Develop the knowledge and skills

114 views 7:43 am 0 Comments February 28, 2023

This module airns to develop the knowledge and skills required of the graduate adult nurse to assess, plan and evaluate care across the lifespan during illness that is person centred and evidence-based. It will focus on interventions to address physical, cognitive, mental, spiritual, behavioural and social health needs during illness 10. Leaming Outcomes: On completion of this module, the successful student will be able to: 1. Discuss the role of the adult nurse in assessrnent and planning of care during illness, differentiating between the nurse’s role and that of other health professionals 2. Explain how clinical decisions and interventions are influenced by assessment showing appreciation that needs during illness are at tirnes uncertain and will change requiring the need to evaluate and re-assess 3. Compare and contrast the different types of knowledge utilised when rnaking clinical decisions and planning care 4. Discuss commonly encountered physical, mental, cognitive, behavioural health conditions and the nursing interventions to manage such conditions in adult nursing practice 5.Dernonstrate the knowledge and skills required to plan care across the life span and in a range of clinical settings for adult nursing practice 11. Syllabus: • Healthcare provision in different health and social care settings — primary care, secondary care • Models of care delivery and working collaboratively in health and social care settings • Healthcare partnership and person-centred/farnily centred care • Nursing practice and decision rnaking — introduction to clinical decision rnaking in illness • Health- illness continuum — disease classification/definitions, exploring illness and how this can change • The value of research in nursing and clinical decision making. Critical thinking and evidence-based care in nursing. Applying the evidence to plan care. • Managing care of the adult patient – Respiratory illness, cardiac illness, neurological illness, gastro-intestinal illness, endocrine illness, cancer care, sickle cell disease, surgical nursing care, the older adult • Planning care to rneet the physical and psychosocial needs of the ill person related to field of practice • The care planning process -differentiating between a medical diagnoses and nursing diagnoses. Developing nursing diagnoses and planning interventions to promote recovery, stability and maintain health Clinical Skills Serslons • Neurological assessrnent • Care of the unconscious patient • Assessrnent and rnanagement of skin integrity and wounds • Cardiac and Respiratory assessrnent