Crime Reduction & Community Safety

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HND Public Services

Academic Year


Unit Number & Unit Title

Unit 8: Crime Reduction & Community Safety

Assignment Author

Pardis Asadi Zeidabadi


Pardis Asadi-Zeidabadi, Khetish Hurry

Assignment Title

The Philosophy of Community Policing

Date issued

January 2023

IV Name and Date

Jack Adams: 07/11/2022

Formative Submission Deadline

Summative Submission Deadline









Good Academic Practice

DGHE considers an act of academic misconduct when a student attempts to benefit either for themselves or for another person by unfair or improper methods, regardless of it being intentional or unintentional. 

Examples include:

•             Purchasing work and presenting it as your own. 

•             Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s work as your own such as:

o   Using quotes without the use of quotation marks. 

o   Using images produced by another person without acknowledgement. 

o   Using data or ideas without acknowledgement. 

o   Copying another person’s work.

o   Getting someone to help you write parts of your submission as if it were your own.

•             Collusion is when two or more students working together without prior authorisation from the academic member of staff concerned (e.g. programme leader, lecturer etc.) to produce the same or similar piece of work and then attempting to present this entirely as their own individual submission.

It is important that you are clear about what you need to do for each assignment and how you can do it. If you are not sure about any rules regarding academic writing and referencing, guidance is available from many DGHE sources including Moodle, our Library and Study Skills Support teams and from your module leaders/personal tutor.


Purpose of this assessment

The assignment is designed to test students’ understanding of how the different methods of recording crime can be developed and understand the work of public services and statutory obligations implemented to address crime. This assessment will further develop an understanding of the multi-agency approach to community safety and public service roles and responsibilities and how this developed to analyse the effectiveness of crime reduction strategies on a national and local level.


Prieto, Curiel and Bishop (2017) argues that fear of crime is perpetuated by the opinion of others, and often does not reflect the actual number of crimes in society. In fact, it takes only a small amount of crime to create a generalised fear in the population, and crime rates need to decrease considerably to improve the average perception that a region is secure. These findings come from a study explaining how a generalised fear of crime exists in countries and cities where the crime rates are low. 

As a Special Constable for the Metropolitan Police Service, explore this disparity between actual crime and fear of crime by drawing on the significance of philosophy of community policing,


Prieto Curiel R, Bishop S. (2017) Modelling the fear of crime. Proc. R. Soc. A, 473: 20170156.

Task 1

Write a report that explores the notion that the reality of crime prevalence is not reflected in the public’s fear of crime.

The report should have 3 sections:

Section 1: Recording Crime (500 words max)

Explain two approaches that are used for recording crimes: police record crimes and Crime Survey for England & Wales (CSEW). Also, explore how they are different from each other.

Analyse strengths and weaknesses of using police recorded crime and CSEW to measure crime rates accurately. To answer that: Week one to week 3 + Prieto Curiel R, Bishop S. (2017) Modelling the fear of crime. Proc. R. Soc. A, 473: 20170156.

Section 2: The Philosophy of Community Policing (1,000 words max)250words each

Analyse how crime can affect victims and communities, considering both short term and long term impacts. Week 4 read and use the references on the slides on PT as a source(slides 12 to 16)

Explain the impact of news media on communities’ perceptions of crime and creates the fear of crime which is not real.

Explain the philosophy of community policing and associated legislation

The crime disorder Act 1998

Policing and Social Responsibility Act 2011

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

Conclusion – What does act mean/bring for the community policing

Evaluate the impact of multi-agency policing since the 1997 New Labour government

Section 3: Effectiveness of Crime Reduction Strategies (600 words max)

Investigate one local and one national crime reduction strategy and evaluate their effectiveness in increasing community safety and/or fear of crime.

This provides evidence for ALL learning outcomes.

Word count: 2,500 (+ / 10%)

Submission Format

This report should be submitted by 18 April 2023. It should be written using 1.5 line spacing and font size 12.

You are required to introduce your Report as well as provide a conclusion. All work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Use appropriate case studies, organisational examples and academic theory to support your findings.

You should submit your assignment to the relevant ‘Report’ submission point on Moodle.

Your Moodle has a very useful section on Reports and how to write them. You can locate this in your study skills tile, under Academic Genres. Link:  

Formative Task

You have an opportunity to receive some formative feedback on this report by submitting a 1,000 word draft to the relevant ‘Formative task’ submission point on Moodle by 19 February 2023. This task will not be graded but will contain useful feedback.

The current Assignment Brief covers the following Learning Outcomes

Grading Criteria

Learning Outcomes




Task No.



Explain how crime is recorded


Describe how crime is recorded by the police.


Explain how the Crime Survey for England and Wales offers an alternative method of measuring crime.

M1 Investigate police-recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales as measures of crime.



Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of using police-recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales as accurate measures of crime rates.

LO2, LO3 & LO4


Evaluate the impact of a particular multi-agency initiative and assess its effectiveness in reducing crime and increasing community safety.

Task 1

Report on Community policing to reduce crime.


Investigate the impact of crime on victims and communities


Describe the impact of crime and disorder on victims.


Explain the impact of crime and disorder on communities.


Analyse the short and long-term effects of crime and disorder on victims and communities.


Explore the role of the public services involved in community safety and crime reduction


Outline the main legislation that sets out organisations’ responsibilities in crime reduction.


Explain the role and responsibilities of a range of public services and related agencies in addressing crime and disorder.


Explore the advantages and disadvantages of a multi-agency approach to crime reduction.


Review the effectiveness of crime reduction strategies.


Outline the factors that underpin crime reduction strategies.


Describe a range of local and national strategies used to tackle crime and disorder.


Analyse how one local and one national strategy work to reduce crime and disorder.

Student Achievements and Assessor Feedback

Student achievement and Assessor feedback for both formative and summative submissions will be recorded within Grademark Turnitin via Moodle and will be available for students to view as notified on Turnitin. Please use exclusively the grade classification below.

Assessment Grading Scale

Grade Classification

Numeric Value (on Grademark)

Grade Listed As










Unclassified/ Referred



Alleged Academic Misconduct



Student submission and declaration

The following declaration will be inserted in the Turnitin link for both formative and summative submissions:

I certify that by submitting the work for this assessment on Moodle (and via Turnitin) it is my own work and all research sources are fully acknowledged using the Harvard system of references. I certify that there are no personal or mitigating circumstances that have affected my work.’

By submitting such document, you acknowledge that your work is your own, and abides by the DGHE code of conduct, and Pearson regulations.

Please note that in case of academic malpractice DGHE reserves the right to decline to accept the work for assessment purposes, and/or conduct an investigation, which might result in an oral presentation, oral or written exam, or any other appropriate form of examination. Further information can be found in the academic integrity and misconduct policy, the assessment policy, and the student handbook.

Understanding what a command verb is

Your assignment will always have a series of questions or points that you will need to address. The first step in successfully addressing your assignment questions is by understanding what your lecturer wants from you, and this means understanding the command verb of the question.

What is a command verb?

This is constituted by an imperative verb that gives you a specific instruction.

What are the common command verbs your assignment has and what they mean?

The following is not a complete list however, it can help you to understand what is expected of you.

Explain = to describe a situation in detail or present relevant facts. E.g. To say it’s a chair, it’s descriptive but not explanatory, to say it’s a wooden chair, made of mango woods, that has four legs, and an arm rest, is to explain.

Assess = to evaluate the relevance of something. E.g. To say Brexit is an important event in the UK, is factual but not evaluative. To say that the impact of Brexit on the automotive industry is yet to be determined, but a likely estimate situates a loss of manufacturing plants, and consequently jobs in the UK, is evaluative.

Compare = to measure how similar or different something is. E.g. To say that surrealism is different from cubism, is to state a fact. However, to state that while both movements are considered modern art, cubism popularised by Picasso, breaks down the subject matter and reassembles it in an abstract form, while surrealism, popularised by Salvador Dali, focuses on the subconscious mind and portrays everyday objects in a unfamiliar setting.

Analyse = to examine something in detail. E.g. To say that the UK judicial system is complex is too simple however, to say that the UK judicial system is complex due to historical reasons, and that has led to separate jurisdictions with one system for England and Wales, another for Scotland, and another for Northern Ireland. In England Wales at the lower instance you have the magistrate courts and tribunals, followed by the crown court, and the county court, high court and court of appeal (detailing what are the key functions for each of these and how the interrelate with one another, and for the other judiciary systems, and finalising with the UK Supreme Court is to analyse a subject).

Don’t forget you can always refer to your lecturer for other verbs not included here or your study skills tutor.