Crude Distillation of Bonny Light Oil Overview

81 views 8:29 am 0 Comments March 30, 2023

The project will create one or more models using Pro/II of a Crude Distillation Tower (C1

through C140). A simplified tower will be modelled

Project Name: Crude Distillation of Bonny Light Oil Overview of the Project In this project using PRO II, a Crude distillation tower will be simulated for Bonny Light Crude oil.The crude oil, Bonny light crude which was founded at Oloibiri in the Niger delta region of Nigeria in 1956 for its commercial would be distilled out of the column and be separated to different streams based on its components and their respective boiling point range. Objective The objective of this project is to use PRO II to model a crude distillation tower and simulate the system to separate Bonny light Crude into fractions based on the boiling point of its components. Physical and Chemical properties of Bonny Light Hydrocarbon of crude oil consists of paraffin, cycloparaffins and aromatic material with at least one benzene ring. Bonny light oil also includes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Naphthalene). These poly-aromatic hydrocarbons and other constituent elements of bonny light such as vanadium, nickel, asphaltenes are known to be very toxic. Bonny Light is a light-sweet crude oil grade produced in Nigeria. It is an important benchmark crude for all West African crude production. Bonny Light has particularly good gasoline yields, which has made it a popular crude for US refiners, particularly on the US East Coast. Within the oil & gas industry, crude petroleum falls under different categories. Classification of the oil depends on the physical properties like colour and viscosity and density. In addition, molecular structures of hydrocarbon components influence categorisation of this black gold commodity. Based on density, crude oil could either be light or heavy. Scientific knowledge indicates geographical factors plays a significant role in determining the physical and molecular properties of oils. Consequently, crude oil from, Nigeria, Qatar and that from Texas may not possess similar qualities. Presence of opportunistic chemical elements like sulphur can lead to slight modifications in molecular framework of the active hydrocarbons. In this context, it is inherent to acknowledge the fact that difference in properties translates into a corresponding effect on oil product functionality. As a result, it is common to encounter situations which prefer utilization of crude oil from a certain part of the world, as opposed to those from other geographical locations. Bonny oil derives its name from the actual location named Bonny Island in Nigeria Southeast region. Bonny Light Crude Oil remains one of the most desirable and sought for oils in the whole world. United States and other Western countries import approximately 70% of the total Bonny oil produced in Nigeria into their energy systems due to the quality and environmental friendliness relative to other Types of Crude Oil. Bonny oil remains a preferred choice for Refineries because of its negligible Hydrogen Sulphide content. Hydrogen sulphide is a chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is a colourless gas with the characteristic foul odour of rotten eggs; it is heavier than air, very poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and explosive”. Since the history of oil discovery, Bonny oil features as the crude product with the lowest or very negligible sulphur content in the oil industry. In this regard, low sulphur content makes refinery procedures easy and economical. In technical application of finished petroleum, sulphur tends to poison anti-knock additives in engine fuels. This means that low sulphur results in ineffective poisoning of the anti-knock agents, hence efficient burning of fuels in combustion engines. All these positive qualities are the reasons for popularity of this light oil in subject. Below are the specific properties of Bonny light. Bonny Light Crude Oil Assay Colour Dark Brown Density at 15 ℃ 849.0 kg/m3 Specific gravity at 60 F 0.86 Viscosity, cSt at 10 °C 8.7 Sulfur, wt % 0.16 Pour Point ℃ -14.4 Aspaltenes, C7, % 0.0032 Nickel, ppm 4.16 Vanadium, ppm 0.42 Nitrogen, ppm 1170 Gravity API 32-36 List Of Light End Components Weight Percent Ethane 0.02 Propane 0.21 Isobutane 0.28 n-Butane 0.61 Components API Gravity Specific Gravity TBP Yields, VOL% Cut (℉) Light Gasoline 80.5 0.67 4.25 55-175 Light Naphtha 54.9 0.76 13.73 175-300 Heavy Naphtha 45.2 0.80 10.12 300-400 Kerosene 35.1 0.85 13.28 400-500 ATM. Gas oil 30.9 0.87 22.69 500-650 ATM. Residuum 35.02 19 – 650+ Light VAC. Gas Oil 23.5 0.91 16.81 650-800 Heavy VAC. Gas Oil 18.5 0.94 13.26 800-1050 Vacuum Residuum 4.96 6.7 4.96 1050+ Project update Breakdown- 04/03/2023 The simulation was built using the Shortcut distillation column in PRO II, the Process Flow Diagram was built employing procedures from Chemical Engineering 3 Naphtha and internet. The Light end components were added, and the Pseudo components (TBP Cuts) were generated. The SRK thermodynamic method and English metric was used. The ASTM D86 Method was used to the define the assay for the stream data Flowrate. The Specifications for the crude were inputted using the data of the properties of the components. The run was tested, and it was unsuccessful as some of the specifications need clarification. For the rest of the month of March, we are going to consult with a specialist, the professor for further help on building the distillation tower for our crude, work on building the distillation tower with the correct specifications, collect data/results from our crude tower distillation simulation (output flowrate, Phase of compound, molar flowrate, etc.), and when the simulation has been completed, a compilation of all data will be used to generate our report.