Durations tab

132 views 8:49 am 0 Comments April 19, 2023

1. Based on the calculations in the Durations tab, answer the following questions: (30 marks) a. Are there any Outliers in the Days to Hire column? (3 marks) b. What does the large standard deviation of the sample tell us? (3 marks) c. How does Headgames average Time to Hire compare to the SHRM average of 42 days? (3 marks) d. Based on the data, which hiring decision method has the least number of Days to hire? (2 marks) e. Calculate the confidence interval on the Days to Hire using an alpha of 95% (0.05). Explain in words what our calculated confidence interval value means. Remember… confidence intervals are inferential statistics, meaning that we try to infer a population mean from a sample mean. (3 marks) f. How much does it cost Headgames on average (HCVA and RPE) over the average Time to Hire calculation above? (3 marks) g. Explain in words what the Average Annual Salary by Department compared to average days to hire means. What insight can you glean from it? How strong is the correlation between the Days to Hire and the Annual Salary? (3 marks) h. Put into words what you think is significant about the Days to Hire by Sex and the ratio of F/M says. In other words, what do you think this says about our current hiring practices? Create a pivot table to aid in your answer and add two Slicers: by the department and by location. (5 marks) i. Identify three (3) key points you want to relate to senior management about the Headgames recruitment based on your sample group. (5 marks)
2. Based on the Gender Decoder results for the job posting, answer the following questions: (6 marks) a. As an HR professional, how valuable do you see a tool like Gender Decoder in the recruitment process? (3 marks) b. Do you think there is anything fundamentally wrong with targeting the text of a job description to be more appealing to a specific gender than gender-neutral? (3 marks)