Data Analysis

127 views 10:33 am 0 Comments September 29, 2023
  1. Download Business Sales Transaction File
  2. Open File in Excel
  3. Clean the Data
  4. Add Calculate Columns and Fields
  5. Save the File as Excel File
  6. Open it in Power BI
  7. Create Dashboard shows the following:
    • Total Revenue, Profit and Sales Orders
    • Max Profit, Min Profit, Avg Profit and Avg sales orders
    • Sales Trending over Months
    • Profit Trending Over Years and Quarters
    • Top 10 Products in Sales and Top 10 in Profit
    • Bottom 10 Products in Sales and Bottom 10 in Profit
    • Top Customers in Sales and Top Customers in Profit
    • Bottom Customers in Sales and Bottom Customers in Profit
    • Best Countries in Sales and Profit
    • Worst Countries in Sales and Profit
    • Map with Countries with Profit size
  8. Write in File Word your thoughts about the data and your findings
  9. What we need to do more Investigation (Recommends)
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