
170 views 10:38 am 0 Comments May 6, 2023

S. No

Evaluation Component

Scheduled Last Date for the documents

Submission of Student’ Project Details

25th April to 15th May, 2023


# Upload softcopy of Outline Report on Viva Portal

22nd July to 29th July, 2023




# Upload Soft Copy of Mid-Semester progress report on Viva Portal

20th September to 27th September 2023



# Upload softcopy of Final Dissertation Report, and Final Presentation (all in ppt slides) on Viva Portal

10th November to 17th November 2023



The chosen topic of work should be non-trivial, analytical, application-oriented and should involve substantial original research and/or development effort based on a specific theme. Any attempt at plagiarism or use of unfair means will result in severe disciplinary action.

Domain:- Cybersecurity

Project/Dissertation title :-

The document must contain the following items:

Proposed topic of Dissertation

Broad Academic Area of Work


Scope of work


Plan of work (to be done during the semester)

Literature references, and

The students must submit the Outline, Mid-Semester Progress Report and Final Report in the specified format

The report should be properly organized and neatly formatted with all the elements required for a technical report. It should be adequately descriptive and elaborate and should be self-contained with respect to the chosen topic. The title should be adequately descriptive, precise and must reflect scope of the actual work done. Each chapter should start from a fresh page. Each chapter should be atleast two pages. The report should be neatly word-processed in A4 Size paper, printed on one side of the sheet and presented in a ‘Portrait’ layout (and NOT in ‘Landscape’ layout). Printouts of Powerpoint presentations or product documentation (like program code listing or user manual) are not acceptable as a written report.

Requests for extension of deadlines for submission of documents or evaluation sheets will not be entertained irrespective of the reasons

Mere configuration, installation, testing and routine maintenance, support or management of systems or equipments will not be considered adequate for a Dissertation. Trivial, Small projects which are commonly done as assignments in courses are not acceptable as Dissertation. Mere survey of literature/data collection would also not be acceptable as a Dissertation

Work of the organization towards Certification of Quality Management (like ISO, CMM) should not be included. This will be viewed as organization’s effort.

You routine work cannot be submitted as it is.

The work undertaken by you should be clearly visible and should pertain to the work accomplished during the current semester.

The work should not result in mere compilation of information pertaining to organization/project handled. It should be adequately described.

Sequence of items in the Report

The following sequence may be followed in the preparation of the Mid-Semester Progress Report and document the work done till the Mid-Semester submission date. Same Report will culminate into the Final Report.

Cover Page (On the hardbound cover)

Title Page (Inner Cover Page)

Certificate from the Supervisor



(Detailed) Table of Contents (with page numbers).

List of Figures (with figure number, figure titles and page numbers)

List of Tables with table number, table title and page number.

Chapter 1: Introduction (Page No.1 should start with Chapter 1)

Chapter 2, 3, etc.


Conclusions and Recommendations (if any)

Directions for future work (if any)

Bibliography (if any) (Please refer to the sample format given below)

References (if any) ((Please refer to the sample format given below)

Appendices (if any)

Checklist for the items in the report

Format for giving Bibliography or References

Bibliography or References can be included in the report according to the format given in the following examples. References should be cited properly inside the text of the report.


Author. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year.

One Author Example: Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Knopf, 1993.

Two or More Authors Example: Rowe, Richard, and Larry Jeffus. The Essential Welder: Gas Metal Arc Welding Classroom Manual. Albany: Delmar, 2000.


Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal Volume number (Year): Page(s).

Example: Davis, William D., Thomas Cleary, Michelle Donnelly, and Samuel Hellerman. “Using Sensor Signals to Analyze Fires.” Fire Technology 39 (2003): 295-308.

3. Conference Proceedings

Editor names(s). Title of publication/conference. Name of conference. Dates and place of conference. Place of publication, publisher, and date of publication.

Example: Vivian VL, editor. Child abuse and neglect: a medical community response. First AMA National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect; 1984 Mar 30-31; Chicago. Chicago: American Medical Association; 1985.

4. DISSERTATION and Theses

Author name. Full title of the report. Publication type. Location and name of institution. Date of publication.

Dissertation Example: Youssef NM. School adjustment of children with congenital heart disease [Dissertation]. Pittsburgh (PA): University of Pittsburgh; 1988.

Thesis Example: Devins GM. Helplessness, depression, and mood in end-stage renal disease [masters thesis]. Montreal, Quebec: McGill University;1981.

5. A Private Communication

Wonham W.m. (1982) Private Communication.

6. Format for Citation of References within the Report

Example of citing a journal paper listed in references, inside the text of the report:

…….. These results have been presented by Kalman and Pucy [2] …….

If any portion of the work/report is found to be plagiarized, the student will be liable to severe disciplinary action.