Design databases

184 views 10:14 am 0 Comments August 8, 2023
Student Name Student Number
Unit Code/s & Name/s ICTDBS506 – Design databases
Cluster Name
If applicable
Assessment Type ☐ Case Study Assignment Project Other (specify)
Assessment Name AT1 – Database research questions Assessment Task No. 1 of 2
Assessment Due Date Week 8 Date Submitted / /
Assessor Name
Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student Signature Date / /
PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: TAFE Queensland is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees of TAFE Queensland. Some of this information may be given to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or its successor and/or TAFE Queensland for audit and/or reporting purposes. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us written permission or we are required by law.
Instructions to Student General Instructions:

You are required to answer 25 questions using your own research skills to provide the answers along with examples that illustrate your answers. You are also required to include a list of references at the end which includes all the sources you accessed. Ensure you use an appropriate reference style. There are websites available which generate them for you. One of these is HarvardGenerator1.


Information / Materials provided:

A computer with internet access provided in classroom


Work, Health and Safety:

The environment should be assessed for safety prior to class. Special considering should be taken regarding potential ICT related hazards such as tripping hazards, electromagnetic radiation, ergonomics and posture.

TAFE Queensland health and safety policies and procedures should be followed at all times.

Details of location –

TAFE will provide simulated work environment in the classroom all practical activities should be completed in the classroom with teacher/tutor assistance; however, it is possible to complete these tasks on a home computer with internet access, web browser and office suits or similar.

Time restrictions – Students can start completing this assessment from week 2, however students have until week 7 to complete and submit the assessment.

Level of assistance permitted –

Teachers and tutors should be available in class, and accessible by email for students working from home. Staff cannot directly provide students answers but can guide them to where to go to complete tasks individually.

If you are unable to submit an assessment you must notify your teacher before the assessment due date and supply a doctor’s certificate and an extension approval from the team manager.

Reasonable adjustments will be made for students as and when appropriate, after consultation with the Accessibility and Counselling team. You must see your teacher prior to assessment regarding this.

RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) is available for this unit. Speak to your teacher/assessor to check if you qualify for RPL.


Assessment Criteria:

To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:

Relational database

Database features

Data analysis process

Conceptual data modelling

Logical model and physical model

Entity relationship diagram (ERD)

Identifying relationship on an entity relationship diagram (ERD)

Normalisation, data redundancy and normal forms

DBMS, technical, and economic factors in choosing a DBMS.

Password encryption, authentication

Data structure, data type

Foreign key constraint, referential integrity constraint rules

Data definition language (DDL)

Case diagram

Check constraints.

The concepts of the object model design

Vertical scalability and horizontal scalability

Number of Attempts:

You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will arrange a due date for the submission of your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task.

For more information, refer to the Student Rules.

Submission details

Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission. Your teacher will provide all the details for the submission system or network.

Due Date

Week 7

You are required to answer the questions in this document in the space provided under each question and save the document as with your:

surname_student number_unit/

For example:

For re-submissions, an “R” must be added to the file name. For example:


Assessment to be submitted to the allocated dropbox in Connect or to the allocated network folder.

TAFE Queensland Learning Management System: Connect url:

Username; 9 digit student number

For Password: Reset password go to>

Instructions for the Assessor

To be judged competent in this assessment item the student is required to demonstrate competence in all indicators shown in the marking guide.

Depending on the delivery mode and/or timetable constraints, the Study Guide and the Study Schedule must be customised to suit the mode.

Specifications of assessment –There are 25 main questions that must all be answered correctly to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment. Students will be able to resubmit their work a second time if they are not successful on the first attempt.

Equipment or material requirements – A computer with internet access

Details of location

TAFE will provide a simulated work environment in the classroom; however, it is possible to complete these tasks on a home virtual network using a computer with internet access.

Level of assistance permitted – teachers and tutors should be available in class, and accessible by email for students working from home. Staff cannot directly provide students answers but can guide them to where to go to complete tasks individually.

Interactions – teamwork skills are essential in the IT industry, therefore students should work in teams to consult and collaborate on the practical activities. However, each student is required to complete the tasks individually.

ContingenciesReasonable adjustments will be made for students as and when appropriate, after consultation with the Accessibility and Counselling team. – You must see your teacher prior to assessment regarding this.

Work Health and Safety: A work health and safety check of the assessment environment is to be conducted prior to the assessment and any hazards addressed appropriately.

Assessment Condition

Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.

This includes access to:

industry standard equipment and materials

industry standard database software

network and other systems required for remote or multi-user access

organisational requirements and deliverables

computer-aided software engineering (CASE) or diagramming software.

Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.

Complete the following research questions. Remember that you cannot copy and paste from the Internet or any other source. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

In answering the questions, ensure that you:

Provide a list of references at the end of the document including all sources accessed using an appropriate referencing style such as HarvardGenerator2.

Provide examples to illustrate your answers. You can use your Database/Website project for this unit as a source for your examples.

Assessment questions

What is a relational database? (80 words) (Note: you might copy in your ERD from ICTICT523 AT2 and use this to illustrate your answer.)

Describe the following nine (9) database features: (Note: you might copy in your ERD from ICTICT523 AT2 and use this to illustrate your definitions.)





Primary key

Foreign key




User interface (UI)


Explain the data analysis process, covering the following in your answer: (Firstly consider the meeting you had with your client in ICTICT523. How would you know the data types for the various attributes in your draft ERD? EG: would a product code need to have the data type of: int, double, varchar, other? How would you determine this?)

Determining the required data types. (50 words)






Determining the required data structures. (50 words) (What does your draft ERD tell you about the structure you might need to store the client’s data in? How did you determine / design your draft ERD?)


Designing queries and reports. (50 words) (Some queries are questions you might ask of the data in a client’s database. Some reports will be printouts of the answers to these various queries – formatted so as to enhance readability. How would you come to know what questions of the data a client might want to ask of their database and what subsequent / associated reports they might need?)

Describe conceptual data modelling. (50 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Conceptual’. Add a description here in your own words and potentially an example from your current assessment from ICTICT523. EG: copy and paste in a sample conceptual model from your ICTICT523 assessment.)

With reference to the conceptual model, logical model and physical model, what are the differences between all three? (80 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Conceptual’, ‘Logical’ and ‘Physical’. Potentially illustrate your answer with an example from say your ICTICT523 assessment.)

What is an entity relationship diagram (ERD)? (50 words) (Note: you might copy in your ERD from ICTICT523 AT2 and use this to illustrate your answers to this and the following question.)

How do we represent an identifying relationship on an entity relationship diagram (ERD)? (50 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘ERD’.)

What is normalisation? How does normalisation identify data redundancy? (80 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Normalisation’. Add a description here in your own words.)


Explain in detail and with examples the first three (3) normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF) (number of words as required) (Note: Samples have been provided in the learning material as a guide. (EG, see: SA5_Mark Student InClassActivities 03_ER_AndTables 03a_SomeBackgroundOnNormalisation.pdf) You could otherwise normalise one of the forms from your ICTICT523 AT2 project and use this as example here.)

What is a DBMS? (80 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘DBMS’. Add a description here in your own words, plus potentially mention some current industry-relevant DBMSs.)

Explain five (5) technical, and five economic factors in choosing a DBMS. (150 – 200 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Technical’ and then ‘Operational’. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Technical/Operational factors in choosing a DBMS’. Add descriptions here in your own words and potentially illustrate your answers with an example.)













Explain five (5) reasons an organisation will be required to upgrade an existing DBMS. (150 – 200 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Upgrade’. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Reasons for upgrading a DBMS’. Add reasons here in your own words and potentially illustrate your answers with an example.)







What is password encryption? (50 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Encryption’. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Database Encryption’. Add a description here in your own words and potentially illustrate your answer with an example.)

What is authentication? (50 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Authentication’. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Database Authentication’. Add a description here in your own words and potentially illustrate your answer with an example.)

Why should encryption and authentication be incorporated into the database specifications? (50 words) (As above.)

Which form of encryption offers the best protection against brute force attacks? (50 words) (Potential reference: the Internet, search for ‘Best encryption for brute force attacks’. Add a description here in your own words.)

What is a data structure? Provide examples of data structure in your answer. (80 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide or Internet, search for ‘Data Structures’. Add a description here in your own words, plus provide 2 or 3 examples with a description of each.)

As part of designing the physical data model, we select data types for each column. Explain which data type is best when dealing with currency in MySQL, and why? (100 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Currency’. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Currency Data Type’.)

Examine the table below. Is this database table compliant to third normal form (3NF)?

Explain, in detail, why or why not. Use correct terminology when referring to database terms. (100 words) (You might imagine 100 data entries like the one presented below. Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘normalisation rules’.)







Leon Trotsky

12/20 Amy St Brisbane 4000



What is a foreign key constraint? In your answer, explain the referential integrity constraint rules and the three (3) possible actions. (80 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Foreign Key’ or ‘Referential Integrity’. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Foreign Key Constraint’ or ‘Referential Integrity Constraint’.)




The organisation you work for, a shop selling motorbike spare parts, would like to be able to ensure that every product name and product code stored in the database is never duplicated in the database you are designing. Explain how you would achieve this. (50 words) (Consider database index (indices), primary key constraints and check constraints.)

Explain what the Data Definition Language (DDL) is. (50 words) (Potential reference: Internet.)

Explain what an oval shape represents in a use case diagram. Illustrate your answer with an example. (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Use Case’. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Use Case Diagram’. Don’t forget to add an example.)


What is the purpose of check constraints? Provide examples to illustrate your answer. (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Check Constraint. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Database Check Constraint’.)

Support for check constraints was introduced in MySQL 8.0.16 – older versions did not support the check feature. What other technique can you use instead of check constraints. (Potential reference: Learner Guide, search for ‘Check Constraint. Or on the Internet, search for ‘Database Check Constraint’.)

You have been tasked to design the data structures, queries, screens and reports of a new database. Describe the concepts of the object model design and how you would use this in your database design. (80 words)

(re Object Model – consider the class diagram from your Java assessment. A class can be designed that will hold applicable data in RAM memory. A collection of such data classes may be required for a particular program. A class diagram presenting this collection of data classes, could then be used to clarify or prepare an ERD, so that the tables in a database (that would store the same data on a HDD/SSD) could be developed.

Describe ‘Object Model Design’ and how it might be applicable to the design of a database.

Provide an example of this, potentially from your current Java or C#.Net assessment.

Potential reference: Internet, search for ‘Object Model Design’.)

Explain the terms “vertical scalability” and “horizontal scalability”. (50 words) (Potential reference: Learner Guide.)


Don’t forget to add the Learner Guide as a reference.

Provide references for all sources you have used from the Internet.

Use an appropriate referencing style such as HarvardGenerator.

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