Digital Marketing Content Publishing and Analysis

109 views 11:46 am 0 Comments May 9, 2023

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Assessment 2: Digital Marketing Content Publishing and Analysis: Wix and Google Analytics (Individual Assessment) (25% of the final grade) Please note: this assessment is based on the same case study as Assessment 1: The Digital Marketing Crew brand. This assessment consists of:
1. Blog Content Creation – using ChatGPT. create a draft blog post to the specifications below. 2. Website Content Publishing – using Wix, publish your blog onto The Digital Marketing Crew’s blog site: thedigitalmarketingerew.eom e . The blog post must be on a contemporary digital marketing topic and needs to fit into one of the following blog page categories: Content Marketing. Digital Marketing Trends. Digital Consumers. or Digital Analytics. 3. Google Analytics Reports Interpretation – interpret three(3) various reports for the p website and make recommendations to optimize the site (these 3 reports will be provided to you in Assessment 2 folder on Canvas): 4. Written report about the above points as per instructions below.
This individual assessment is designed to refine and apply your digital marketing content publishing and analysis skills. specifically. your skills in creating, publishing and analysing digital content using a website platform – Wix and ChatGPT. and website tracking reports in Google Analytics. In week 5, you will receive via email: 1. Contributor log-in details for the MKT5325 website set up in p. 2. Detailed instructions on how to contribute to the Blog page of the website.
In subsequent weeks, you will: 3. Do tutorial hands-on activities which will take you through the Wix instructions for how to contribute to the ff. page. 4. Be taken through Google Analytics.
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