Digital Visual Journal

63 views 9:18 am 0 Comments March 23, 2023

9:13 D 0 IMI A • 111 1 1 Ail

You will provide focus to your Digital Visual Journal by choosing a concept that emerged for you throughout the unit.
Some examples of concepts or your inquiry might be…
• Movement, Encounter, Ecologies, Assemblage, or Time (the concepts in the Encounters with Materials book)
• Specific concepts like: ‘Using Natural materials’ or ‘Embedding Indigenous perspectives’
• Broader concepts like: Form (What is art?), Function (How does art work?), Change (How is art changing?), Connection (How is art connected to other things?), Responsibility (What is our responsibility as ECEs when teaching art?)
• Any other concept that has emerged for you throughout the unit! Be creative! Post ideas on the discussion board if you’re not sure You should title your journal ‘An inquiry into…’ (and complete the sentence with your concept) Your Digital Visual Journal will examine this concept through your artistic inquiries with sound, music, movement, drama and materials. You will use a range of media – photography, written or audio narratives, videos, drawings, music, sound recordings and other creative media in this journal. You will reflect on your own learning as an artist and discuss how this learning can be applied to your practice as an educator, making connections to the unit readings and resources.
While you should start with a collection of your