Assessment type: Group assessment Purpose: This assessment will allow students to develop a website. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes c and d. Value: 50% (Project plan 10%; Group report 25%; Group presentation 15%) Due Date: Week 4 (Project plan); Week 10 (Group report); Weeks 11-12 (Group presentations) Assessment topic: Group Project (3-5 members in a group): project plan (500 words — will be discussed in class), report with working prototype (2,500 words) and presentation (15 minutes).
Task Details: This assessment requires students to design a website of their choice in their area of interest. Students are required to develop a prototype of the website. The prototype will be used to test the applicability of interface design. Students are allowed to design and develop the prototype in HTML and CSS only based on the skill acquired in the tutorials. A group report needs to be completed and students must present the outcome of their project. Students will be expected to answer the questions during the presentation about their project.
The project plan must include:
1) Title and description of the website 2) Design Plan (preliminary sketches of the website) 3) Members role and responsibilities 4) Project Plan (Gantt Chart and other related information)
The Report must contain following sections,
1) Introduction of the report 2) Detailed design of the webpages and all interfaces 3) Prototype development with testing and screenshots 4) Conclusion and Recommendations 5) References
Presentation: The students will give 15 min presentation and demonstration of their project.
Assessment 4 – Rubric Marking for Project Plan (10%), Due week 4
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Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Effective Excellent Exceptional Z’iTaff,11:* given 0 —45%)Fall Pan (50 – 84%) Credit 85 – 74%) Distinction (75 – 84%) High Distinction 85 – 100%) Tide and description 4 Marks Title is not clear and rrelevant to the project, no description of the project provided Title is specific and relevant: the ncomplete project descHption is provided itle is specific and event, provided the omplete project •ascription itle and project description are very II written itle and project ascription are very li written and dditionel sections eve been added for lam, Design Ran 2 Marks No specification In the form of a prototype or process provided the napplicable design plan Some specification In he form of a prototypeor process is provided n the design plan ost of the -pacification in the orm of a prototype or is provided in he design plan II the specification in e form of a prototype r process Is provided in the design plan with some future scope and limitations h II Me specification in he form of a prototype pr process is provided n the design plan; also tiered the future cope and !Imitate,ns in ern, of real-world pplicatons Members roles and responsibility 2 Marks Members Wee and responsibility are not dear and specific Members roles and responsibility are clear with same of the specific details embers roles and esponsibility are dee 0) most of the pacific details Members rdes and responsibility are dear; the distribution of the project work is evenly distributed to support their efforts embers roles and esponsibility are very ell written; the • istributon of their reject work g upported with enough vidence Project plan 2 Marks The control and execution of a project plan is not clear and Convincing The control and sxecution of a project plan is dear but the supporting contents which required from a project plan is not provided he Control and xecation of a project •Ian is dear and ome of theupporting contents hick required from a project plan is also provided The project Plan IS well – written with most of the required fields such as a resource tit, work breakdown structure,a project schedule, a risk plan and the scope of work statement is p