Economics Assessment

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7001 Economics Assessment 2 Q1 2023

1. Briefly review the historical disadvantages experience by the Indigenous population of Australia since the invasion, which has now led to the Uluru Statement.

2. Discussion must follow based on a framework, which can define and improve Indigenous wellbeing by incorporating Indigenous standards within a cultural context to address the call expressed in the Uluru Statement.

3. You must finally propose a course of action that can be taken to address the challenges faced by the Indigenous people based on an understanding of the inherent elements of wellbeing as identified by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


You are required to begin your Essay with a Thesis Statement.

The attached marking criteria and standards detail what needs to be addressed.

Please begin by reading the four (4) articles listed as Essential Readings under Assessment 2.

You will need a minimum of 7 references in total including the 4 listed as essential reading. These could be academic articles and books, textbooks or United Nations or other organization’s development proposals. Newspaper articles are not acceptable. Articles or excerpts found on google should be from an authentic Academic source or Institutions that may be used for Academic purposes. Please ensure that these sources are not dated before 2017

In your essay you need to think about your own social position and how that has influenced your thinking about the best strategy that you propose to address the situation identified in this question. It should be seen as a caveat to your argument in the paper. That is, you can qualify your argument by stating that your views are affected by your own social position or strengthen your argument by explaining how you have derived your analysis from an ‘initial position’.

This assessment task assures course learning outcome 4.1 as follows:

Course learning outcome 4.1 Identify cultural issues in a variety of contexts and make recommendations for improved Business practice.

Submission via Turn-it-in is required – please go to vUWS, click on ‘assessments’ and then your class folder for turn-it-in Submission

Due: WEEK 9 – At the beginning of the class

The following writing requirements are, in part, reproduced with permission from the UWS Hub for Academic Literacy and Learning (HALL)

Marking criteria and standards

Essay structure


Little and/or inappropriate discussion of key issues and thesis statement, little support for thesis statement and/or the argument has been presented in an illogical manner. Good introduction and discussion of the key issues with thesis statement and adequate and logically argued support for the thesis statement. Comprehensive introduction of the key issues with clear and appropriate thesis statement. Comprehensive support for the thesis statement and logically presented argument.
Critical analysis and problem solving


Inappropriately applies theory and/or research to analyse a problem or issue, or uses theory/research inaccurately. Applies some relevant theory and/or research to analyse a problem or issue, and provides basic analysis using a limited range of relevant theories/research. Accurately applies a range of appropriate theories and research to critically analyse a problem or issue.
Explain the relevance of the perspectives and culture of Indigenous Australians in an economic context


Demonstrates limited understanding of the perspectives and culture of Indigenous Australians.

Does not explain the relevance of information about perspectives and culture of Indigenous Australians to Business contexts.

Demonstrates a sound understanding of those aspects of the perspectives and culture of Indigenous Australians which are particularly relevant to Business contexts.

Identifies and discusses potential issues related to the perspectives and culture of Indigenous Australians in Business contexts.

Demonstrates a broad and nuanced understanding of the perspectives and culture of Indigenous Australians.

Predicts and explains critical issues for Indigenous Australians in Business contexts.

Identify cultural self-concept and its implications in a diverse economic environment (5%)

Does not accurately identify how cultural attitudes and behaviours influence self-concept or suggest how bias or self-concept influence one’s own thinking about economic issues.

Articulates how key cultural attitudes, bias and self-concept influence one’s own thinking about economic issues

Provides insightful explanation of how key cultural attitudes, bias and self-concept influence one’s own thinking about economic issues.

Articulate an appropriate framework to develop greater cultural awareness about diversity in a Business context. (25%)

Explains some aspects of a framework to develop greater cultural awareness of an economic issue.

Explains clearly an appropriate framework to develop greater cultural awareness of an economic issue

Analyses or utilises an appropriate framework to provide insight into complex Economic issues.

Propose a course of action to resolve complex economic issues that derive from cultural diversity


Does not formulate a course of action suitable to a culturally diverse Business environment.

Provides limited justification for the proposed course of action.

Generates a comprehensive course of action suitable to a culturally diverse Business environment

Provides strong and clear justification for the proposed course of action.

Provides compelling justification for a comprehensive course of action proposed as suitable to a culturally diverse Business environment.

Bibliography/ references


Overall inadequate or no record of bibliography, or inappropriate references. Good logical structure of bibliography and appropriate references and the method of referencing. Exceptionally high quality of bibliography with the use of a wide range of appropriate resources.
Academic writing


Low quality presentation with grammatical errors and inadequate attention to detail. Good quality presentation, no grammatical errors with adequate attention to detail. Exceptionally high quality presentation of report with excellent attention to detail.