Conceptual Understanding

145 views 9:32 am 0 Comments April 26, 2023
Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-100%)
Answers the
( /20 marks)
Essay does not effectively
answer the question. The
question may have been
misinterpreted or was not
based on relevant material
and/or is frequently off
topic. (0 – 9 marks)
Essay answers the
question. However,
some aspects may
have been better
addressed than
others and/or the
response was
occasionally off
topic. (10 marks)
Essay answers all
aspects of the
question in a
balanced fashion.
(13 marks)
The essay addresses all
aspects of the question
in a balanced fashion. A
clear line of argument
has been established.
(15 marks)
Essay addresses all aspects of
the question in a balanced
fashion. A strong line of
argument has been established.
( 17 marks)
( /20 marks)
Essay contains frequent
errors. It is not clear that
key concepts/theories are
understood. (0 – 9 marks)
A basic
understanding of key
has been
demonstrated. Some
errors or
inaccuracies may be
present. (10 – 12.8
A satisfactory
understanding of key
has been
Some minor
inaccuracies may be
present. (13 – 14.8
Essay demonstrates a
good understanding of
key concepts/theories.
Student has been able
to define/explain
concepts and/or use
them correctly. (15 –
16.8 marks)
A strong understanding of key
concepts/theories has been
demonstrated. Student has
been able to define/explain
concepts and/or use them
correctly and discuss the
interconnections between them.
(17 – 20 marks)
( /15 marks)
Work is poorly structured.
There is no real
introduction, body and
structure. (0 – 7 marks)
Some problems but
clear attempt has
been made to
provide introduction,
body and
conclusion. (7.5 – 9.6
The essay is
reasonably cohesive
and consists of an
introduction, body
and conclusion. (10 –
11 marks)
Very good organisation
of material, which helps
to strengthen the
argument. Some minor
improvements could be
made with respect to
linking key points. (11.5
– 12.6 marks)
Very good organisation of
material. There is a clear, logical
flow and good sense of
argument. (13 – 15 marks)
( /15 marks)
Work is poorly written.
errors. Overall meaning is
not clear. (0 – 7 marks)
Meaning is mostly
clear but problems
with spelling,
grammar, syntax
and/or word choice
cloud the argument
from time to time.
(7.5 – 9.6 marks)
Work is reasonably
well written, though
some improvements
could be made with
respect to
and/or spelling and
grammar. (10 – 11
Work is well written with
only very minor
errors. (11.5 – 12.6
Work is extremely well-written.
Language is appropriate to
academic writing and aids overall
clarity of argument. (13-15


( /10 marks)
Insufficient research and
reading. Essay based on
anecdotal evidence or non
academic reading. Over
reliance on lecture
material. (0 – 4.5 marks)
Minimum 5
academic sources
have been cited in
the essay. These
could be drawn on in
more detail, and/or
there is some over
reliance on lecture
material. (5 – 6.4
6-7 relevant
academic sources
have been drawn on
for the essay.
Deeper engagement
with these would
have aided the
argument and
analysis that was
developed. (6.5 – 7.4
Student has engaged
with at least 7 erelevant
academic sources and
worked to incorporate
these into their
argument. (7.5 – 8.4
Student has engaged in an in
depth reading of 8-10 relevant
academic sources. Detailed
understanding of the arguments
presented in these is evident.
(8.5 – 10 marks)
( /10 marks)
Student has not referenced
their work sufficiently. No
reference list provided
and/or multiple missing in
text citations. (0 – 4.5
Student has made
clear attempt to
reference the essay.
There may be some
inconsistencies with
referencing style or
some errors. (5 – 6.4
Student has made
clear attempt to
reference their work
using Harvard style.
Some minor errors
are present. (6.5 –
7.4 marks)
Essay is thoroughly
referenced. (7.5 – 8.4
Essay is very well referenced.
(8.5 – 10 marks)
( /10 marks)
No sign of critical thinking.
Over reliance on lectures.
Too many direct quotes. (0
– 4.5 marks)
Work is largely
descriptive but
student has made a
clear attempt to
paraphrase. There is
little or no evidence
of independent
thinking or critical
evaluation. (5 – 6.4
Student has made
some attempt to
different approaches
to the topic and
evaluate the
arguments put
forward by different
(6.5 – 7.4 marks)
Essay evaluates
different arguments put
forward and draws
connections between
different theories and/or
concepts. (7.5 – 8.4
Student has been able to weigh
different arguments and engage
with the concepts/theories
presented in detail. Student has
been able to take more than one
view point and/or their response
to the question is highly
analytical/original. (8.5 – 10
TOTAL = /100