Entrepreneurship: Developing the Business Plan

195 views 10:35 am 0 Comments September 29, 2023

LO1: Business Opportunity (20 marks)

Understand, analyse and evaluate the dimensions of the business opportunity in its dynamic context. 

LO2 Highlights (25 marks)

Develop a coherent and integrated plan that identifies the appropriate strategy and tactics in entering or developing a specific market sector and recognises the operational and financial constraints to create a holistic concept.


LO3: Conduct the research and planning in a reflective and self-critical manner recognising the constraints of the resources and the risk environment in planning for the opportunity and its implementation.


Prepare a research proposal or feasibility study which critically reviews relevant current knowledge, reflects originality and demonstrates an understanding of relevant research methods and their limitations.

LO4 OPERATIONS (15 mark)

Identify and apply the relevant knowledge, capabilities and skills around project management; data collection to build the business model; creative and evaluative thinking; interpersonal skills to identify and build reliable and contributory network contacts as resources for the plan.

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