Develop contracts and manage contract performance

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ICT60220 – Advanced Diploma of Information Technology


ICTICT612 – Develop contracts and manage contract performance

Trainer/Assessors Name

Fredro Harjanto

Student Name

Student ID number

Business this assessment is based on: Simulation Pack
Documentation reviewed as preparation: King Edward VII Colleges ICT Upgrades

I acknowledge that my assessment documents will be reviewed as part of the assessment validation and moderation process and/or during auditing. I understand, if during a regulatory audit my assessment is deemed to be unsatisfactory, I will be requested to resit/resubmit. If this request to be reassessed is ignored, QIBA can revoke the qualification.



Student signature:



Section 1: Contract development

Contract requirements

Describe the contract requirements (products/services required), as well as applicable contract boundaries based on workplace procedures.

Based on the products/services required, research and identify suitable vendor/s that will be involved as part of the contract with the client. Include their company name, contact details and the details of the products or services will they provide?

Explain why you have chosen this vendor.

Describe the criteria that will be used to determine the performance of the contract.

Contract requirements:

Research and identify suitable vendors:

(Company name, contact details, details of products/services)

Reasons why you have chosen this vendor



You are to develop and document your contract. Include the name of the contract document here and make sure you attach it to your Portfolio as per the attachment reminder below.


Develop the contract (use the template from simulation pack on page 4)

Attach: Contract

Section 2: Contract negotiation and formulation

Contract feedback

Describe the feedback you received on your contract. What problems did it highlight with the contract? What will you do to change this?



Problem highlighted with the contract


Your action to change this

Updated contract

Include the title of your updated contract here and attach it to your Portfolio.

Update your contract from Section 1
Attach: Updated contract

Section 3: Contract monitoring

Contract monitoring

Based on the feedback, provided by staff, the vendor and the client answer the following questions:

Has the contract been implemented as required. Explain why or why not?

Describe contract performance as per the performance criteria included in the contract and contractual obligations overall.

Discuss contract performance in terms of its alignment to the workplace’s goals and values.

Facilitate negotiations

Given the issues above, you are to document two individual communications that can be sent to the client and vendor to resolve the issues.

Consider what variations could be made to the contract and seek to negotiate these.

Write the name of the communication documents here.

Attach communications to your Portfolio.

Contract variations

Given the above, provide your recommendations to vary the contract.

Seek approval for your recommendations

Draft an email or other suitable communication seeking feedback on your recommendations and asking for feedback.

Write the name of the communication here.

Attach your email or other communication to your Portfolio.


Describe the feedback you were provided with.

Document your response to that feedback.

Attach: Communications with vendor and supplier

Communication seeking contract variation