Discovery of Topical Authorities in Instagram

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Discovery of Topical Authorities in Instagram
Aditya Pal, Amaç Herdagdelen, Sourav Chatterji, Sumit Taank, Deepayan Chakrabarti ˘

{apal,amac,sourav,staank}, [email protected]
Instagram has more than 400 million monthly active accounts who share more than 80 million pictures and videos
daily. This large volume of user-generated content is the application’s notable strength, but also makes the problem of
finding the authoritative users for a given topic challenging.
Discovering topical authorities can be useful for providing
relevant recommendations to the users. In addition, it can
aid in building a catalog of topics and top topical authorities
in order to engage new users, and hence provide a solution
to the
cold-start problem.
In this paper, we present a novel approach that we call
the Authority Learning Framework (ALF) to find topical authorities in Instagram. ALF is based on the self-described interests of the follower base of popular accounts. We infer regular users’ interests from their self-reported biographies that
are publicly available and use Wikipedia pages to ground
these interests as fine-grained, disambiguated concepts. We
propose a generalized label propagation algorithm to propagate the interests over the follower graph to the popular accounts. We show that even if biography-based interests are
sparse at an individual user level they provide strong signals
to infer the topical authorities and let us obtain a high precision authority list per topic. Our experiments demonstrate
that ALF performs significantly better at user recommendation task compared to fine-tuned and competitive methods,
via controlled experiments, in-the-wild tests, and over an
expert-curated list of topical authorities.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information Search and Retrieval|information filtering, retrieval
models, selection process
; H.1.2 [Information Systems]:
User/Machine Systems|
human factors, human information
Author has relocated to McCombs School of Business, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA.
Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2). IW3C2 reserves the right to provide a hyperlink to the
author’s site if the Material is used in electronic media.
WWW 2016, April 11–15, 2016, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
ACM 978-1-4503-4143-1/16/04.
General Terms
Algorithms, Experimentation, Human Factors
Topical Authorities, User Recommendation, Instagram
Instagram is one of the most popular online photo and
video sharing services, having more than 400 million active accounts per month who in turn share more than 80
million photos and videos per day. This large volume of
user-generated content leads to a rich diversity of topics on
Instagram and one can find high quality pictures on even
niche topics: e.g., one can browse pictures on
origami at However
users that specialize in the topic origami can be quite
challenging. Discovering the topically sought people (topical
authorities) can help in providing relevant recommendations
to the users. In addition, it can aid in building a catalog of
topics and authorities in order to engage new users.
There has been a considerable effort towards authority
discovery in several domains, such as microblogs [37, 31, 16],
emails [10], community question answering [28, 38, 32], and
enterprise corpora [3, 30]. However, Instagram poses three
unique challenges primarily due to the nature of content
shared on it, how users interact with it, and also in part due
to our problem specification. We highlight these challenges
below and also provide an intuitive reasoning as to why most
prior work does not perform as well in our setting.
Sparsity of Textual Features. Unlike other social media domains, Instagram has rich visual content but terse
textual information. Hence, algorithms that depend on the
text-based user features would not perform well for this domain. Prior work [36] also highlights this issue in other social
media domains that content-boosted methods can suffer due
to brevity and sparseness of text documents.
Misleading Topic Signals from Users’ Activity. Users
(especially celebrities who are authorities on a specific subject) typically share general posts like pictures of their family & friends, events they have attended, products they have
bought, causes they are concerned about, etc. Table 1 shows
the relative probability of the most used hashtags by a group
of well-known basketball players. We note here that only the
hashtag ‘
theland’ is somewhat related to basketball while the
rest are too generic. Algorithms that infer authority based
on users’ activity would either ignore these players or assign

Figure 1: Normalized frequency of the five most
used hashtags by a group of well-known basketball
players in one month period.
them generic topics; thus they would not be recommended
to users interested in basketball.
Interpretability of Topics. For new users, recommendation algorithms can typically only provide generic recommendations as they have little to no signal about them (also
referred to as the
cold-start problem). Hence it would be
useful to present a catalog of curated topics and top authorities within those topics for use by new users. Popular
topic models, such as LSI [11], pLSI [19], and LDA [6] define
topics in high dimensional word space. These embeddings
can merge several related concepts together and mask their
relative importance. E.g., consider a topic embedding that
merges concepts, such as
dog and cat. Since dogs and cats
are quite popular on Instagram, it would be more useful to
show them as separate topics than together. In most cases,
niche topics get buried in their popular counterparts, like
origami within art. At the very least, the merged concepts
can be confusing to a new user.
Most prior models on topical authority discovery do not
perform as well in the context of Instagram due to one or
more of the above-mentioned challenges. Models that are
based on users’ contribution fail to perform well due to the
first and second issue. Graph-based [8, 25] and collaborative filtering [18, 29, 26, 24] models are less sensitive to
users’ content, but do not provide an explicit set of topics
that can be readily shown to new users. Furthermore these
models can be crude in their recommendations as they look
at user-user similarity for recommendations and can miss
out the niche interests of users that distinguish them from
other users. Some models, such as TwitterRank [37], require
the construction of a topically weighted graph which can
be problematic due to misleading topic signals from users’
activity. Moreover as prior work [31] suggests that these
methods can be prone to surfacing celebrities as topical authorities.
We propose an authority learning framework (ALF) that
side-steps these issues through the following design choices.
Topic vocabulary from Wikipedia. Wikipedia pages
are well defined; hence topics based on them can be incorporated to build a topic catalog. For instance,
can be a topic, albeit niche; unlike latent topic approaches,
we do not merge it with a relevant but popular topic such
clothing accessories. This is a crucial first step as there
might be niche audience for these niche topics and our goal is
to cater to their needs. Additionally,
Wikified topics simplifies the task of ground-truth collection and validation; e.g.,
it is trivial to verify the assignment of an
NBA player to
basketball than to a latent topic vector.
Infer interests from users’ biographies. Instagram
users can fill out a publicly viewable field called
where they can provide free-text about themselves. Among other things, they may choose to share their
profession, interests, etc. This is a sparse feature for individual users because not everyone provides a
description and neither does a user specify all her interests in
this section. However, when aggregated among followers of
popular accounts, they can provide meaningful information
about the account being followed.
Estimate authorities from followers’ interests. We
hypothesize that
an authority on a specific topic has a significantly higher proportion of followers interested in that
“. We operationalize this hypothesis by proposing a
generalized label propagation algorithm that propagates the
user interests over the follower graph. Our algorithm is a
generalization of the label propagation algorithm as it handles the scenario where only positive (or negative) labels are
present in the graph. Additionally, it allows us to trade between the
explainable” and broader” inferences depending
on the business needs. Finally, we compute the authority
scores from the label scores through a topic specific normalization and processing of the false-positives. We note that
while several graph-based approaches such as PageRank [8]
(and its variants) nominally employ a similar hypothesis,
however their direct application to our problem does not
yield accurate results, as we show experimentally.
Our approach is designed to handle the scale of data at
Instagram and it is tailored to have high precision while still
being computationally efficient. We conduct controlled experiments, in-the-wild tests, and over an expert-curated list
of topical authorities to show the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison to fine-tuned and competitive
prior methods. Our method yields over 16% better clickthrough and 11% better conversion rates for user recommendation task than the closest alternative method, and a
qualitative analysis of 24
; 000 (authority, topic) assignments
by ALF were judged to have a precision of 94%.
Outline: The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
We discuss the related work in Section 2. We describe our
design decisions in Section 3 and formally introduce our
model in Section 4. Section 5 outlines the real-time recommender based on the output of our model. Experimental
evaluation is discussed in Section 6, followed by conclusion
in Section 7. Proofs are deferred to the appendix.
Finding authoritative users in online services is a widely
studied problem. We discuss some popular methods and
application domains next.
Graph-based approaches. Among the most popular graph
based algorithms are PageRank [8], HITS [25] and their
variants, such as authority rank [13] that combines social
and textual authority through the HITS algorithm for the
World Wide Web (see [7] for a comprehensive survey). While
graph-based ranking algorithms such as PageRank and HITS

(on topically weighted graphs) are very popular, they do not
work well in our context because they are prone to surfacing celebrities since their repeated iterations tend to transfer
weight to the highly connected nodes in the graph. We solve
this issue by proposing a generalized label propagation algorithm that enables us to control for scores that are easily
explainable (i.e. from graph neighbors) and broader (i.e.
transferred over a path in the graph). Unlike PageRank,
the label propagation algorithm essentially penalizes users
that do not have a very topically specific following, which deters overly general celebrities from dominating the authority
lists. However that alone is not sufficient; we also show how
label scores can be used to generate users’ authority scores
through a topic specific normalization and a series of postprocessing steps, such as false positive removal, to obtain a
high quality list of authorities.
E-mail and Usenet. Fisher et al. [14] analyzed Usenet
newsgroups which revealed the presence of answer people”,
i.e. users with high out-degree and low in-degree who reply
to many but are rarely replied to, who provide most answers
to the questions in the community. Campbell et al. [10]
used a HITS-based graph algorithm to analyze the email
networks and showed that it performed better than other
graph algorithms for expertise computation. Several efforts
have also attempted to surface authoritative bloggers. Java
et al. [20], applying models proposed by Kempe et al. [23],
model the spread of influence on the Blogosphere in order to
select an influential set of bloggers who maximize the spread
of information on the blogosphere.
Question Answering. Authority identification has also
been explored extensively in the domain of community question answering (CQA). Agichtein et al. [1] extracted graph
features such as the degree distribution of users and their
PageRank, hubs and authority scores from the Yahoo Answers dataset to model a user’s relative importance based
on their network ties. They also consider the text based features of the question and answers using a language model.
Zhang et al. [38] modified PageRank to consider whom a
person answered in addition to how many people a person
answered. They combined the number of answers and number of questions of a user in one score, such that higher the
score higher the expertise. Jurczyk et al. [22] identified
authorities in Q&A communities using link analysis by considering the induced graph from interactions between users.
Microblogs. In the microblog domain, Weng et al. [37]
modeled Twitter in the form of a weighted directed topical
graph. They use topical tweets posted by a user to estimate
the topical distribution of the user and construct a separate
graph for each topic. The weights between two users indicate the degree of correlation between them in the context of
the given topic. A variant of PageRank called TwitterRank
is run over these graphs to estimate the topical importance
of each user. Pal et al. [31] proposed a feature-based algorithm for finding topical authorities in microblogs. They
used features to capture users’ topical signal and topical
prominence and ran clustering algorithms to find clusters of
experts; these users are then ranked using a Gaussian-based
ranking algorithm.
Recently, Popescu et al. [33] proposed an expertise modeling algorithm for Pinterest. They proposed several features
based on users contributions and graph influence. Pinterest
Figure 2: The fraction of topical followers to the
total number of followers for the set of basketball
players that were selected in the example of Fig. 1.
Only the top 5 topics based on fractions are selected
and the fractions are then normalized to sum to 1.
allows users to share categories along side their content and
users were ranked based on their category-based activity.
In summary, the notion of finding authorities has been explored extensively in other domains and has been dominated
by network analysis approaches, often in conjunction with
textual analysis. Within the photo-sharing arena, there is
relatively little work on the issue of authority identification
with the notable exception of [33]. Our model extends research in the authority detection arena by bringing a fresh
perspective in modeling users’ interests through their biographies and computing topical expertise through the label
propagation of followers’ interests. We propose a series of
steps such as topic-based normalization and elimination of
false positives to obtain highly accurate set of topical authorities. Our approach is computationally efficient and is
designed to handle the scale at Instagram.
We begin by exploring several design choices and assumptions that are fundamental to our model. We intuitively
show that these choices lead to an accurate representation
of authority among Instagram users.
3.1 Authority via Follower Interests
The first design question is: what is an effective authority
in the context of Instagram? Conventional methods
of authority in social media that rely upon textual features
(such as [28, 38, 31]) do not work here because users can post
overly general pictures with little to no textual information
in them. This phenomenon is highlighted in the example of
basketball players (Fig. 1).
On the other hand, if we examine the fraction of topical
2 of these basketball players (see Fig. 2), we observe
basketball surfaces at the top. Based on the proportions
of basketball followers, these players lie within the 90
percentile across all popular users { a strong reflector of their
basketball prowess. This leads to the following hypothesis.
2Number of followers interested in a given topic by the total
number of followers. The precise definition of topical interest
will be presented later.

Hashtag Coverage Tf-Idf
Trending tbt
Social love
Topical fashion

Table 1: Coverage (% of population using the hashtag) and tfidf of different hashtags based on one
month consumption data.
Here the statistics are divided with the statistics of the hashtag tbt for a relative comparison.
Hypothesis 1. An authority on topic t has a significantly
higher proportion of followers interested in
This hypothesis is central to our approach, and is employed
by several popular and successful graph based algorithms as
well [8, 25, 13, 37].
3.2 Interests via User Biographies
The underlying assumption of the previous choice is that
we are able to identify and extract users interests. Clearly
we cannot use the produced” content for this purpose. Alternately, one can consider the content consumed by the user
(liked and/or commented). Yet the consumed content can
lead to misleading interests, due to following issues:
I1 Not all users login regularly and consume content. Sporadic activity patterns can result in sparsity in interest
estimation { undermining authority estimation. E.g.,
if we sorted all users according to the fraction of their
followers who consumed the hashtag
basketball over
one-month period, the basketball players (from our example in Fig. 1) would only fall in the 80
90 percentile among all popular users. This is a considerable
underestimate of their authority on basketball.
I2 Trending or agenda-driven topics can mask core interests. Daily or weekly trending topics, such as throw
back Thursday
(tbt), women crush Wednesday (wcw),
photo of the day (potd) engage a large set of users regularly. Moreover, several content producers use special
hashtags (e.g.
like4like, follow4follow, tags4likes) to
communicate with their audience – eliciting an action
from them. Table 1 shows the statistics of these different types of hashtags indicating that some of the nontopical hashtags can overwhelm in terms of their popularity and yet be competitive on their
tf-idf scores.
I3 Friends and family effects. Due to social nature of
Instagram most users follow their friends and hence
their activity is mired with casual likes and comments
on their friends posts. As a result, hashtags like
family, friend appear as potential interests in Table 1.
I13 adds sparsity and noise to the interest estimation.
We sidestep these issues by considering the self reported
biographies of users. Extraction of interests from user biographies has also been explored by prior work (see for example [12]) and it offers several advantages: (1) users do not
change their biographies frequently, and (2) they are independent of login/activity patterns. These two aspects make
interest inference less sensitive to
trending, agenda, social,
spam topics { providing a relatively noise-free set of interests. Biographies also address the coverage issue to an
extent, since many users have publicly available non-empty
biographies. We now make the following observation:
Observation 1. Users tend to follow at least some accounts that match the interests reported in their biographies.
Observation 1 in conjunction with Hypothesis 1 is akin to
the concept of preferential attachment [4] along the topical
lines. Intuitively it makes sense for observation 1 to hold for
most users. For users where it does not hold, there is a clear
opportunity for recommendation algorithms to fill the gap.
3.3 Scope of Topics
Our next design choice pertains to defining the scope of
interests (topics) extracted from the biographies. Popular
topic models, such as LSI [11], pLSI [19], and LDA [6] define topics to be embeddings in a high dimensional word
space. However, these embedding are hard to interpret and
label. From the point of view of a topic catalog, these topic
embeddings cannot be directly shown to an end-user, as they
can confusingly merge several concepts together. Moreover,
the biographies from which we want to extract interests are
short text mired with typos and abbreviations, rendering
embedding formed from biographical text less useful. Finally, our choice of topics must also take into consideration
the following aspects:
Treating correlated topics separately. In context of Instagram, topics such as nature, earth, flower, plants
can be highly correlated. Merging these seemingly related topics would be non-desirable for end users with
finer tastes and also for content producers that focus
on a niche topic.
A topic can be annotated by different words. For example, both ‘lakers’ and ‘l. a. lakers’ point towards the
basketball team ‘
Los Angeles Lakers’. We must ensure
that such annotations are merged in the canonicalized
representation of the topic.
We handle above aspects by scoping a canonical topic to
be one having a Wikipedia page. There are several advantages of this choice: (1) it implicitly respects the topic correlations as most nuanced topics have dedicated Wikipedia
pages, (2) it provides a canonical representation for a topic,
which makes it easier to identify the different variations of
that topic, and (3) Wikipedia categories can be used for
blacklisting or whitelisting certain types of topics.
Unlike embedded topics, our topics can be utilized to
explain recommendations, such as, if u follows x, and x is an
authority on
t, then u might be interested in t“. Formally,
u ! x) ^ Authority(x; t) ) Interest(u; t): (1)
It is easier to verify the above claim manually than a similar
claim over a latent topic vector.

3.4 One-to-One Authority Topic Mapping
We make a key design choice of restricting a user to be an
authority on at the most one topic. Formally,
Authority(u; t) ) @t0(t0 6= t) ^ Authority(u; t0): (2)
From a practical point of view, this choice is necessary
to restrict popular users from dominating several topics at
once. In Fig. 2, we observe that the selected basketball players have a high probability score for topic
baseball as well. If
the one-topic restriction is not enforced, they would appear
as an authority on
baseball along side basketball – a scenario
we wish to avoid. While there can be instances where a user
dabbles in multiple topics (perhaps due to close relations between those topics), our restriction would surface that user
as an authority on only one of the topics. We consider this
acceptable since precision of authority detection is key; we
are tolerant to a partial authority representation but not
an inaccurate one.
Note, however, that a user is allowed
to have multiple interests (only authority assignments are
The complexity of the problem precludes a simple global
objective function that can be optimized to yield the authority scores. Instead, we propose to split the problem into
three well-defined stages, each of which can be individually
refined and tested. Fig. 3 presents the high level overview
of our authority learning framework (ALF). The first step is
the high-precision inference of the topical interests of users
from their publicly available biographies. As the figure suggests, we infer from user
A’s biography that she is interested
in topic
t1. Note that interests are inferred for only those
users who have filled in their biography section. The next
step is the joint inference of interests of all users, along with
baseline authority scores, via propagation of the interests
over the follower graph. For this purpose, we propose a generalized label propagation algorithm and present a practical
instantiation of this algorithm that is easy to implement and
parallelize. Finally, authority topics are assigned to the users
through normalization and post-processing on the authority
scores (user
B is assigned topic t1).
Notations. Formally, we have the follower graph G =
V; E) with V representing all Instagram users and edge
u ! v) 2 E indicate that user u follows user v. Let
= j(u ! v) 2 Ej be the number of incoming edges
v and nout
= j(v ! u) 2 Ej be the number of outgoing
edges from
v. Let T indicate the set of topics and I(u) ⊆ T
indicate the topical interests extracted from u’s self-reported
4.1 Topic Vocabulary & User Interests
From a large list of top-level Wikipedia categories, an
expert curator whitelisted a subset after filtering out categories that were irrelevant for our problem (e.g.,
organizations, players, religion, locations, books, languages, etc.). We

Biography Wikified topics
Big fan of l.a.lakers. Love hunt
ing and fishing
Los Angeles Lakers,
Hunting, Fishing
half japanese, like piano, violin Piano, Violin

Table 2: Some biographies and extracted interests.
Figure 3: High level overview of ALF.
then used a named entity detection model (see, for example, [15, 17, 9]) to identify entities (interests) mentioned in
the biographies of users and selected those that belonged to
at least one of the whitelisted categories. This yielded highprecision interests
I(·) for many users. Table 2 lists some
examples of inferred interests from the biographies. Finally,
we set
T = Su2V I(u).
4.2 Interest Propagation over Follower Graph
From the known interests of a few users, we must estimate authority scores for all users. The standard algorithm
in such cases is label propagation [39, 40], which works as follows. Consider a
jT j × jV j real valued matrix Sc where Stu c
is clamped to 1 if user u is interested in topic t, i.e., t 2 I(u),
otherwise it is left empty. The goal is to build a matrix
S so
as to minimize
C(S) = P(u!v)2E jjSu Svjj2, while ensuring that the known interests Sc are retained in S; here, Su
is the column vector of S and jjvjj is the 2-norm of vector v.
C(S) can be minimized by solving the fixed point equations

Sv = 1

v Pu!v Su + Pv!w Sw. However, this is
ill-suited to our problem: (a) authority scores are considered
identical to topical interest scores, which is not true, and (b)
this approach can be computationally intensive given the
scale of Instagram, as it might require many map-reduce
rounds over the follower graph until convergence.
Even if we created a separate matrix
F of authority scores,
and tried to infer both
S and F by minimizing the function P(u!v)2E jjSu F vjj2, this runs into two problems.
First, setting both
S and F to the all-ones matrix is a solution. Even if the objective is regularized to prevent this,
the results are not easily
explainable: the authority scores
of node
v can depend heavily on the interests of nodes far
from the local neighborhood of
v. However, simply restricting propagation to the local neighborhood risks losing the
power and advantages of label propagation. Instead, we propose a method to find
explainable and broader inferences,
that can then be weighted depending on the business needs.
Specifically, we split interests
S into the known interests
Sc and the broader” interests Si. Similarly, the authority
F are split into explainable” scores F e and broader”
F i. The explainable authority scores F e must be
based only on known interests
Sc, while the broader interests Si and scores F i must be consistent with each other.
Finally, we link the broader and explainable terms by requiring
Si to be close to that expected from F e. This leads
to the following objective:
Minimize 1
jjFve Scujj2
+ α · jjFve Sui jj2
+ β · jjFvi Sui jj2i (3)
The parameters
α and β trade-off the importance of matching the explainable terms and the inferred terms. Finally,
the authority score are a combination of the explainable and
inferred scores
F = F e + γ · F i; where the parameter γ is
chosen based on business concerns, such as the required degree of explainability of results.
A be the adjacency matrix of graph G.
Theorem 1. Under the objective of Eq. 3, we have
F = 1
1 +
Sc I + (1 + γ +αα)(1 + (1 +β=α γ) )M(I κM)1 P !
Si = 1
(1 +
α)(1 + β=α)ScM [I κM]1
Din = diag(1tA)
Dout = diag(A1)
κ = 1 +α α + αβ  1 + αβ 1
P ! = ADin1
P = AtDout 1
M = P !P ;
The operator P ! corresponds to propagating labels from
S to F , while P corresponds to the opposite propagation
M corresponds to a combination of the forward
and backward pass.
Since matrix inversion becomes difficult for large matrices,
a multi-pass solution is suggested by the following corollary.
Corollary 1. When 0 < β  1, 0 < α  minf1; γg,
F ScP ! + γ α
Sc “Xj α +β β Mj# P !:
Thus, the general solution can be found by a weighted label
propagation where a factor of
pβ=(α + β) is used to dampen
successive iterations. This prevents the interests of far-off
nodes from affecting authority scores too much, and keeps it
grounded in the interests of nodes in the local neighborhood.
Practical Instantiation of the Propagation Algorithm
Running multiple passes of the propagation algorithm can
be computationally intensive in large networks. We propose Algorithm 1 which works well in practice with just 3
passes. In the first pass, it computes the fraction of followers of
v interested in topic t w.r.t. the followers who express
some interests. In the second pass, interests of all users are
re-estimated, thereby increasing the coverage to all users.
Finally, the algorithm computes the label scores from the
inferred interests of all the followers. The algorithm only
requires 3 passes over the follower graph and in this sense it
is quite efficient. We also note that it is easy to parallelize
and it scales well to handle massive datasets.
The following corollary establishes the connection between
the solution of Eq. 3 and Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Fast Algorithm for Interest Propagation
F e = 0 and F i = 0.
Define C(F e) = 1 2 P(u!v)2E
jjFve Scujj2. The minimizer of C(F e) can be computed in closed form:
F e
Scu; (4)
= j fu : (u ! v) 2 E ^ I(u) 6= φg j
Define C(Si) = 12 P(u!v)2E jjFve Sui jj2. Compute minimizer of C(Si) as Sui = nout 1
P(u!v)2E Fve.
Define C(F i) = 1 2 P(u!v)2E jjFvi Sui jj2. Compute minimizer of C(F i) as Fvi = n1in
P(u!v)2E Sui .
F = F e + F i.
Corollary 2. When β  α  1 and γ = 1, we have
F Sc [I + M] P !, which is the same result as Algorithm 1.
Thus, Algorithm 1 solves the setting where explainability of
F e and Si in terms of the clamped interests is particularly
valued, and the final authority score
F weighs the explainable part F e and the inferred part F i equally.
4.3 Estimating Topical Authorities
There are three steps in estimating authority scores and

assigning authority topics to users.
scribed below.
These steps are de

4.3.1 Normalized Label Scores
Algorithm 1 ensures that F tu is high if u is a known authority on t, in keeping with Hypothesis 1. However, it provides no guarantees about the scores for topics where u is
not an authority. In fact, we notice that popular topics have
F scores in general, since most people are interested in
those topics. Hence, a naive authority selection method that
assigns topic arg max
tfF tug to user u would end up saying
most users are authorities on popular topics. To address
this issue, we must normalize the authority scores per topic
relative to other users.
In general, we would proceed by computing the cumulative
density, as follows:
PF (ujt) = 1
jV j X
1[F tu > F tv]; (5)
1[cond] is the indicator random variable which is 1
cond is true, otherwise 0. PF defines relative standing of
users per topic. However computing the
cdf function takes
O(jT j·jV log jV j) time, which is computationally intensive.
However, we make the following observation.
Observation 2. The rows of F are log-normally distributed.
Figure 4 confirms this trend for the basketball topic. This
observation simplifies our computations considerably. We

Standard Normal Quantiles
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Quantiles of Input Sample
2 0
Figure 4: Quantile plot of Log(F ) for topic basketball.
We randomly picked
10; 000 users for this plot.
compute the sufficient statistics per topic,

µ = ; σ = s
L1 diag([L µ1t][L µ1t]t)
jV j jVj

where L = logfF g. The sufficient statistics µ and σ can be
computed efficiently in
jT j · jV j time. The relative topic
scores are then computed for user
u through the z-score
normalization scheme:
ZF u = diag(σ)1(Lu µ): (6)
ZF represents the relative topical authority score of users.
4.3.2 Computing Authority Score
The z-scoring technique provides a way to compare how a
user fares on different topics. However, for users with a modest number of followers, it biases the computation towards
tail (less popular) topics. We illustrate this problem via the
three topics in Table 3. The topics have very different popularities but nearly identical
σ. However, mean µ increases
as popularity increases, which can propel a tail topic’s zscore over a that of a popular topic. For instance, consider
a tail topic
ttail and a popular topic tpop with σtail σpop
and µtail = µpop 4. For an expert u on tpop to be labeled
accurately by z-score, we must have:
F t
F ttailu > 10µtpopµttail = 10; 000: (7)
For users with even 10
4 followers, clearing the above threshold is not possible, unless F ttailu = 0. Clearly, for a moderately popular account, satisfying the above inequality is a
tall order. Our solution is to weight
ZF with the number
of topical followers, as follows:
wZF u = diag(ZF u log (nin u F u)t): (8)
This weighted z-score
wZF solves the problem of a low popularity topic bumping up without merit. A second benefit
is that it provides an intuitive ordering of top-ranked users
for each topic; ordering based on
ZF alone is not useful

Topic name Popularity µ σ
Music High -3.04 0.51
Comedy Medium -5.84 0.52
Planet Low -7.62 0.55

Table 3: Statistics of some topics.
for recommendation as it is susceptible to placing low popularity accounts over popular ones. This issue is elegantly
addressed by the
wZF scheme which combines the z-score
with the topical popularity of the account { providing a robust ordering.
4.3.3 Eliminating False Positives
We use wZF to assign topics to users (u is assigned
topic arg max
tfwZF tug). However, downstream applications may require high precision; for example, a recommendation system based on authority detection would require
high confidence in authority assignments. Hence, we need a
post-processing step to filter out false positives. Although,
wZF mitigates the false positive issue to a large extent,
it does not resolve it completely. Here we identify the two
main types of false positives that are not yet addressed.
FP1 Tail user with low authority scores. Users with moderate to low follower count can crowd a popular topic.
FP2 Celebrities with high authority scores. Certain celebrities that are followed by users with different crosssections of interests can be assigned wrong topics.
Solving FP1. F P 1 is characterized with low wZF scores
which can be effectively addressed by filtering assignments
that fall below a certain threshold. A standard way of computing the threshold is by picking scores that are above
a fixed percentile level
ρ. Let the sorted set of authorities for topic t be the users m1; m2; : : : ; mnt, where nt
is the number of users assigned as authorities on t and
wZF t;mi wZF t;mj for i < j. The threshold θt for topic
t is then defined as
θt = wZF t;qt
where qt = j100 ρ ntk :
While this is intuitively appealing, no single percentile
ρ works well over the entire range of topics. This is
because for topics with very large
nt, θt values turn out to
be very low { amounting to an ineffective filtering for these
topics. If
ρ is decreased to take care of this issue, then it
would result in a very aggressive filtering for topics with low
nt. Instead, we divide the topics into three buckets: popular,
mid, and tail based on their nt values, and use a separate
percentile level per bucket. For example, for a popular topic,
the percentile level
ρpop would be used for filtering. The
percentile level for the buckets follows the constraint:

τρpop = ρmid = ρtail=τ;
where we set ρmid = 60 and τ = 1:5.

Solving FP2. Celebrity false positives are characterized
with high
wZF scores. Hence the thresholding that is applied for filtering FP1 does not work for this case. Instead,
we consider a voting between the different scores obtained
thus far. Since
wZF is already used for assigning authority topics to users, we consider F and ZF . For assignment
Algorithm 2 Authority Based Recommender
Require: A; u; a; ^ ^b
Φ = fg
for t 2 T do
Φt = fg
if atu > a^ then
v 2 At and jΦtj < ^b do
u 6! v then
Φt = Φt [ fvg
end if
end for
end if
end for
St2T Φt
(x; t) obtained from wZF , if t appears within top k of both
the scorers
F and ZF , the authority assignment is retained,
otherwise it is discarded.
Intuitively, if the celebrity is assigned a niche topic, then
we expect that topic to not appear in the top-
k of her F
score. On the other hand, if she is assigned a popular topic,
then we have similar expectation from the
ZF score. Empirically, we find that k = 5 works best.
Time Complexity of ALF
The time complexity of ALF is O(jT j·(jV j+jEj)). This is because our interest propagation algorithm runs in O(jT j·jEj)
time. From computation of authority scores to elimination
of false positives the time complexity is
O(jT j·jV j). We put
ALF to practice for the large scale at Instagram through
Apache Hive
The output of ALF model is an ordered authority list
A) for each topic t in T , ordered in decreasing order of
wZF t· scores for users that are assigned that topic. Now, a
user’s enthusiasm for topic
t can be judged by the number
of authorities on
t that she follows.
atu = jfv : v 2 At ^ u ! vgj (10)
atu is greater than a specified threshold ^ a then we consider
u to be highly enthusiastic about t. In this case, the top ^b
relevant authorities in t that u is not already following are
recommended to her. Algorithm 2 details this process.
We provide four different evaluations to test the effectiveness of our model. First, we report our performance compared to other state of the art baseline models in a what
users to follow
” suggestion task in an actual production environment. Second, we provide a controlled comparison of
the best performing baseline and ALF in a live experimental setting. Third, we compare ALF to several benchmark
models in a recall task that utilizes an
expert curated list of
topical authorities. Finally, we report a manual validation
of the top accounts identified by our approach across 120
different topics and 24
; 000 labeled accounts.

Model CTR Conversion
ALF 1:0 1:0
NN-based 0.68 0.71
MF-based 0.45 0.41
Hybrid 0.79 0.88
Graph-based 0.82 0.75

Table 4: Performance of the best performing recommendation model within each category for the
user recommendation task in the production environment. For a relative comparison, the performance numbers are normalized w.r.t. ALF.
6.1 User Recommendation Task
Our first goal is to test the performance of our model
for the task of recommending users to follow. We compare
our model against several fine-tuned baseline models in an
actual production environment. We present a high-level categorization of the baseline models.
NN-based: This category comprises of nearest neighbor (NN) based collaborative-filtering (CF) models to
compute user similarity
4 (e.g. [18, 35]). For a general
survey on other recommendation methods, see [27, 2].
MF-based: This family of models uses matrix factorization based methods for recommendation (see for example PMF [34], Koren et al. [26]).
Hybrid: These models combine content based methods
with collaborative filtering methods for recommendation (see for example [29, 26, 24]).
Graph-based: These models recommend using graph
based features such as PageRank [8], preferential attachment [4], node centrality, friends of friends, etc.
First, each model generates
k recommendations per user
in realtime. The generated recommendations from all the
models are then mixed together and an independent ranker
orders them. Finally the ordered recommendations are shown
to the end user. We measure the performance of a recommender on two criteria: (1)
click through rate (CTR), which
is the observed probability of users clicking the recommendations, and (2)
conversion rate, which is the observed probability of users actually choosing to follow the recommended
account. For a fair evaluation, we account for the position
bias effect [21] by measuring the performance of a model
only if one of its recommendations is shown in the top position. The recommendations are shown over a 1-week period
to all Instagram users.
Table 4 shows the relative performance of different models
in comparison to ALF. We observe that ALF performs better
than all the baseline models. The performance numbers are
significant using one-sided t-test with
p = 0:001. The result
shows that in a live production setting, our model is able to
generate more useful recommendations in comparison to all
the fine-tuned baseline methods.
6.2 Recommendation in a Controlled Setting
The previous experiment measured the performance of the
models in-the-wild, i.e., the recommendations from all the
4Similarity can be computed on the basis of co-likes, cofollows, co-occurrence of hashtags or interests.

Model CTR Conversion Participation
ALF 1 1 1
Hybrid 0.84 0.89 0.95

Table 5: Performance of the best baseline in comparison to ALF in a controlled production environment.
models were competing against one another simultaneously.
Next, we consider a controlled setting in which we compared our model with the best baseline model (
Hybrid) in
a randomized trial. The randomized trial overcomes the
confounding bias and helps in the attribution of user participation
5 increase directly to the underlying model.
We perform A/B testing using a block randomized trial on
a 5% random sample of Instagram users. The users are split
into treatment and control groups, while controlling for the
population distribution within the two groups. The control
group is shown the recommendations generated by the best
baseline (
Hybrid) while the treatment group is shown recommendations by ALF. Apart from CTR and conversion,
we also measure the increase in user participation once they
acted on the recommendations. We ran this experiment for
a 1-week period.
Table 5 shows that our model performs better than the
best baseline model (with
p = 0:001 using one-sided t-test).
In particular, the improvement in user participation indicates that indeed ALF generates recommendations that are
more appealing to the end-users
6.3 Precision and Recall Comparison
Here we compare our model with prior state-of-art models
over a labeled dataset. This curated set consists of 25 topics,
with 15 must-follow authorities on each of those topics. We
use this dataset to perform a detailed comparison against a
broader class of models, and also to test variants of ALF.
The models we tested were the following:
TwitterRank: We constructed the topically weighted
follower graph based on the similarity of topical activity of two nodes and used the TwitterRank [37] algorithm over the topical graph to identify the topical
Hashtags: This baseline uses the approach proposed
by Pal et al. [31]. Here we consider the hashtags from
the content generated by the users and generate several
graph-based and nodal metrics for the users and ran
the proposed ranker.
LDA: Each user is associated with a document” containing the biographies of all her followers. LDA is
run on these documents, and LDA topics that closely
match the 15 labeled topics are manually identified.
Next, each user is associated with several features, including the LDA topic probabilities, number of followers for each topic, and features obtained from Hashtags and the follower graph. The relative importances
5Number of likes and comments within a login session account for the participation.
6We note in passing that the numbers in Tables 4 and 5 are
not directly comparable due to the confounding effects of
other methods in Table 4.

Method Precision Recall F1 = 2P R
TwitterRank 0.81 0.31 0.45
Hashtags 0.84 0.26 0.40
LDA 0.68 0.18 0.28
PageRank 0.85 0.21 0.34
Likes only 0.96 0.54 0.69
Posts only 0.92 0.56 0.70
No Wiki 0.91 0.41 0.56
No weighting 0.96 0.57 0.72
ALF 0.96 0.66 0.78

Table 6: Precision and Recall of different models
over the label dataset. We set
k = 200 to compute
the performance of the models.
of these features are learnt by multinomial logistic regression [5] using 5 topics and their 15 known authorities as positive examples. These features are then
used to rank the authorities for the remaining 20 labeled topics. Experiments were repeated with different
train/test splits on topics.
PageRank: This baseline uses PageRank [8] over the
follower graph. For each topic
t, a separate iteration
of the PageRank algorithm is run after initializing the
PageRank of user
u to 1 if u mentions topic t in her
biography (i.e.
Stu c = 1). Finally, a user is assigned
the topic for which she has the highest PageRank.
Likes only: This method extracts users’ interests based
on the content liked by them and then runs ALF on
these interests.
Posts only: This method extracts users’ interests based
on the content generated by them and then runs ALF
on these interests.
No Wiki: This method considers all the unigrams from
the users’ biography as interests and then runs ALF
on these interests.
No weighting: This baseline is based on ALF with a
difference that users were scored based on their
score instead of wZF .
Performance Metric: We compare the performance of the
models on the basis of their precision and recall. Let
t denote a topic from the label dataset and Bt denote the set
of authorities on
t as identified in the curated dataset. Let
Ak t denote the top k authorities on t discovered by a given
model. Model precision and recall is then defined as follows:

Precisionk = jA Btj Recallk = jA B tj

k t Ak t St Bt k tjBtj We note that we must use a non-standard measure of precision since the curated list of authorities is not comprehensive, so a model’s precision should only be measured over
the authorities that are labeled.
We pick top
k = 200 authorities per model. Table 6 shows
the performance of the different models. The result shows
that our model has the highest precision. This is intuitively
expected as we take steps to ensure that false positives are
eliminated. However it also has the highest recall, which
shows its effectiveness at discovering topical authorities.

In terms of the performance of variants of ALF, we notice that all of them have high precision. However the recall
varies. The models based on the users’ production or consumption data have much lower recall, confirming our initial
assessment that models based on users’ activity might not
work as well for this domain. We also note that the PageRank based model does not work as well due to the concentration of scores at nodes with large in-degree. We also note
that z-scoring without weighting by follower counts has lower
recall than ALF. Overall, the results emphasize the fact that
users’ biographies are a more effective estimator of their interests than their activity.
6.4 Qualitative Model Performance
The experiments so far establish the effectiveness of ALF
for the recommendation task and in surfacing well-known
topical authorities. Here we estimate the qualitative performance of the model using domain experts. For this, we
selected the most popular 120 topics discovered by ALF and
top 200 authorities identified by ALF per topic. The popularity of a topic is defined based on the number of users
enthusiastic about that topic (see Eq. 10). The resulting
dataset consists of 24
; 000 authorities.
The expert evaluators were asked to evaluate based on
the public content of the authorities whether a user is an
authority on the assigned topic or not”. The expert assessment yielded a 94% accuracy score for ALF. The high accuracy level over this large labeled dataset is consistent with
the precision of ALF over the labeled dataset. This result
highlights the efficacy of ALF for authority discovery in Instagram.
In this paper, we presented an Authority Learning Framework (ALF) which is based on the self-described interests of
the followers of popular users. We proposed a generalized label propagation algorithm to propagate these interests over
the follower graph and proposed a practical instantiation of
it that is practically feasible and effective. We also showed
how authority scores can be computed from the topic specific
normalization and how different types of false positives can
be eliminated to obtain high quality topic authority lists.
We conducted rigorous experiments in production setting
and over a hand-curated dataset to show the effectiveness
of ALF over competitive baseline methods for the user recommendation task. Qualitative evaluation of ALF showed
that it yields high precision authority lists. As part of future
work, we would like to combine variants of ALF and examine
its performance for the user recommendation task.
Proof of Theorem 1. By setting to zero the derivatives of the objective (Eq. 3) with respect to F i, Si, and
F e respectively, we find:
F i
Pfuju!v2Eg Sui
Pfvju!v2Eg Fve + β=αFvi
· (1 + β=α) (12)
F e
Pfuju!v2Eg Suc + α · Sui 
· (1 + α) (13)
These may be written in matrix form as follows:
F i = SiADin1 (14)
Si = 1
1 +
β=α F e + αβ F i AtDout 1 (15)
F e = 1
1 +
α Sc + αSi ADin1 (16)
Substituting into equation 15, we find:
(1 +
β=α) Si = Sc1 + + ααSi  P ! + αβ SiP ! P
) Si = 1
(1 +
α)(1 + β=α)ScP !P + κSiP !P
) Si = 1
(1 +
α)(1 + β=α)ScM [I κM]1
Substituting back into Eqs. 14 and 16, we get the equations
F e and F i. Now, using F = F e +γF i yields the desired
To show that the inverse always exists, note that 0
κ <
1. Also, the entries of M are given by
Mij = X
nout j :
Hence, the row-sum of row i in M is Pj Mij = 1, which
is identical for every row. Hence, by the Perron-Frobenius
Theorem, the maximum eigenvalue of
M is 1. Hence, the
maximum eigenvalue of
κM is κ < 1. Hence, the inverse of
I κM exists.
Proof of Corollary 1. Applying α  minf1; γg and
β  1 to Theorem 1, we find:
F Sc I + 1 +γβ=αM (I κM)1 P ! (17)
ScP ! + γ
1 + β=αM (I κM)1 P ! (18)
Under the conditions of the Corollary, we observe that
β=(α + β). Now, doing a Neumann series expansion of the
inverse, we get:
F ScP !+

γ α +β β β 2

1 + β=α M + M2 + α +β M3 + : : :! P !
= ScP ! + γ α
Sc “Xj α +β β Mj# P ! (19)
Proof of Corollary 2. Under the conditions of the Corollary, β=α 0 and hence κ 0. Hence, from Thm. 1, we
F Sc [I + M] P !:
Now, consider Algorithm 1. Pass 1 corresponds to the calculation of F e = ScP !. Pass 2 sets Si = F eP = ScM
(since M = P !P ). Finally, pass 3 sets F i = SiP ! =
ScMP !. Hence, the final computation of F yields F =
F e + F i = Sc [I + M] P !, as desired.
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