Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research

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SOCW 4302: Issues in Field 1

Agency Research Paper Rubric/lnstructions:

Competency # 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice

The purpose of this assignment is to help you demonstrate your understanding of how research informs practice and how practice informs research in your field placement agency.

This competency requires you to demonstrate:

1. your understanding of research methods;

2. your knowledge about several aspects of scientific inquiry;

3. your understanding of how evidence is derived; and

4. your understanding of how research is translated into practice.

As a social work student, you must demonstrate minimum competence in three (3) practice behaviors:

l. using practice and theory to inform inquiLY and research;

2. applying critical thinking to engage in analysis; and

3. using and translating evidence to inform and improve practice, policy and service delivery


Write a 4-5 page paper which discusses 2 issues:

a) the research method(s) used by your field agency (whether micro, mezzo or macro) to assess the effectiveness of its work

b) how the agency (whether micro, mezzo or macro) uses practice to affect the research, or assessment, conducted by the agency

Speak with your field instmctor/supervisor and other individuals in the field agency, such as administrators, budget analysis staff, grant writers, who may be able to assist you in addressing the 2 aforementioned issues.

You must:

• reference at least 3 peer reviewed articles relevant to either research methods or service designs

use APA style,

• submit the paper through TURNITIN in Blackboard,

• have a cover page and reference page in addition to the 4-5 page narrative.

The Paper is due the last day of class

No late papers will be accepted.

Practice-Informed Research Example

Your agency reports the majority of money spent on clients is focused on concrete services, e.g. rent, utilities and food. There was an increase in requests for this help in the past year. Funds are running low for these services. What kind of information or data could be gathered to support an agency’s request for additional funding to meet client requests? How does the agency record and report its services? Annual reports, surveys, polls, grants, statistical reports of the number of clients served each year?

Research-Informed Practice Example

When working with a ceftain population such as the homeless, you also deal with other issues such as poverty, cultural diversity, substance use disorder, and trauma. It is difficult to help someone get off the streets, if you do not meet the root cause of poverty and/ or homelessness. It may take longer to help your clients meet their treatment goals because of the root issue(s). How can these observations and obstacles inform research to help others understand the effects of homelessness on clients and the underlying issues that may add to their problem(s). What questions should we be seeking to find in research to help inf01Tn work with this population. How could an agency go about using research to inform, both change and improve, practice?

What is the-logic model or program theory that undergirds the services offered by the agency?