Data Files folder on Blackboard

83 views 8:36 am 0 Comments May 6, 2023

Instructions: Please answer the following questions and provide all of the information that is requested for each one. Analyze data and report the results (15 points; 3 points for each question) Please use Programs and Ads.sav for this part. You can find it in the Data Files folder on Blackboard. This dataset is from a between-subjects experiment that examined the effects of different types of ad appeal (humor vs. fear vs. romance). The following variables from the dataset will be used (please carefully read through the following descriptions as they tell you how the variables were measured and the meanings of the numerical values): adappeal: Participants viewed an ad with either 1= humor, 2= fear, or 3= romance appeal. gender: 0 = Males; 1= Females aad: attitude toward the ad (from 1 = extremely negative to 7 = extremely positive) aab: attitude toward the brand (from 1 = extremely negative to 7 = extremely positive) pexcit: how exciting the TV program was (from 1 = not exciting at all to 7 = very exciting). adbother: whether or not participants would be bothered by advertising in general (0 = No; 1 = Yes) Conduct a correlation to see if the perception that the TV program was exciting (pexcit) was associated with attitude toward the ad (aad). Include the SPSS output and report the results in APA style (relevant stats should be reported regardless of the significance of the test). If the test is significant (p < .05), you are expected to comment on whether the association was negative or positive. Conduct a regression to see if ad attitude (aad) was a predictor of brand attitude (aab). Include the SPSS output and report the results in APA style (relevant stats should be reported regardless of the significance of the test). If the test is significant (p < .05), you are expected to comment on whether ad attitude was a negative or positive predictor of brand attitude. Conduct an independent-samples t-test to see if females (gender) indicated a more positive ad attitude (aad) than males. Include the SPSS output and report the results in APA style (relevant stats should be reported regardless of the significance of the test). Please make sure that you report the M and SD for males and females respectively. Conduct a Chi-Square test to see if females (gender) were more likely to be bothered by advertising (adbother) than males. Include the SPSS output and report the results in APA style (relevant stats should be reported regardless of the significance of the test). If the test is significant (p < .05), you are expected to describe the primary pattern of distribution (e.g., the percentage of females indicated that they would be bothered by advertising compared to that percentage of males). Conduct a one-way ANOVA to see if ad appeal (adappeal) could influence ad attitude (aad). Include the SPSS output and report the results in APA style (relevant stats should be reported regardless of the significance of the test). If the test is significant (p < .05), you are expected to conduct post-hoc comparisons with Tukey adjustment to see the subgroup differences (report the M and SD for each group and which two groups were significantly different).