Declaration and Statement of Ownership

145 views 9:19 am 0 Comments February 28, 2023

Academic Misconduct Statement

Declaration and Statement of Ownership


I understand that academic misconduct is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence. The University of Suffolk will act on all identified infringements of its Academic Misconduct Policy, whether inadvertently, or through negligence or deliberate intent.


I understand that academic misconduct is wrong and that the University expects that all work submitted for assessment by students is the student’s own work, without falsification of any kind.


I understand that my work must be accurately referenced following the rules and conventions for referencing, citation and use of quotations set out by GBS.


I confirm that this assessment is my own original work, or my group’s original work, and has not been copied from another source without due acknowledge being made.


I confirm that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another organisation or person.


I confirm that I have not shared my assessment with any other person or organisation with the intention of it being used as their own work.


I have not previously submitted this assessment for any other module.


I have not allowed myself to be impersonated by another person for this assessment, nor have I impersonated any other person.


I am aware of and can access the support available to me at GBS to achieve academic integrity and honesty in my assessed work.





Student ID:__________________________________________________________________

