Current System Analysis and Modelling

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Swinburne University of Technology
Semester 1 2023
INF60010 Assignment 1 Current System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2023 DR. Xuemei Tian 1

Words Limit: 2000 +/-10% Weighting: 30% Due date: Friday 7th April @ 9:00am AEST

Assignment 1 submission details
All pages should include your name and student number in the document footer.
All references should be appropriately cited using the Harvard style
Submit your report as ONE Microsoft Word document, Turnitin doesn’t accept ‘zip’ file.
Save your file as follows: [student numberA1.filetype] e.g. 1234567A1.doc
Submit your final report via INF60010 Canvas> Assessment > Assignment 1 Specification and Submission
o Assistance can be obtained from the Swinburne Service Desk (03) 9214 5000.
o DO NOT email the assignment.
o If you have any queries, you may discuss it with the teaching staff during the workshop or post
your questions on the discussion threads or via email.
Assignment overview
This assignment aims to produce a requirements
document that captures the functional and non-functional
requirements for an information system that supports the
current needs of the Printing Incorporated Book Publishing
‘Book Production and Sales Tracking System’ as described
in the Case Study Description.
Note: This assignment covers the traditional approach.
Your tasks
Information system development projects incorporate
several key milestones. This assignment will require you
to complete
Milestone 1 – problem analysis which includes
understanding the business in general, their
challenges, current system issues/problems, key
functional/nonfunctional requirements and
Milestone 2 – Data Modelling which uses some of the
models of a Structured Approach, such as Event table,
Data fragments, a context diagram, DFDs, ERD and
DFD documentation to illustrate the current system
Case Description
Printing Incorporated Book Publishing is an independent
book publisher located in Melbourne, Australia. It has
established itself in the niche market of feminist
publications. Though small in size at 50 employees, it is a
leader in the growing online publishing industry in
Australia. The company sees itself as somewhat of a
pacesetter in the field of Internet publishing, audio books
and e-books. Printing Incorporated Book Publishing, in
1995 become only the third Australian publisher to have
its entire catalogue placed online.
Currently, the publisher’s production and sales tracking
system does not support their increasing business
requirements. There are many issues/problems, so the
management decided to hire BAs to help analyse and
design the system which can better support their day-today business requirements and move their business to
the next level. So, any potential solutions need to align
with the publisher’s long-term strategic plan. Your job in
the first stage is to understand their business and current
system, such as what they are facing, what the
issues/problems of their current system, what are some
of the challenges.
More details of the case and specific problems
can be found in a separate file ‘
Assign1&2_case_S1 2023.pdf’
on the same site.
Swinburne University of Technology
Semester 1 2023
INF60010 Assignment 1 Current System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2023 DR. Xuemei Tian 2
The Report Components
Create a word-processed business report with:
Cover page
Document Title
Author(s) information
Executive Summary
What this assignment is about and what you want to achieve (should be about 100 words, ES is
differed incomparison to the Introduction).
Table of contents
You have to use Microsoft Word built-in function to create a Table of Contents.
The purpose of your work: Why conduct system analysis for a business? (You should write a brief
literature review on the topic of system analysis, why this is important, the development trends, what
are some of the key aspects that should be considered, what are the roles of requirement analysis in
the system analysis process?).
Business or system analysts need to have a “big picture” view of any business and their information
systems. You are required to list the major responsibilities which you should take on to help the
business. What is your basic plan, where you start, what you do and what you want to achieve?
The methods you adopted to identify information in this report.
The structure of the report.
Business Background
What is the business, and what does this business do? (A brief description of their current business
operation and services. Please note that you should read the case description, understand it and
provide a summary. You
shouldn’t copy the case description provided directly to your report. Max,
100 words.)
What are some of the challenges (internal and external) that the business current faces and how they
will impact on overall business future development?
In your opinion, what are the three major system problems which you consider are the most
important for the business and explain why they are important. What are some of the opportunities
when these problems are solved? How would the organisation be better off by solving this problem or
taking up this opportunity? You are welcome to add on problems/issues which not currently listed, but
which you consider are essential to address. You should provide reasoning.
Clearly explain the current system’s objectives and constraints. Please note: you need to read the
case description to understand what the current system does.

Swinburne University of Technology
Semester 1 2023
INF60010 Assignment 1 Current System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2023 DR. Xuemei Tian 3
Scope (Current ebook production and sales tracking system)
A written statement of functional/non-functional requirements (you are required to list them all with a
brief explanation for each of them).
Discuss the techniques of identifying the use cases (Advantages and disadvantages).
Data dictionary
o Complete at least THREE (3) key data flow descriptions (Logical data dictionaries) (Must link to
the DFDs)
o Data element descriptions (Physical data dictionaries, at least 1 of the key data entities)
Process Descriptions
o A brief description for each of the key processes (top-level processes in level 0 DFD) written in
plain English
o Write at least ONE lower-level process description in structured English (this must match with
one of the the data fragment created)
*Reference list
List all references used in the report. You have to follow the newest Harvard referencing system. Please check
the Swinburne website for details.
This is a business report and should be written accordingly, i.e. directed to the customer. It should reflect your
understanding of the tasks required.
*Appendices (Ensure your pages are numbered for easy reference)
You should include the following information in appendices:
Events table, DFD fragments, context diagram, levels 0 & 1 DFDs and ERD (Please see below modelling
requirements for the current system).
The appendices should also contain any other documents that might be useful for reference or too
detailed or lengthy to put into the main part of the document.
Modelling requirements for the current system
Provide a structured analysis of the functional requirements of the system presented as a set of logical data
flow diagrams
and prepare a data model represented as an entity-relationship diagram for the current system.
The set of data flow diagrams should include:
Identify 15 key events, please note that
o for each key function, you must have, at least one event link to it;
Swinburne University of Technology
Semester 1 2023
INF60010 Assignment 1 Current System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2023 DR. Xuemei Tian 4
o ‘cancellation’ or ‘updating’ related events shouldn’t more than one (there are many conditions
which cancellation and updating required, because we only ask you to write 15 events, you
shouldn’t include more than one);
o You should have at least one state, and one temporal event included in your list of events.
You should create
an event table to list all these identified events, and each event should be matched
with a
DFD Fragment.
A Context Diagram: This must be for the entire Coaching Arrangement management system. You need
to show relevant external agents together with data flows between the system and the external
A set of levelled data flow diagrams which includes:
1) Level 0 DFD which includes all top-level processes, key data stores, key data flows and key external
2) At least 1 top-level process from this Level 0 DFD is decomposed to level 1 DFD.
You will be assessed on your application of data flow diagrams according to the following criteria:
o DFD syntax
o DFD data conservation (also commonly known as “balancing” or data consistency in some
o Quality of names
o Logical, not physical discription
o Quality of modelling is more important than quantity
Consistency – not only should each view (data flow, process, data store) be accurate and readable, but
also the views must be consistent with each other, so the whole analysis makes sense.
An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD): It should be a high-level data model (many to many
relationships is acceptable in this unit).
Diagrams should preferably be generated by using Visio Pro, but students may use the drawing
capabilities of other drawing packages subject to the approval of tutors.
Notes on formatting and structure
It is expected that all work submitted will have been edited for spelling, grammar and clarity.
Your report needs to follow our standard format. Pages need to be numbered, and your name must also appear
on each page, not just the cover page. Evidence of attention to layout and structure needs to be present. The
written submission is to be formatted as a report, word-processed in 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing. The
word count does not include the cover sheet, executive summary, table of contents, references and appendices.
Please respect the word count.

Swinburne University of Technology
Semester 1 2023
INF60010 Assignment 1 Current System Analysis and Modelling (Individual)
© Swinburne University 2023 DR. Xuemei Tian 5
Any evidence of plagiarism (click on to read in detail) will result in a Fail. Collaborative
discussion with other members in the unit around concepts and additional examples is
highly recommended, but don’t copy. You can also use AI tools, such as ChatGPT, but
you must acknowledge it in your report to explain. All information form AI tools, you
cannot directly copy, you must find original references to support. We will discuss this in
our first class.
We have adopted the Turnitin facility for assessment submission. This facility provides a matching service which
will compare Draft and Final submissions with a significant database of web-published resources, including
online databases and journals. In the case of a Final submission, this will also be compared with other Swinburne
and other universities items submitted previously. By making use of the draft option and receiving reports back
from Turnitin, it is expected students will be able to self-assess and correct submissions. In the case of a Final
Assignment Submission, no such report will be made available to students. It is the student’s responsibility,
however, to familiarise themselves with how to avoid plagiarism. Please ask if you are not sure.
Don’t forget to keep a backup. If your assignment goes astray, whether your fault or ours, you will be required
to re-produce it. Lack of back-up will not be taken as an excuse for lost materials.
Late assignments may result in a lower grade for the assignment in terms of the Swinburne assessment
guidelines. Extension request must send to convenor before the submission day.
How are you assessed?
Click on a separate file ‘INF60010 Assignment 1 Marking Guide S1 2023.pdf’ on the Canvas.