Conceptualisations of victims

103 views 8:08 am 0 Comments June 8, 2023

A full briefing on this assessment was provided in class in Week 10 of the module and the essay briefing slides were provided in the Essay folder D the Assessments area of the Victims and lactintalogy module blackboard.
For this assessment, you are required to prepare a 3000 word essay that contributes to 7S% of the overall module mark. Two essay titles are fisted below and you are required to choose one title and to prepare your essay on that topic.
I. Essay Title 1: Should the label of the ‘victim’ be redesignated in contemporary victimology? Discuss the shifting conceptualisations of victims, critically evaluating the contribution of different theoretical perspectives on criminal victimisation. 2. Essay Title it Critically examine the role of ‘harm’ in the construction of criminal victimisation and highlight using an example, the impact of social divisions on criminal ham). In this assessment, you are required to: examine the concept of ‘victim’ and WictimisafionT The first question requires you to draw upon varied theoretical perspectives on victimisation such as positivist, radical, fen)and critical perspectives. It requires you to crifically evaluate their contribution to our understanding of victimisation generally. The second question too examines the construction of criminal victimisation focussing specifically on the notion of harm. Your essay should draw attention to the impact of social divisions based on gender, race, age, ability, class on crimhol victimisation. It asks you to highlight your examination using a specific example. Note that this assessment should be prepared using the detailed guidance in the ‘Guidelines for Doing This Assessment’ Section Below.
Note that for this assignment, you are not permitted to use the same examples discussed in the lecture/slides and are encouraged to identify and analyse examples through independent research. This assignment is designed to encourage you to lean) specifically about theoretical perspectives underpinning the concept of victims and how some key concepts apply to specific victimological issues. Hence, the essay questions above are not affiliated to any single lecture per se but underpin much et what is explored in this module. This assignment is also designed to encourage you to develop the graduate atnibutes listed in the “Credo& e Skills / Attributes” section below.
GUIDANCE ON DOING THIS ASSESSMENT This section provides you with some guidance to help you to get started on this assessment and build an ffisessmetit plan, but it is important to note that this is not exhaustive guidance, as you are required to develop your own independent academic skills and demonstrate these in assessments in Higher Education. If you need further guidance with this assessment, you can contact the member of staff who 0 in charge of the assessment (see contact details above) for a arterial, or ask questions in class. Assessment Specific Guidance:
Note that you should follow the standard guidance on Essay Writing that is provided in the ‘Essays’ area on the ‘Criminology Toolkit’ Blackboard.
I. Essay Title 1: Note that the lectures on 7heorelical Approaches to Victimology and notimMation: Vulnerability and Resilience provide some of the basic background information required to write this assessment and you should familiarise yourself with the content of these materials as a basis for your aoessment. However, you are also required to cony out a substantial amount of additional reading / research, using academic textboaks, academic journals and policy documents and research reports from governmental departments as well as relevant non-governmental organisations and use the information from these sources to complete this asses to the standard expected in Higher Education. Some good quality resources are provided in the Kay References section to get you stoned on thenssessment and additional resources are provided on the lecture folders in the Learning Resources Arca of the module BB and in the reading list in the Module Handbook. If you need guidance with this assessment, contact Aravinda Kosmajn(amvinda.kosamjlynreml ryoL). 2. Essay Title it Note that the lectures on Theoretical Approaches to lActimology and Criminal Victimisation and Social Divisions provide some of the basic background information required to write this assessment and you should familiarise yourself with the content of these materials as a basis for your assessment. However, you are also required to carry out a substamial amount of additional reading / research, using academic textbooks, academic journals and policy documents and research reports from governmental departments as well as relevant non-governmental organisations and use the information from these sources to complete this asussment to the standard expected in Higher Education. Some good quality resources are provided in the Key References section to get you sinned on the assessment and additional resources are provided on the lecture folders in the Learning Resources Area of the module BB and in the reading list in the Module Handbook. If you need guidance with this assessment, contact Aravinda Kosaraju (aravindalosaraiuk)
Taolldt Guidance: Note that this assessment should be prepared using the standard guidance in the Essays area On The CCCU Criminology Deficit Blackboard
ASSIGNMENT STRUCTURE As with all assignments, the first page should be the standard Assessment Title Page provided in the Assessments area of the programme BB and the general structure for this assignment type is provided in the general Essay guidelines provided in the Victims and Victimology Blackboard of the Criminology Toolkit Blackboard. You are also required to follow the standard guidance in structuring your essay and make sure to address all parts of the question that you choose to eddies. You are also required to engage critically with key concepts/perspectives essential to addressing the chosen question.