ENG1001 Engineering math Report

149 views 7:44 am 0 Comments November 19, 2023

ENG1001 Engineering Mathematics 1 Dr. Ho Jiahui

Report Requirements
As a group, you are required to submit one hardcopy typewritten report with five (four if you are a group of four) peer review forms attached to the back of the report by 15 November 2023 (Wednesday), during Week 12 tutorial. Each
student must submit one peer review form. Failure to submit the peer review form will result in a deduction of your individual score. Your report should include but not limited to the following details:

• Civil engineering problem statement that is written clearly and concisely. The question(s) must be stated in your problem statement. Figures used should be labelled properly (with citation if it was taken from other sources). You are required to obtain my approval for your problem statement during Weeks 10 and 11 tutorials.

• Complete closed-form solution(s) to the question(s) stated. If graphs are used, these must be included with complete labelling of axes, graphs etc.

• List of references (if any)

• The full name and student number of all group members.

• Format guidelines: A4, 3 pages maximum (including figures etc.), Times New Roman font size 12, NO APPENDIX allowed.

• Peer review forms – You are required to finish the peer review forms before coming to the tutorial class to submit. Tutorial time will not be allocated for students who failed to do so. If you are unsure of how to fill in the peer review form, you have 2 weeks of tutorial classes to clarify plus 1 more week to finish up the report.