Creating a Winning Business

95 views 6:56 am 0 Comments April 13, 2023

Assignment Brief

  1. All Sections of the Workbook must be fully completed, highlighting the changes to all the versions from workbook 1 , workbook 2 and workbook 3.   The maximum word count for each Section (page) of 400 words (+ up to 10%) must be observed. This word limit applies to BOTH the BMC and Reflection sections. Also, complete the “Testing evidence”
  • The quality of your responses in each Section is most important. Quality refers to the extent in which you are able to indicate the detail and the evidence of your thinking, research, enquiries and testing of the various aspects of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) for your business idea.
  • Quality also refers to the extent to which you demonstrate an understanding of and application of BMC processes (e.g. testing assumptions) and of techniques used during the course (e.g. reflective learning and action learning sets
  • Quality of academic style should be good – grammar, clarity, presentation, referencing
  1. The 3 Business Model Canvas (BMC) Versions should demonstrate the use of the BMC approach and the development of the idea during the course.
  2. The 3 Reflection sections of each Version should fully demonstrate an understanding of and application of BMC processes (e.g. testing assumptions) and of techniques used during the course (e.g. reflective learning and action learning sets).
  3. The Personal Career development section of Version 3 should demonstrates reflective evidence of three skills / knowledge areas and your plans for further self-development.
  4. The workbook should be of good quality of academic style (e.g. grammar, clarity, presentation, referencing)