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WELF2001 – Spring 2022
Assignment 3: Additional Information Sheet with Questions and Answers
This document is to provide summary and additional information on the third
assignment for Community Management and Organisations. It is designed to
complement the information provided in the Learning Guide. Students should also
refer to the Learning Guide for more detailed information.
Assignment 3: REPORT
Research and outline the activities and practices of TWO (2) existing community
organisations, and prepare a report that outlines the key issues to their operation
1. What is the community that they aim to serve?
2. How and why did they come to be established?
3. How do they describe their purpose?
4. What activities do they undertake?
5. How is the governance and management organised to reflect their service to
6. How do they resource their activities?
7. What are the important issues that these organisations need to address for
their future sustainability?
1,200 words (leeway on the world limit: Plus or minus 10%)
Due date:
By no later than 11:59 pm on Wednesday, 19th October 2022.
50% of total mark
This assessment is to be done as a Report.
There is some flexibility in how you might you structure this assessment and you
may choose a reporting format that suits your style of reporting.
For example:
One way is to incorporate a table to illustrate the fundamental elements of
each organisation, and addressing some points, such as sustainability, as a
written analysis.
Another way is to write the review of your organisations one after the other,
addressing the seven discussion prompts for each.
A further way you may use the seven discussion prompts to structure your
report and embed the organisations approach to each under each discussion
Please refer to the ACOSS and Deloittes reports on the community sector in Lecture
2 as some examples of a report format that have been used in professional practce.
The aim of this assignment is for you to research and explore the ways in which the
concepts of community management covered in this unit are applied in the practices
of community organisations.
You are still expected to use appropriate referencing, with in text citations when you
are relying on resources to support claims that you make in your analysis.
It is expected that you will reference the websites two organisations that you choose
to report on.

In addition, you may draw in additional resources from the course materials,
academic journals, or industry reports to support your analysis.
Take care with the references that you use ensuring that they are suitable for an
academic paper.
Do not using on-line encyclopaedias as a reference as they may
be an unreliable source of information for academic purposes.
What community organisations can I report on?
You have flexibility, so long as they meet the criteria of being a community
A number of community organisations have been referred to during the lectures.
These examples may give you a sense of the type of organisation that you can
choose to research and report on.
Can I use community organisations referred to as examples during the
You may choose to report on one of the community organisations referred to during
the lectures, with one exception (see below), although you are encouraged to look
for others.
HOWEVER: The assessment asks you to undertake independent critical thinking. If
you merely paraphrase from the lectures using the same examples, you will not
demonstrate this attribute and will be marked accordingly.
The exception is First Peoples Disability Network who have been referred to
consistently as a case example to highlight important concepts and points. Due to
the level of commentary on this community organisation that has been provided
during the lectures,
do not select the First Peoples Disability Network as one of your
community organisations you report on in your assessment.

Must the organisation be a community organisation?
Yes. You will be penalised if you report on a private sector or public sector
organisation, as this is fundamental to your understanding of what a community
organisation is.
How do I know whether the organisation I am researching meets the criteria as
a community organisation?
This should be evident from your research, so look for their vision, mission and
governance structures. There are also clues in their website address:
COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS will likely have ‘’ or ‘org’ suffix on their
website address
AVOID Organisations with the following suffixes in their website address:
‘.gov’ or ‘’ : These are Government organisations
‘.edu’ or ‘’ : These are educational institutions.
‘.com’ or ‘’: These are private sector enterprises
Must the organisation be in Australia or can it be international?
You can research organisations in Australia or international, or one of each.
Note that this assignment involves some comparative analysis between the two
community organisations, so consider this when selecting your organisations. To
make a comparative analysis between the two community organisations manageable
for you, you may consider selecting the organisation that operate within the same
sector (for example, two disability organisations); or have a similar type or
characteristic (for example, two Indigenous community organisations).

Marking Criteria:
Research: (Weighting 15 marks)
Demonstrates a capacity to research, analyse and present materials on the
practices of community organisations.
Application of key concepts: (Weighting 15 marks)
Demonstrates a capacity to relate the practices of community organisations to
relevant concepts of community organisational management.
Critical analysis: (Weighting: 10 marks)
Demonstrates an ability to identity the key issues affecting the management of
community organisations and their sustainability.
Expression: (Weighting: 10 marks)
Can express ideas clearly and coherently in written form, using a consistent
style of writing and referencing.
Can I send my tutor a draft of my essay to review prior to submission?
You can ask questions of your tutor or the unit coordinator, but unfortunately, they
will not be able to review of draft of your assignment before you submit it.
How do I seek an extension?
You may find you need to seek an extension if you are finding it difficult to meet an
assignment deadline due to extenuating circumstances. In most cases it isn’t a problem –
the teaching team is trying to help people get through. It is important to ask yourself here
first however: “Will this help me or am I putting off a problem?”

All requests for extension must be submitted through the WesternNow portal via the
following link:
Once you log into WesternNow Home Page, select the following options:
My Study
Exams and assessments
Extension for assessments.
Once you have completed the form and uploaded the supporting documents, click on
Submit to register your request for extension.
Please note that your Tutors cannot grant an extension for assessments. Additionally, the
Unit Coordinator cannot grant an extension without the appropriate form having been sent
through the WesternNow, which is then issued to the Unit Coordinator. Proceeding to
request an extension without following the appropriate channels will only result in a delay
in you receiving a response.
Please remember that you need to provide some evidence as to why you need the
extension and that you will still need to apply even if you already have an Academic
Integration Plan (AIP).
You must abide by the conditions surrounding an ‘Extension’ and/or ‘Special Consideration’.
This includes having to continue to work on your submission (as much as is possible) whilst
you are awaiting your response.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you seek an extension and submit after the due date,
you will only be allowed one attempt to submit your assessment through
Turnitin. Please ensure that the assessment that you submit is the version that
you wish to be marked, as resubmission after the due date will be accepted
only in exceptional circumstances.

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