Develop students understanding and expertise

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The aim of this subject is to develop students understanding and expertise in the efficient and effective management of hotel service operations.

MHC602 Introduction to th

Aim of the unit:

The aim of this subject is to develop students understanding and expertise in the efficient and effective of hotel service operations. Students will be provided with practical management skills within an applied context (focusing specifically on food and beverage services) together with the overall theoretical knowledge required to manage a hotel.

The Learning Outcomes for this unit are:

On completing this subject, students will be able to:

Undertake and reflect critically upon food and beverage management functions;

Appraise the key characteristics and complexities of the hospitality industry;

Assess the interdependencies between the hospitality, event, tourism and travel sectors;

Critically reflect upon the key skills and resources needed and applied in hotel food and beverage operations;

Critically analyse and utilise the various ownership/management models of the international accommodation sector;

Evaluate a hotel with regard to its markets, service levels and staffing;

Evaluate the changing nature of environmental, social, technological; and legal trends, influencing hotel operations;

Apply the principles of sustainability to food and beverage operations

Assessment Type Weighting Due Learning Outcomes
Learning Portfolio 60% Week 6 and 10 b, c, e, f, g, h.
Applied Learning 40% Week 5 Group A

Week 6 Group B

a, b, d, e, h.

Assessment 1 – Report

The aim of reflection is to develop an action cycle where reflection leads to improvement and / or insight.

Reflective thinking is:

Presenting an academic position based on prior experience and current learning and defending that argument with research.

A form of personal response to experiences, situations, events or new information (from class and research), a ‘processing’ phase where thinking and learning takes place’.

Starts with you. Before you can begin to assess the words and ideas of others (research), you need to pause and identify and examine your own thoughts.

Involves revisiting your prior experience and knowledge of the topic you are exploring and considering how and why you think the way you do.

Recognise and clarify the important connections between what you already know and what you are learning.

A way of helping you to become an active, aware and critical learner, supporting your arguments with evidence.

Reflective writing is not:

just conveying information, instruction or argument

pure description

straightforward decision or judgment (e.g. about whether something is right or wrong, good or bad)

simple problem-solving

a summary of course notes

a standard university essay

Presentation Guidelines – as a minimum the portfolio should include:

Executive Summary/or/Introduction

Table of Contents

Topic titles and content clearly defined by headings and sub-headings under each topic

Reference List

Submission Guidelines:

Typed in report format as specified (refer to CALS) and uploaded to Turnitin on time of the due date.

Word count approx. 2,500 per Portfolio part (excluding tables)

Students must refer, in text, to a minimum of 12 journal articles (for each submission), plus others as required, in order to show competency in the assessment. Failure to meet this standard will result in a fail grade for this assessment.

All referencing must be in accordance with the school’s Policy (see CALS)

To be submitted in electronic form in PDF version to

A school assessment cover-sheet to be submitted with your paper.

Complete and attach a plagiarism form.

See marking rubric attached at the end of this document for your reference, but you do not need to attach this rubric to your submissions.

Learning Portfolio Part A

After reading the Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser, & Schlesinger (2008) article “Putting the service-profit chain to work” and watching the Joseph Pine TED talk “The experience economy”.

In your answer you must:

Analsye how these concepts are imperative for any hospitality manager to use in the hotel industry.

Provide examples to support the practical application of these concepts within the hotel sector

Detail the metrics a manager could use to measure the effectiveness of these concepts.

Maximum 2,500 words

Service Profit Chain:

The Service Economy:

Learning Portfolio B

Analyse how food and beverage outlets can use tools such as “Competitive Advantage” and“Value Chain Analysis” to ensure they meet their strategic objectives.

Define these concepts from a food and beverage perspective

In your answer examine the competitive nature of the Sydney food and beverage industry

Detail examples of bars and upmarket restaurants that exemplify these concepts in Australia (not fast food restaurants)

Analyse how food and beverage outlets use menu engineering to maximise profit

MHC602 INTRODUCTION TO HOSPITALITY Portfolio Assessment Criteria

Criterion  1

Quality of Research (20%)

Research based only on a few or irrelevant secondary sources. Fails to meet minimum referencing requirements. Research based on few but relevant secondary sources mostly emphasising limited perspective. Research based on adequate number of relevant secondary and primary sources representing all perspectives in general terms. Research based on important secondary and primary sources representing all perspectives and identifying different perspectives. Research based on important secondary sources, emphasis on primary sources representing all perspectives, identifying different perspectives and contradictions.
Criterion  2-3

Level of analysis and application of concepts (40%)

Analysis mostly absent; Lack of understanding of concepts from readings or just mentioning the terms without showing understanding. Use of terms relevant to analyse the subject matter, showing some comprehension but only a generalist understanding. Identifying different perspectives; discussing them and identifying the differences between them. Using concepts with a good understanding Discussing concepts and different perspectives integrating the relations between them and extracting implications from differences and similarities. Discussing different perspectives, integrating the relations between them and extracting implications from differences and similarities.
Criterion  4

Critical, reflective thinking and substantiation of argument (20%)

Poor use of argument and absence of critical thinking and/or reflection. Minimal but convincing use of argument to substantiate the points under discussion. Some attempt at critical reflection. Actually being reflective, producing a good interpretation of issues under evaluation. Adequate substantiation of argument. Very reflective, producing a good interpretation of issues under evaluation, comparative analysis of alternative options. Relevant and convincing use of argument. Very reflective, excellent interpretation of issues under evaluation, comparing alternative options, original interpretations and reflections. Relevant convincing use of arguments to substantiate points, integrating different perspectives.
Criterion  5

Overall presentation and clarity of expression (sound sentence structure, grammar and spelling) (20%)

Incomprehensible due to poor written language competence or careless writing. Satisfactory but with some difficulties in communicating ideas. Some language mistakes but good communication of ideas, basically well written. Very well written with few minor mistakes. Excellent writing, which demonstrates careful revision to avoid minor mistakes.