Demonstrate your skills and exercise

87 views 8:23 am 0 Comments February 28, 2023

DTSC660: Data and Database Management with SQL
Module 8
Assignment 6
This assignment allows you as the student to demonstrate your skills and exercise some choice
in the assignment. For this assignment, you will be cleaning a data set from one of these
options from Kaggle, which are available in the Assignment 6 folder:
Air BnB, Data Scientist
Salaries, or Netflix.
Once you have determined which data set you are interested in working with, you will need to
wrangle (clean) the data to make is useful in analysis.
You will submit a total of 1 sql files. Each file must use the postgres standards taught in the
course. Use of other flavors of SQL such as T-SQL will result in an automatic 0 for the
assignment. Do not submit files as archives (ZIP) files.
File 1: You must submit a SQL document called <LastName>_Assignment6. This
document must include ALL queries requested in the instructions below.
● You will submit the file to the Assignment 6 folder.
As described in the videos and textbook, you will be cleaning a dataset to make it useful for
analysis. Complete the steps below carefully and ensure that you save the assignment as a
SQL file as indicated in the submission instructions. There is no template for this assignment.
Also, make sure you review the rubric to ensure that you have met all the requirements for the

PART 1 Creating the Table and Importing the Data
1. Select the kaggle dataset of your choice and download the file.
2. Place this file in a public folder on your computer
3. Take note of the path to this file (copy the path)
4. Utilize the COPY command you learned in Module 2 (revisit this module if necessary) to
import the data.
5. Run a basic select statement that verifies the data is present and matches what is in the
csv file.
In your sql file, please include the CREATE TABLE and COPY commands you used to import
the data. While you will not be graded on this part, it’s important that we are able to set up the
same data structure you used so we can run and test your queries.
If you omit these items,
you will receive a zero for the assignment, as we will not be able to assess your work.
Part 2 (Cleaning)
This is the part you will be graded on. To complete this part, create a SQL file using the naming
convention: <LastName>_Assignment6. There is no template for this assignment. Please make
sure that it is clear using commented out text, each question that you are answering, so the
grader can easily follow your work. Once you are done, submit the document to the Assignment
6 folder.
Before starting, in the top comments, complete your name, the data set you chose, and why you
chose that data set.
For each part below, you will be required to include the code used to clean your data as well as
a rationale included in the comments section for each part. Failure to include comments will
result in loss of points for that part of the assignment (see grading rubric).
1. Create a backup of your imported table (no comments required)
2. Create a duplicate column in a table (no comments required)
3. Locate and update null values in one column and perform
ONE of the following
a. Change values so that they are correctly labeled and recognized by SQL as
NULL values
b. Change their values to another value that accurately represents or reflects the
data (such as substituting the mean of the column for the value)
c. Remove the data containing null values
4. Perform step 3 on a different column
5. Modify duplicate (i.e. – Sr., Senior, Sr from the video), misspelled, or inconsistent data for
one column such that the data is correct and consistent. Only one group of similar values

need to be cleaned, not the entire column.
6. Repeat step 5 on another column
7. Pick one other method of cleaning demonstrated in the book or videos that you feel will
make the data more useful. If you are unsure whether your method meets the criteria,
please request feedback in the forum
*******************************GRADING RUBRIC ON NEXT PAGE*********************************
This assignment will be graded on the following rubric. Remember that questions are ALL OR
NOTHING. Incorrect syntax or extraneous results will result in loss of points for that question.
Graders will NOT attempt to correct malformed sql code. :

STEP Step Points Comment Points
1 5 N/A
2 5 N/A
3 10 5
4 10 5
5 10 5
6 10 5
7 20 10
Total 100