Consulting in Practice

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Assignment Brief Academic Year 2022-23

Module code
and title:
BM562 Consulting in Practice Module leader: Dr Mahwish Noor
No. and type:
CW2 Individual Report (with
20% of module mark
time and date:
Friday 16th June 2023
before 2 pm
Target feedback
time and date:
3 weeks after submission


Assignment Brief
This is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work and should be undertaken on your own.
The purpose of this assignment is to:
Evaluate your learning and skills development across the project.
Reflect on skills gaps and how they might be addressed.
Demonstrate your employability and readiness to apply for graduate level jobs, as you progress to
Level 6.
The ‘Task Requirements’ section below details the four tasks to be completed.
The word count of 1500 words refers specifically to Tasks one and two. The response to these tasks should
be written in report format using a formal tone and a concise style. You may use the first person.
Tasks three and four will be fully assessed using the Assessment Criteria but will not be included in the word
Note: Since this assignment needs to reflect your current knowledge/skills/experience, including learning
from your client project, we do not expect to see substantial recycling of your Career Viewpoint Level 4 work.
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
Perform efficiently and effectively as a collaborative member of a working group and as an added
value contributor to the organisation assigned to the students.
Develop and demonstrate effective business communication skills.

Chris Parsons 09 12 21

Task Requirements
Task one (25 marks)
Having worked as part of the team solving your client’s business problem, this task requires you
to reflect on the process and evaluate your learning and your skills development. For example,
Which skills have you developed and/or enhanced as a result of the project?
What do you know now that you didn’t know at the start of the process?
To what extent has your level of confidence improved?
How could you use your learning in your future career?
Your critical evaluation should be supported with examples.
Task two (10 marks)
Taking into account your evaluation in task one, this task requires you to identify THREE skills
gaps or areas where you consider that further development would be useful, for you to be
successful in your business career. Propose a plan of action for filling these gaps/developing
these areas.
Task three (40 marks)
For this task you will need to be registered on mybuckscareer, if you have not already done so.
Use ‘My Jobs’ on the top menu bar, and then ‘Job Search Engine’ to identify a specific job that
you would like to apply for (This could be a graduate scheme, an internship, a placement or a
graduate job).
Alternatively, identify a graduate scheme, an internship, a placement or a graduate job that you
have seen advertised, or published on a website.
Whether using the ‘Job Search Engine’ or another source, please select a job where there is a
reasonable level of information on the company’s requirements, such as a person specification or
job description. Then,
In the Appendices to your report;
Place a screenshot or print out of the job you are applying for, including the job
description/person specification
Create a CV which is specifically tailored to the job requirements and description. For this
element of the assignment, please either use the CV Builder on mybuckscareer (accessed
through CVs Job Applications, then ‘Writing your CV), or a format of your choice which
includes similar information.
In the body of the report, create a simple table which;


shows the key skills/qualities that the organisation is looking for (Column A – use extracts
or summaries of the job description or person specification to help) and
maps against each requirement the wording from your CV which addresses these
requirements (Column B)
This table will not be included in the word count.
Task four (15 marks)
Create or update your LinkedIn profile to ensure it is fully reflects your current situation. (Use the
section ‘Social Media’ on mybuckscareer to help you).
Place a screenshot of your profile in the Appendices. Your profile should include the following;
photo, headline and summary, education, skills (at least 4), groups (at least 2) and companies (at
least 2.)
The profile will not be included in the word count.
The remaining 10 marks will be for written communication.
Referencing and research requirements
In this report we are not expecting academic references, it is very much a practical assignment.
If you do use references (e.g. perhaps to client documents), Please reference your work according to the
Harvard Referencing style as defined in Cite Them Right Online ( This
information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2016)
Cite them right: the essential
reference guide.
10th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the university library.
The Cite Them Right database can be accessed via the Library – A to Z list of e resources
How your work will be assessed
Your work will be assessed using the separate assessment grid, which takes into account the learning
outcomes and the grading descriptors for Level 5. Note the allocation of marks to the different sections.
Submission details
You are reminded of the University’s regulations on academic misconduct, which can be viewed on the
University website: data/assets/pdf_file/0024/9546/Academic-Misconduct
Policy.pdf. In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood
these regulations
Please also note that work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will be
considered a late submission. Late submissions will be marked and the actual mark recorded, but will


be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard. Work
submitted after this period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission.


Before you submit
Please use the checklist below to make sure you are ‘fit to submit’ your work.
We recommend you use this checklist as soon as you get this assignment brief to help you plan your work.
Fit to Submit: Assignment Checklist
This brief assignment checklist is designed to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes students
make in their coursework.
In it you will find details of the assessment task, word count, the assessment criteria your work is marked
against, and the learning outcomes – the basis for the assessment strategy in each module.
Students often lose marks by forgetting some of the more straightforward elements of their
assignments. We recommend that you “tick off” each of the points below as you prepare your work
for submission. If you need any help, ask your tutor and / or visit
See Assignment Checklist below
Have you read and understood the assessment criteria?
Have you
met the learning outcomes? You will lose marks and your work may even
be failed if you have not.
Have you demonstrated you can think and write
critically in the completed work?
This means you have supported your arguments/explanations appropriately e.g.
using relevant academic sources and you have offered discussion points which
extends your own or others’ viewpoints to make reasoned conclusions/judgements.
Have you maintained an
academic tone throughout your work? Is your work formal,
focused, developed and clear?
Have you checked that the referencing in your assignment is in line with your
programme requirements?


Have you proof-read your work and used spellcheck software to check your spelling
and grammar?
Have you checked the presentation of your work is as specified by your tutor, for
example, are font size, colour, style, line spacing and margins as the tutor specified?
Have you kept to the word count (or equivalent)?
If you are not sure, check with your
Can you confirm that the work submitted is your own and not

Assessment Grid for BM562 CW2 Career Research Report

80-100 (A+)
70-79 (A)
60-69 (B)
50-59 (C)
40-49 (D)
35-39 E –
Marginal fail
0-34 (F) –
Criteria Weig
Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Below required
Not successful
Analysis and Criticality of
Learning and Skills
25 Work demonstrates an
accomplished ability of the
reflective piece in terms of
knowledge they have
they have developed
impact on confidence
how to use learning
in their future career
Work demonstrates a
highly accomplished ability
of the reflective piece in
terms of :
knowledge they have
they have developed
impact on confidence
how to use learning
in their future career
Work demonstrates a
sophisticated ability of
the reflective piece in
terms of :
knowledge they
have acquired
they have
impact on
confidence levels
how to use
learning in their
future career
Work demonstrates a
well-developed ability of
the reflective piece in
terms of :
knowledge they
have acquired
they have
impact on
confidence levels
how to use
learning in their
future career
Work demonstrates a
sufficient ability of the
reflective piece in terms
of :
knowledge they
have acquired
they have
impact on
confidence levels
how to use
learning in their
future career
Work demonstrates
an insufficient
ability of the
reflective piece in
terms of :
they have
rs they have
impact on
how to use
learning in
their future
Work demonstrates a
limited or no ability of
the reflective piece in
terms of :
knowledge they
have acquired
they have
impact on
confidence levels
how to use
learning in their
future career
Application and Practice An exceptionally
accomplished career
A highly accomplished
career action plan with 3
A capable and
effective career action
A consistent and
informed career action
Several action points
noted to a sufficient
ability but only one or
two are SMART in
approach but are
relevant to the previous
A sufficient CV with
most of the key areas
covered. The CV and
table demonstrate how
the student’s skills and
experience fit with the
requirements to a
sufficient level
Several unspecific
action points noted
to an insufficient
ability, are not
SMART in approach
and do not reflect
the previous
An insufficient CV
with key elements
missing. There is an
insufficient level of
demonstrating how
the CV and table
showing the
students skills and
experience fit with
the job/person
No action plan
included or one
nonspecific action of
limited or no ability
which is not SMART in
approach and does
not reflect the
previous analysis
Limited or no CV
attempted. There is
limited or no
demonstration of how
the CV and table
showing the students
skills and experience
fit with the job /
person requirements.
Career action plan 10 action plan with 3+ action
points noted which are
action points noted which
are SMART in approach
plan with 3 action
points noted which
plan with 3 action points
noted which are SMART
SMART in approach and and linked to previous are SMART in in approach and linked
linked to previous analysis. analysis. approach and linked to previous analysis.
to previous analysis.
CV and table with match to
40 An exceptionally
accomplished CV with all
key elements covered. The
A highly accomplished CV
with all key elements
covered. The CV and table
A capable and
effective CV with all
key elements covered.
A consistent and
informed CV with all key
elements covered. The
CV and table demonstrate demonstrate how the The CV and table CV and table
how the student’s skills student’s skills and demonstrate how the demonstrate how the
and experience fit with the experience fit with the student’s skills and student’s skills and
job/person requirements job/person requirements experience fit with the experience fit with the
to an exceptionally to a highly accomplished job/person job/person
accomplished level level requirements in a requirements in a
capable and effective consistent and informed
manner manner.


LinkedIn 15 An exceptionally
accomplished LinkedIn
profile with all key
elements covered.
A highly accomplished
LinkedIn profile with all key
elements covered.
A capable and
effective LinkedIn
profile with all key
elements covered.
A consistent and
informed LinkedIn
profile with all key
elements covered.
A sufficient LinkedIn
profile with most of the
key elements covered.
An insufficient
LinkedIn profile with
key elements
Limited or no LinkedIn
profile attempted.
Transferable Skills
10 Demonstrates an
exceptional ability to
communicate ideas and
information accurately and
reliably in written
Demonstrates a highly
accomplished ability to
communicate ideas and
information accurately and
reliably in written
Demonstrates a highly
proficient ability to
communicate ideas
and information
accurately and reliably
Demonstrates a
consistent and confident
ability to communicate
ideas and information
accurately and reliably in
Demonstrates a
sufficient ability to
communicate ideas and
information accurately
and reliably in written
Demonstrates an
insufficient ability to
communicate ideas
and information
accurately and
academic English, academic English, in written academic written academic academic English, reliably in written
This should include evidence of: throughout the project. throughout the project. English, throughout English, throughout the throughout the project. academic English,
Accurate spelling, the project. project. throughout the
punctuation and grammar
Completing all of the
assignment tasks
Appropriate language use
Appropriate report writing
Accurate Harvard referencing