124 views 11:25 am 0 Comments June 12, 2023

BUS507 Assessment 4 2023
Introduction (10%)
(70%: Q1 15%, Q2 15%, Q3 40%)
Report structure, presentation, format and referencing (10%)
High Distinction 85-100%
Distinction 75-84%
Credit 65-74%
Pass 50-64%
Fail 0-49°.
Excellent, concise introduction that effectively introduces the case and clearly describes the purpose of the report and the specific questions the report is trying to answer.
Excellent answers to the case’s questions, linking relevant theories and concepts to specific information from the case study. Useful references provided where necessary
Good introduction that introduces the Reasonable introduction that Limited introduction, that covers case and describes the purpose of introduces the case and describes the some of the required aspects the report and the specific questions purpose of the report and the specific the report is trying to answer. questions the report is trying to answer.
Good concise answers to the case’s questions, linking relevant theories and concepts to specific information from the case study. Useful references provided where necessary
Concise and effective summary of the Good summary of the report. report.
Follows academic rules of writing. Clear and logical structure with appropriate headings and section lengths. Excellent writing style with proper use of grammar and spell checked. Appropriate sources are used and all are accurately cited and referenced using a consistent and annronriatp format
Generally follows academic rules of writing. Clear and logical structure with appropriate headings and section lengths. Effective writing style with proper use of grammar and spell checked. Appropriate sources are used and most are accurately cited and referenced using a consistent and annronriatp format
Reasonable answers to the case’s questions.
Reasonable summary of the report.
Some effort to follow academic rules of writing. Reasonable structure with appropriate headings and section lengths. Reasonable writing style. In the main a proper use of grammar and spell checked. Appropriate sources are used and most are cited and referenced using a consistent and annronriatp format
An attempt to answer the case’s questions.
Limited summary of the report.
An attempt to follow academic rules of writing. Appropriate headings -section lengths and content might be improved. Reasonable writing style. Grammar and spelling might be improved. Additional resources might be used used. Some attempt at citing and referencing. Inconsistent rpfpnanninn stanriarris
Inadequate – does not cover the required aspects.
Inadequate answers to the case’s questions
Inadequate summary of the report.
Adherence to academic writing rules has not been demonstrated. Required format has not been followed. Improper referencing style used, text has been pasted in large slices without relevance and proper recognition.

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