Contemporary Management Studies

107 views 8:48 am 0 Comments April 25, 2023

Contemporary Management Studies
Assessment – Suggested Structure
NOT to your topic area, but to the essay
Provide a clear structure in this part
Background to topic area
Critical Literature Review – Brief history of:
o its emergence
o its definition(s)
o the way it has been studied
o where it has been studied
o the theoretical perspectives that have underpinned its study
Organisational Goals
Why is this topic important to companies?
How does it relate to achieving their organisational goals?
Management Practice
Why is this topic important to managers?
How does it impact of their everyday practice?
How do they know about it?
What guidance do they receive?
Think about how this provides insight
Problematise the topic:
o What have been the dominant assumptions?
o What have been the research assumptions?
o What are the values of those undertaking the research / those putting the research
into practice?
o What could be done differently?
o Whose views have been prioritised, what other stakeholder are there, what other
perspectives are there?
o Are there ethical implications?
How might your understanding / different approaches provide new insights in to the
management function?
o Introduce your meta theoretical understanding
Whose problems are being ‘solved’?
What have you learned from this learning journey?