Enterprise Network Design and Management

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Academic Year 2022/2023
Enterprise Network Design and Management
Coursework 2

Deadline For Submission: 20th January 2023
Submission Instructions The completed report must be submitted online.


Instructions for completing the
The coursework will be assessed by means of a formal report. The
report must have a cover page. This is a group work.


Examiners: Dr S Zhou

Report part 1 (20%)
1.1 In CLI window, use “show running-config” to display all configurations of the 3560
Switch and include the screenshots in the report. After that, place a new “PC2” and
connect it directly to the Switch using a copper cable, then include the screenshot.
The CLI window is used in this project to show the running configuration. The
configuration 3560 switch is displayed in the below picture. The components present in the
network are configured by using the CLI window.
Figure 1: Running configuration
The full form of CLI is command line interface. The devices present in the network are
configured by using the CLI. The configuration of the router is provided to connect with the
switch. The DNS-server configuration is provided in the CLI (Fu & Zhu, 2019). The
configuration of all the computers is present in the CLI interface. The main idea behind the

Student Number
2 1 4 4 0 5 2
2 1 3 8 1 4 1

figure above is that it does the work of showcasing the steps following which the system
carries out the work. Moreover, the several details of the devices can also be obtained from
here. The platform in which it was created was CISCO.
Figure 2: Network Design in cisco
The above model shows the network design which is built with the help of cisco software. In
the model a PC2 is connected to the switch directly. The copper cable is used to connect the
PC2 with the switch. The above screenshot clearly shows the connection between the switch
and PC2 using copper cable. The connection is established using Cisco software (Pal, 2019).
The design is considered to be the most vital aspect in the case of a network. It can be seen
here that there are several components that are the parts of this design. These are routers,
devices & switches. All of these were integrated in this design for serving different purposes.

Figure 3: IP configuration of PC2
The PC2 IP configuration is provided. The IP configuration is the main thing which is required
to connect the devices with the switch. The fastEthernet0 interface is used to connect the
PC2. DHCP is the IP configuration of PC2. The IPv4 address, subnet mask, default gateway and
DNs server address is provided in the IP configuration of PC2 (Sun
et al. 2019). The
configuration of a device gives several details about a device. With the help of this the
requirements for making connections can also be checked. Moreover, the type of connection
that the devices allow can also be obtained from this.

Figure 4: Wireless router GUI configuration
The GUI configuration of the wireless router is configured using the cisco software. The IP
address of the wireless router is used to connect the device with the router. The IP address
of the router is The condition of the DHCP server is disabled (Skobelev
et al.
2019). The wireless connection is different in many respects than the wired connection. It is
to be noted that for the wireless connection, the considerations of safety need to be
maintained. So, the different designs regarding the safety aspects of data are maintained in
these networks.

Figure 5: Wireless router wireless configuration
The wireless router is configured using the GUI interface. The selected network mode for the
wireless router is mixed. The network name which is provided in the wireless router is Default.
The radio brand used by the wireless router is auto. The wide channel is also auto. The
standard channel used for this router is 6 to 2.437GHz. The condition of SSID broadcast is
enabled. There can be different configurations for different wireless connections (Zhang
et al.
2022). Moreover, with the use of this it becomes easy to see the type of connection that can
be made with the devices.
1.2 Use the same procedures used in lab 2, a simple BSS to config and connect three
wireless clients, PC0, PC1, and PC3 to the wireless router and include screenshots of
successful connections in the report.

Figure 6: Access point 1 configuration
The configuration of access point 1 is done using cisco software. The port 1 interface is used
in the access point1. The SSID address of the access point is Wireless AP. The authentication
of access point1 is disabled. It is known there are some specific configurations of the devices
that are needed to be maintained (Kuperberg, 2019). It is also to be noted that the work of
the access point is to set the standards for providing entry into a network. For this reason, the
duty of it becomes very important. So, it is needed that the configuration of this is proper. It
is done in order to maintaining the proper functioning of the network.

Figure 7: Model to connect PCs to wireless network
The above screenshot shows the connection between the PC0, PC1 and PC3 is done
successfully. The client PCs are connected to the wireless router and transfer data between
them using the wireless router. It can be seen that networks that transfer data wirelessly
have the prevalence in the modern days. Moreover, it can also be seen that in this network
many of the devices can be attached at the same time (Akhmetova
et al. 2019). The figure
above shows that there are some devices in which connection was made by means of wires.
At the same time there were some devices where the connection was made wirelessly. So, it
can be said here that this model that is shown above is the combination of wired & wireless
1.3 Use “ping” to validate the connections between PC0 to PC1, PC0 to PC2 (Vlan1 to
Vlan2), and include screenshots of both.
Figure 8: Ping from PC0 to PC1
The command prompt is used to check the ping statistics between the client PCs. The pin
statistics between the PC0 and PC1 are checked. The IP address of PC1 is used to transmit
packets. The packets successfully transferred to PC1 which is shown above.

Figure 9: Ping from PC0 to PC1
The ping statistics of PC0 to PC1 is shown in the command prompt. The packets to the PC1
are successfully done. Total four packets were successfully transferred to PC1.
1.4 Change the configuration of PC3 so that PC3 will connect to the Wireless AP
instead of the Wireless Router. Record the new configuration and new network layout in
the report. Screenshots are preferred.
The PC3 configuration is changed to connect the PC to the wireless network. After the
configuration the PC3 is successfully connected to the Wireless AP.

Figure 10: Connect the PC3 to the wireless network
The signal strength of Wireless AP is 56%. The Wireless AP provides one channel by which the
PC3 is connected with the PC3 (Lanza
et al. 2019). The picture placed above provides the
description of the interface that is shown at the time of making the connection via wireless
Figure 11: PC3 configuration
The configuration of PC3 is done using the cisco software. The IP configuration of PC3 is DHCP.
The IPv4 address, subnet mask address is present in the PC3 IP configuration using this
configuration the PC3 is connected with the Wireless AP (Zhang
et al. 2019). This is the new
configuration of PC3 which is used to connect the PC3 to Wireless AP.
1.5 Use “ping” to verify the connectivity between Vlan1, Vlan2 and Vlan3. Include all
screenshots in the report.
The connection between the Vlan1, Vlan3 and Vlan2 is verified using the ping. The
connectivity between them is provided below.
Figure 12: Ping from PC3 to PC1
The ping statistics from PC3 to PC1 are provided and shown using the command prompt. The
IP address PC1 is used to transfer the pockets. Total four packets are transferred to the PC1
and all the packets are received successfully by PC1.

Figure 13: Ping from PC3 to PC0
The ping statistics from PC3 to PC0 is checked using the command prompt. The IP address of
PC1 is used to transfer packers from PC3 to PC0. Total four packets are transferred from the
PC3 and all the packets are transferred successfully.
1.6 It is possible to redesign the above WLAN to a VLAN 802.1Q Trunk. The design of a
trunk is given below. Try to redesign the above WLAN to a VLAN Trunk and include a
screenshot of the final design in the Report.
Figure 14: Redesign of WLAN to a VLAN Trunk
The adobe picture shows the redesign of WLAN. The WLAN is redesigned to the VLAN trunk.
The different client PCs are connected using the VLAN trunk. The number of PCs which are
present in the above model is six. The five Pcs are connected wirelessly to the network and
one PC is connected using a wired connection (Obrenovic
et al. 2020). The network
connection between the PCs are established to transfer data between them using a secure
Appendix 1: Model to connect PCs to wireless network
Appendix 2: Redesign of WLAN to a VLAN Trunk

Report part 2
ALL answers MUST be based on Packet Tracer simulation. Internet sourced results will
NOT be awarded any marks!

2.1 Once the simulation is done, please upload the packet tracer file in pka
format to Moodle submission box! The simulation is worth 15 marks.
Please name the file as 1234567_7654321.pka and submit
(Replace 1234567_7654321 with your actual student ID number

[15 Mark]
2.2 Include a screenshot for the complete network of Branch H.
[5 Mark]
The network design is done by the developers with the help of cisco software. The network
simulation is done with the help of this software. The cybersecurity in the network is created
using this software. The main aim of this project is to build a complete network of Branch H.
Figure 15: Branch H complete network
The branch H complete network is generated in cisco. There are three departments present
in the Branch H network. The names of the departments are engineering department,
administrator department and technical department (Košťál
et al. 2019). The R2 router is used
in the above model which is connected with the H network. The protocol which is used to
connect them is OSPF dynamic routing protocol

2.3 Considering the computer network presented in the simulation, prepare a
full trade-off table and discuss each technical goal.
The basic idea of a trade-off table is that it is a tool with the help of which
decisions are taken regarding the decrease in the quantity of an item.
Moreover, it also works in the case of finding out the gains in different aspects
of a business (Mohammed
et al. 2019). In other words, it can be said that the
basic idea of this is that when the value of one thing increases then there must
be a decrease in another item.

Department Components Importance
Server, Router &
Multilayer Switch
The main importance of
this is that in this layer
all the works related to
the different
engineering are carried
Technical Department Switch & PC All the technical
requirements are
checked here.
Router, Switch & PC The monitoring of the
different works of the

In this project, the different aspects of a network were highlighted. In addition
to this, the approaches that can be used for the management of the networks
were highlighted here. For fulfilling the objectives of the project, a network was
designed here. Moreover, separate networks were also made for the three
different departments present in the organization. In addition, the different
conditioner was also imposed regarding the access of data for the security of the
data transmits through it.

[10 Marks]
Report part 3 (10%)

1. Choose one stub, one large ISP and one tier-1 ISP and note their ASN
and IP prefix advertisement.

[3 Mark]
The autonomous system is used in this project. This system is based on some routers.
The administrative control process controls the routing procedure. This is used as a
network service provider. Most of the organization used this system to get network

2. Note how they are connected (the number of connections).
The devices are connected via wireless network. The IP protocol is used to
establish the connection between the devices. There are various devices present
in the network which are interconnected via the wireless network.

[1 Mark]

3. Go to http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/stats/ris/routing-information-service
and type in each of the ASNs and note the prefix size distribution, transits
distribution and the AS path length to the collectors.

[3 Mark]
The “RIPstat data API” provides the public data. This public data is used to perform
the analysis. The JSOP-P is used as a call-back parameter.

4. Go to back to http://heat.cs.ucla.edu and trace three hops away from
the AS that you are currently in.
The operation of OSPF is described using the document. The design of the OSPF
is described in the document. The full form of OSPF is “Open shortest path
first”. The routing information is provided by this procedure.

[1 Mark]

5. Perform one or many traceroutes to identify the number of hops to
an IP address in the AS three hops away from your current AS.
There are various traceroutes used to detect the number of hops. The IP address
of the hopes is used to trace the hops. The tracerouting is used as a command
routing tool. The IP packets path are tracked by using the traceroutes .

[2 Mark]