Demonstrate the knowledge and practical methods

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Scanned by CamScannerHuman Computer Interaction

Year 2013/2014
Programme Title Edexcel BTEC HNC Certificate in Business (QCF)
Edexcel BTEC HND Diploma in Business (QCF)
Or2anisations and Behaviour
Unit 3
Level 4 HNC and Level 5 HND
Unit Title
Unit No.
Unit Code
Assignment No.
Credit value 15 credits
Deliverer lraco67
Assessor lrJaco07
Handout Date 07/04/2014
Hand in Date 02/06/2014 7
Assignment Title: Analysing Organisation Behaviour

This assignment assesses your understanding of behaviour in organisations. Students are
expected to demonstrate the knowledge and practical methods they have acquired regarding
organisation behaviour, structure and culture, and explore issues among other things of
motivation, communication, leadership, decision-making, power and organisational change.
Your answers should reflect both a foundation of theory and an ability to apply the concepts in
practice in the work environment.
TAKE ANY ONE (1) ORGANISATION and consider the behaviour ofindividuals and groups
within that organisation.
When required by the question, you should compare that organisation
with other organisations, which may he competitors in the same industry, or others you know.
You should carefully set out and address each o(the Tasks set out below.
If you do this you
would have met all the Assessment Criteria and so provided evidence that you have achieved
each ofthe four (4) Learning Outcomes for this Unit.
Task 1: Management and Leadership
1.1 Compare the effectiveness ofdifferent leadership styles in different organisations.
1.2 Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice ofmanagement.
Organisations and Behaviour_Levels 4+5_H/601/0551
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·. 1.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations.
Task 2: Structure and Culture
2.1 Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture.
2.2 Explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can
impact on the performance ofthe business.
2.3 Discuss thefactors which influence individual behaviour at work.
Task3: Using Theories ofMotivation
3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in
organisations in periods ofchange.
3.2 Compare the application ofdifferent motivational theories within the workplace.
3.3 Evaluate the usefulness ofa motivation theoryfor managers.
Task 4: Developing Teamwork
4.1 Explain the nature ofgroups andgroup behaviour within organisations.
4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in
4.3 Evaluate the impact oftechnology on teamfunctioning within a given organisation.
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The assessment task is d · d
Outco d . esigne to assess your achievement of all four of the Learning

mes an associated a · ·
‘t f h . . ssessment cntena for a
Pass in the Organisational Behaviour
0 t e quahfication you are undertaking.
Your tutor will advise h h .
you w en you s ould start work on the assignment, the date when
you must hand in your completed work and when you can expect to get your mark and
feedback on your work.
You should make sure that you plan your work carefully, to ensure that you cover all four
learning outcomes ofthe assignment, and complete it within the time limit specified.
Your statements in answer to the Learning Outcomes need to be prefixed with the
specific Learning Outcome title or at least the Learning Outcome number. This will help
you keep on track and should ensure you address the details.
You must make sure that you acknowledge any sources you have used to complete this
assignment, listing reference material and web sites used.
You must submit your work as hard copy with a Tumitin in report with less than 20% of
similarity index. You should mark the assignment with your name, learner number, the
unit number, and your Centre name. You may include a title page if you wish. You are
strongly advised to keep a copy of your completed assignment before you submit it for
assessment – the copy you submit will not be returned to you. Your assignment may be
kept by the Institute for quality assurance purposes. Any assignment not kept for quality
assurance will be securely stored, disposed ofor deleted.
• The assignment result will be published on BITE’s Moodie, normally within 6 weeks of
the submission date.
• If your assignment is assessed as referred, you will be notified with an indication of the
areas to be addressed. You may resubmit an assignment, or submit a new assignment, on
·a further two occasions during your period of registration as an Institute learner with
. If there is anything in these instructions or in the assignment itself which you do not
understand, please seek guidance from your tutor.

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Merit grade
. Indicative characteristics.
_Art ~ff~tive approach to assignment planning, study and research is
jn evidence ··_; ·····. ·.·· · . ·· .
··~Evatwrtions ilQ<ijUdgements, using evidence, have been made :
. Problems withanumber ofvariables have been considere4. . .
The_wri~ert aSsessmef!t is_coherent, shows logical development and
· a sound undei’itanding:_6ftheories, concepts and research evidence
· that an appropriate structure
. : and approach~~beert·~ . ; . . . .. . . . ‘ ...”
. ~ TheWiitten a.Ssigrlmentdemonstrates a writing style appropriatefor
·_:_’ ~audi~ces .bOth;faniiliar and unfamiliar with the subject. . _:.· .. .
.:The Written wof.J( is clearly written and technical language tiaS been
: ~~iyUSed ·: . .. ,· :·. ·.: –

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. , .
Distinction grade

·Indicative characteristics
Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of
ideas and evaluation of research evidence and have
been justified
The validity ofresults has been
·evaluated using defined
Realistic and informed recommendations have been
proposed against defined characteristics for success

UlrittA!,aC!:QigruTient’shows·excellentpla:n.nin&. is
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.. soo ~oher¢rttly: ~4)s:dearly express~ ·..·_ . ·

f ~ 1~• Indepepdence’and ·gathering ~fteSearch.
. material has been demonstrated •, ... .. . :.
·MatCriat’ us~tfhas·be~nclearly understo(xland weU
organised··..;~ .. · ‘ . …. · . ·.~..
·. The importance ofindividual arid group behaViour in
..::.?rg~i.saHo.~ ~d:itS m,~~~ement ~~been~o:gmsed
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There is evidence ofself-generated ideas with
• Convergent and lateral thinking are evident in the ·
written assignment _ .
• Creative thinking is evidenced with unfamiliar m~..
• Problem-solving is in evidence
• Innovation and creative thought are in evidence

·Receptiveness to new ideas is evident ·
• Jdeashav~ .been generated, evaluated and infomied
..-.”:.::decisions/ recommendations·are made.·. r’ . ‘
.· ·’·. .….. ;. ~..·. ‘. . .. ..

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