentralization on the industrial activity. The utilization is for the local resources available that leads to widening on base of entrepreneurship (Khaksar, 2011).

According to the micro and the small or the Medium Enterprise Act of 2006, there are classification on enterprises engaged for manufacturing and services. It comes with determining the goods about industry specifying on first schedule to industries with manufacturing enterprises and then employing to the plant or machinery for process of value addition. The final product includes the different names where service enterprises are engaged on providing and rendering to the services for better investment in equipment too.

Classification of SMEs in India

Investment Ceiling for Plant

Machinery and Equipment





Handling the amount of 2.5 million INR with less than 50 million INR

More than 1 million Inr and less than 20 million Inr


Handling the amount of 50 million INR with less than 100 million INR

Handling the amount of 20 million INR with less than 50 million INR

As per the contexts, there are different standards on conducting from time to time to examine on different aspects with the growth pattern. The pattern and performance include small scale industrial sectors in India. The observed small and medium enterprises with micro-enterprises with the specifically improve on fields of management, with marketing, product diversification, infrastructural development or technological standards which are facing the increased competition too. There is growth with moving from the slower area of growth to a higher growth too. The analysis is for the basis of growth with the unit number production or the employment which is generated by the sector and the contribution is in exports too (Prasetyo, 2020).

The SME in India has been involved with exponential growth over the last few times. SME contribute towards more than 45% of the Indian Industrial output with 40% of the country total exports that are being created under 1.3 million jobs every year. The small-scale units include adopting of liberalization and policy of globalization. The high is on the impact for globalization with reforms on small scale sector for industry. The approach is on the study with suffering in terms for growth in units, employment or the output and exports. The approach is on recommended small scale industries in India with improved technology or infrastructure of finance. The sector can compete on the international level too.

Role of SMEs in Indian Context

The SMEs include the key drivers with the growth story of India. The approach is for SMEs with the self-funding and the firms of proprietary and then there are private cooperatives. This comes with the self-help groups which is set for not providing on substantial employment opportunities. It is about ensuring the regional balance by taking industrialization or the rural and backward areas. 20% of the MSMEs operating under Rural and Backward areas. India has been involved with 42.5 million registered and unregistering on SMEs with the 95% for industrial units for country. The SMEs employ on 106 million with 40% of the workforce of India and then there are Agricultural Sector. The production is more than 6000 products with 6.11% of Manufacturing GDP which is set for 24.63% of service sector GDP. The output includes the 45% of Indian exports with the SME taking effect on 16% of the bank lending and maintaining growth of average rate of over 10%. The applied approaches are for co-integration and then there is analysis on the relationship for output, export, and the employment. There are SMEs which comes with fixing investment too, and the study involves the positive causality which is for output of SMEs and Indian GDP (Gautam, 2022).

Initiatives by Indian Government for SMEs

The Impact of Goods and Service Tax (GST) is about the market base which comes with handling the growth of interstate sales and handling complexities too. There are no longer approaches with no tax burden on the domestic sales, with big corporation or the manufacturers to procure materials or components. The increased competitiveness is for the low-cost imports with no longer cause for worry with the tax levied on the import goods and local manufacturing which is same too. The pricing of raw material is for coming down with disappearance on 2% of GST for no additional tax burden on SMEs. The transparency is about the ease of doing business with interface of physical standards with expectation to handle the non-existent or minima with happening the approaches electronically. The Marketing Development Assistance (MDA) scheme includes helping on encouraging SMEs to tap and developing market which is set overseas too.

Barriers for SMEs in India

The SMEs segment is about developing the areas of agriculture or manufacturing and other sector services. It is about the sectors to continue for the relevant overall GDP growth. The employment generation comes with handling lack of capital which is due to the inadequate access for finance or credit. The poor infrastructure or utilities are set for handling the low-capacity production. The lack of innovation, technology or digital knowledge is for handling challenges. The Indian SMEs work on inabilities to scale full potential and rise standards for international peers. The self-sustainable approaches are for broadening to the scope with strengthening SME foundation too (Kyal et al., 2022).

The government of India has been able to make the efforts with empowering to SMEs with overcoming hurdles. The assistance is for training Institutions which provide proper financial assistance on operating under the MSME for the SME infrastructure. This leads to creating entrepreneurship program with development of skill too.

NASSCOM has been for the India industry association which comes through IT enabled products and the SME Council for members of SME. The aim is for empowering the growth to a next level with end assistance on knowledge dissemination, or the best practice for the industry. The networking or the policy advocacy is for the building of brand. On the positive side, there are challenges which is perceived to handle the untapped opportunities under the sector of SME (Das et al., 2020).

Future for SMEs in India

With this, there are business perspectives on regulation of protection and property rights. The approach is on the state of business with dealing on permitting of construction or getting electricity. The registering of property and payment of taxes include trading across borders. The service sector includes the focus on training with service providers or the development of skill. The increased communication is for handling changes of legislative processes with affecting SMEs which is needed for easy financial assistance. It is from lenders and the reduction of the old legislation or the red tape, with the sector thrive in India. The effective regulation is for the SME with the Government standards for small firms to grow and innovate over moving from informal to formal sector of economy (Maheshwari et al., 2023).


The SMEs includes the development with economy of Indian standards, with contribution on GDP with the critical role with the jobs and exports. The approach is on the Indian economy with the growth that is set for second largest approach in world. The approach is for government standards to take careful decisions or implementation of policy. It comes through overcoming problems for SMEs with achieving goals set, and the critical measures which is set for uplifting on the MSME units.


Das, M. and Rangarajan, K., 2020. Impact of policy initiatives and collaborative synergy on sustainability and business growth of Indian SMEs. Indian Growth and Development Review.

Gautam, N., 2022. Key Growth Determinants for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Textile Sector in India: A Perception Survey of Four Clusters. CREATIVE ECONOMY 2030.

Khaksar, S., 2011. The role of government policy and the growth of entrepreneurship in the micro, small (&) medium-sized enterprises in India: An overview. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences5(6), pp.1563-1571.

Kyal, H., Mandal, A., Kujur, F. and Guha, S., 2022. Individual entrepreneurial orientation on MSME’s performance: the mediating effect of employee motivation and the moderating effect of government intervention. IIM Ranchi journal of management studies1(1), pp.21-37.

Maheshwari, P. and Kamble, S., 2023. A Comparative Approach for Sustainable Supply Chain Finance to Implement Industry 4.0 in Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Supply Chain Performance (pp. 207-230). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Prasetyo, P.E., 2020. The role of government expenditure and investment for MSME growth: Empirical study in Indonesia. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business7(10), pp.471-480.

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