Coordinate Fault Rectification and Restoration of Services

134 views 10:31 am 0 Comments May 21, 2023

Task 1 – Coordinate Fault Rectification and Restoration of Services Following at a Network Outage – Planned Outage

Using the Case Study (West-Telecom-Services-NOC-OCP) given on Canvas, create an action plan for planned outage with the information below.


Your document must include:


Brief overview of the task and scenario used

Fault Rectification and Service Restoration

Manage Repair and Coordinate the Implementation of the Action Plan

Apply the Escalation Procedure

Severity Level (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3)

Priority Level (Critical Function, Important, Non-Critical and Maintenance)

Finalise the Administration and Notification Process

Documentation process

Contingency Plan

Engagement of Additional Services, Technical Support

Manual Switchover to Redundant Paths

Provisions of Standby Equipment

To be used in critical situation

Communication Plan

Create a communication plan for all stakeholders, departments with details of:

Outage duration

Initial time of outage

Geographical print of the problem

Services impacted

Outcome of automatic switch over to standby equipment’s



The Referencing style that we use is APA style. Please follow the link below for more information


Task 2 – Coordinate Fault Rectification and Restoration of Services Following at a Network Outage – Unplanned Outage

Using the Case Study (West-Telecom-Services-NOC-OCP) given on Canvas, create an action plan for unplanned outage (choose one out of: DDOS attack, Failure of Transmission Equipment, Fibre Cut, Radio Frequency Interference, Satellite Transponder Failure, Uninterruptible Power Supply Failure) with the information below.


Your document must include:


Brief overview of the task and scenario used

Fault Rectification and Service Restoration

Manage Repair and Coordinate the Implementation of the Action Plan

Apply the Escalation Procedure

Severity Level (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3)

Priority Level (Critical Function, Important, Non-Critical and Maintenance)

Finalise the Administration and Notification Process

Documentation process

Contingency Plan

Engagement of Additional Services, Technical Support

Manual Switchover to Redundant Paths

Provisions of Standby Equipment

To be used in critical situation

Communication Plan

Create a communication plan for all stakeholders, departments with details of:

Outage duration

Initial time of outage

Geographical print of the problem

Services impacted

Outcome of automatic switch over to standby equipment’s



The Referencing style that we use is APA style. Please follow the link below for more information