Communication Plan

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Rockingham: Our City, Our Future
Community Engagement Program
Communication Plan
Updated November 2012

Rockingham: Our City, Our Future
CEP Communications Plan
1.0 BACKGROUND ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
1.1 Executive summary…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
1.2 Project Planning to-date………………………………………………………………………………. 4
1.3 Rockingham’s demographics and key communication considerations……………….. 4
1.4 Project Branding – Our City Our Future …………………………………………………………. 4
2.0 COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES…………………………………………………………………………………..5
3.0 STRATEGY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
4.0 KEY MESSAGES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
5.0 COMMUNICATION TOOLS ………………………………………………………………………………………….7
5.1 Postcard ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
5.2 Website……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
5.3 Online Survey…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
5.4 Social Media………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
5.5 Stakeholder letters ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8
5.6 Advertisements…………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
5.7 Media releases …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
5.8 Fact sheets………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
5.9 Letters to Stakeholders ……………………………………………………………………………….. 9
6.0 KEY STAKEHOLDERS……………………………………………………………………………………………….9
6.1 External stakeholders………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
6.2 Internal stakeholders …………………………………………………………………………………. 10
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1.1 Executive summary
The City of Rockingham is seeking to proactively communicate with the community in the
development of a Local Planning Strategy (LPS) that will guide the long term land use planning
of the City to 2031 and beyond.
Involving the community and raising awareness of the LPS process is critical in developing a
successful land use plan that reflects a shared community vision and set of aspirations for the
future generation of Rockingham.
As part of an initial Community Engagement Program (CEP), ConsultWG has prepared a
Communication Plan, which will assist the project team with the coordination and management
of communication activities during the ‘Community Awareness & Feedback Phase’ and reengaging the community via the ‘Outcomes and Next Steps’ phase of the project.
This plan identifies key messages, project milestones and sets out how and when
communication will occur. It is a living document and will be regularly updated to reflect
outcomes from internal and community workshops, research and the needs of the developing
project. This plan reflects the City’s commitment to open and transparent communication with its
A wide range of communication initiatives will be implemented to support the two key phases of
the consultation process 1. Community Awareness & Feedback Phase (October /November), 2.
Outcomes and Next Steps Phase (December/January). Communication for the ‘Community
Awareness and Feedback’ phase will provide a strong call to action and highlight opportunities
for people to get involved and have a say. These initiatives include:
Production and distribution of a community survey available online, council and local
Letters and emails to the community stakeholder groups;
Establishment of a webpage on the City of Rockingham website, displaying clear and
easy to understand information on the LPS and how to have a say;
Provision of an online forum to encourage broad community input;
Development of discussion papers and factsheets uploaded to the dedicated webpage
to provide the community with ongoing information about the intent of the LPS;
Advertisements and advertorial in local community newspapers highlighting
opportunities for community members to get involved in the LPS process;
Printed media and display material to provide up-to-date information; and
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Development of a series of regular media releases with key messages for publication in
local community newspapers.
All communication materials will be prepared in accordance with the
City of Rockingham’s
Communication Guide.
1.2 Project Planning to-date
The project has already commenced with a needs assessment and a number of internal
stakeholder forums. Outcomes from the Internal Officer and Councillor workshops have
confirmed the focus of planning issues to be explored with the community during this early initial
consultation phase and these will be reflected in supporting communication material.
1.3 Rockingham’s demographics and key communication considerations
In line with the Beckwith Community Engagement Program Strategy, appropriate and targeted
communication tools will be implemented to take into account the following demographics:
In 2006, almost 60 per cent of Rockingham dwellings had internet access which would
indicate many residents would embrace the use of online methods to access information
and have a say on the project.
With a population of more than 107,000 and a geographical spread of some 260km,
residents may feel more attached to their suburb. Communication will target residential
areas though resident association newsletters, school newsletters, and personal contact
with key community leaders.
Rockingham has a high number of young families. Family demands might make it harder
for those residents to attend face-to-face forums and more convenient to rely online or
communication to stay informed and engaged.
The City of Rockingham has a growing number of Fly in Fly out workers and shift workers.
Offering an online forum would provide an appropriate avenue for being involved and
giving the Council feedback.
1.4 Project Branding – Our City Our Future
Whilst no formal branding had been established for this project to date it is recommended that
an appropriate branding tag line is utilised in all print and on line media. As agreed with the
project team – the tag line “Our City Our Future’” will be used to ensure consistent
communication and create community identity with the project. This tag line will also be used as

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a secondary or primary tag for communication specific tools to further highlight planning topics
and key issues i.e. ‘‘Our City Our Future | Baldivis Community Workshop’.
The objectives for the Rockingham Local Planning Strategy CEP Communication Plan are as
to proactively engage with community to maximise awareness and participation in the
first stage of the Local Planning Strategy process;
to provide clear, timely and relevant information to stakeholders and the community;
to provide information about the Local Planning Strategy project at all levels to engage
a wide range of community from browsers to the attentive;
to generate interest and attendance at the community workshops and public display;
to actively and consistently communicate key project messages.

Objective Strategy
To proactively engage with
community to maximise
awareness and participation in
the Local Planning Strategy
Community workshops
Dedicated webpage
Community survey
Generate a series of accurate and informative media releases
and media articles regarding the progress of the project,
opportunities to have a say and next steps.
This will be done through ConsultWG in consultation with the
City’s Strategic Planning and Communication teams to ensure
information is conveyed in a way that can be easily understood
and is accurate.
To provide information about
the LPS project at all levels to
engage a wide range of
community from browsers to
the attentive
Invite feedback on the Local Planning Strategy via an online
forum mechanism
Utilise the City’s social media presence to provide an
alternative avenue for informing people and raising awareness
of the LPS project.
Take into account latest demographic data and ensure

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communication material is appropriate to a range of audiences.
To provide clear, timely and
relevant information to
stakeholders and the broader
Distribute a community survey to residents in hard copy and
Produce factsheets covering key planning focus areas for the
Regular updates to dedicated webpage to maintain momentum
of project.
Monthly articles in the City’s news column in the local
Regularly update meetings with the project team to ensure
messaging reflect current themes of the LPS project.
Generate series of accurate and informative media releases
regarding progress of the project.
To generate interest and
attendance at community
workshops and public display.
Encourage City of Rockingham Councillors to promote
workshops to ward residents via word of mouth.
Ensure print media highlighting opportunities to get involved in
the LPS is prominently displayed at key community venues.
Personal invites developed and distributed to key community
and stakeholder groups.
Disseminate advertising material through Residents
Associations, community groups, schools and key community
To actively and consistently
communicate key messages.
Convey key messages through various communication tools to
the local community.
Generate series of accurate and informative media releases
regarding progress of the project.

The following key messages have been developed by ConsultWG to ensure clear and consistent
information regarding the Local Planning Strategy process and will underpin all communication
material during the ‘Community Awareness’ phase of the CEP.

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The City of Rockingham is preparing a Local Planning Strategy to guide planning and
development of the City over the next 20 years and beyond. It will also provide a blue
print for a new town planning scheme.
Titled Our City Our Future – the Local Planning Strategy will build upon the community
vision identified in the City’s ten year Strategic Community Plan, and will assist with
Rockingham’s evolution into one of the safest, move liveable and sustainable Cities in
the nation.
The Local Planning Strategy is an important project for the whole community and the
City is inviting everyone who lives, works or plays in Rockingham to have a say on
shaping the future of Rockingham.
Community input is critical in developing a Local Planning Strategy that reflects a shared
community vision and a set of aspirations for the future generation.
Whether you have a few minutes or a couple hours, it’s easy to have a say…
5.1 Postcard
A postcard launching the Our City Our Future project to be sent to every household in
Rockingham. The postcard will display the project title Our City Our Future and outline how
people can participate and highlight the webpage address for further information. It is suggested
a creative concept is developed aimed at encouraging the community look forward 20 years in to
the future of our City. It is recommended postcards are also distributed to key community venues
for maximum awareness.
5.2 Website
In line with the Beckwith CEP Strategy, a webpage will be created to provide the broader
community with easy and reliable point of access throughout the consultation process. This page
will host all the latest information on the LPS process and opportunities to get involved. It has
been agreed with the Project Team the URL for the webpage will be:
This webpage will be a living page, enabling the community to keep up-to-date and involved in
the project. In addition, it will provide a direct link to an online survey for the duration of the initial

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consultation phase (up to 26 November). Copy to be prepared by ConsultWG in consultation
with the City, uploading and web page design by the City of Rockingham.
5.3 Online Survey
It is recommended an online survey is established through Survey Monkey and made accessible
via the webpage. This will provide the community with a quick and easy method with which to
give feedback on key planning issues.
5.4 Social Media
Information about the LPS process / how to have a say to be posted on the City’s social media
page and regularly updated as the project progresses. Copy to be provided by ConsultWG with
uploading and monitoring by the City.
5.5 Stakeholder letters
Letters of invite will be sent to the community stakeholder groups in October to formally
introduce the LPS project, provide an overview of the consultation process, contact information
and details of the community workshops.
5.6 Advertisements
A half page advertisement inviting the broader community to get involved and attend community
workshops will be developed by ConsultWG and placed by the City of Rockingham in the Sound
Telegraph and Weekend Courier local papers at least two weeks prior to the first community
workshop (see attached implementation schedule for suggested dates).
This advertisement will be designed by Media Engine to reflect the Our City Our Future
5.7 Media releases
Media releases will be developed during the ‘Community Awareness’ to introduce the
consultation process for the Local Planning Strategy and will highlight a strong call to action /
opportunities for community participation. A media release will be developed following the
consultation activities to re-engage the community and outline the next steps for the project as
well as highlight key emerging themes from the first round of consultation.
The City of Rockingham will be responsible for providing all responses to media enquiries
relating to the Local Planning Strategy process.
5.8 Fact sheets
As agreed by the Project Team, the City in conjunction with ConsultWG, will prepare factsheets
on the common planning themes: Housing, Heritage and Environment, Employment and

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Economic Development and Community Health and Wellbeing to provide the community with
helpful information to aid comments on the LPS.
Information for the factsheets would be provided by the City of Rockingham Strategic Planning
team and prepared by ConsultWG in easy to understand terms.
It is recommended these factsheets are professionally designed and branded as Our City Our
Future factsheets in keeping with advertising and the webpage. The factsheets will be created
as a PDF and uploaded to the Our City Our Future webpage and would also be available in hard
copy at the workshops and Rockingham Community Fair public display.
5.9 Letters to Stakeholders
Letters to raise awareness of the first stage of the Local Planning Strategy process and highlight
opportunities to get involved will be prepared throughout the initial consultation phase and
distributed to key community groups such as residents associations newsletters, schools, FIFO
Families and other key stakeholders.
6.1 External stakeholders

Community Groups Contact
Baldivis Community Association
210 Young Road
Ms M Smith
Settlers Hill Residents Association
15 Tuomey Follow
WA 6171
Ms Lorna Gerber
0439 092 562
Secret Harbour Residents Association
PO Box 7091
WA 7312
Mr Patrick Moran
Singleton Residents Association
PO Box 7310
WA 6173
Mr K Roots
Golden Bay Progress Association
18 Mileura Street
WA 6174

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Other Stakeholders Contact
Media (Sound Telegraph & Weekend Courier)
Other special interest groups (i.e. FIFO Families,
Environmental groups)
Aboriginal Groups Trevor Walley
0439 921234

Further details to be provided as part of stakeholder participant list.
6.2 Internal stakeholders

Internal Stakeholder Groups Manager
Elected Members City of Rockingham
Mr Andrew Hammond Chief Executive Officer
Mr Bob Jeans Director Planning and Development Services
Mr Chris Thompson Director Engineering & Parks Services
Ms Gay Thornton Director Community Development
Mr John Pearson Director Corporate Services
Mr John Woodhouse Director Legal Services and General Counsel
Mr Ben Searcy Manager Human Resource Development
Mr Peter Varris Manager Governance & Councillor Support
Mr Michael Yakas Manager Customer & Corporate Support
Mr Richard Rodgers Manager Building Services
Mr Kelton Hincks Manager Asset Services
Mr Nicholas Brown Manager Community & Leisure Facilities
Mr Michael Holland Manager Community Capacity Building
Mr Michael Quirk Manager Community Infrastructure Planning
Ms Jillian Obiri-Boateng Acting Manager Community Support Services
Ms Genevieve Rowles Manager Community Safety
Mr Cadell Buss Manager Economic Development
Mr Scott Lambie Acting Manager Engineering Services
Mr Ian Daniels Project Manager Mundijong Road

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Mr Stuart McCarthy Manager Engineering Operations
Mr Gary Rogers Manager Procurement and Projects
Mr Allan Moles Manager Financial Services
Mr Rodney Fielding Manager Health Services
Ms Fiona Lambrick Manager Information Systems
Mr James Henson Manager Parks Development
Mr Graham Rose Manager Waste and Landfill Services
Mr Adam Johnson Manager Parks Operations
Mr Peter Ricci Project Manager – Keralup
Mr Michael Ross Manager Statutory Planning
Ms Karin Strachan Manager Strategy Co-ordination
Mr Brett Ashby Manager Strategic Planning and Environment
Ms Fiona Pond Co-ordinator Sustainability & Environment
Mr Jeff Bradbury Co-ordinator Strategic Planning

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Community Awareness and Feedback Phase October & November
Tool Description Timing Quantity Responsibility Comments
Council Column –
August issue
Draft article to introduce Local Planning
20 August ConsultWG COMPLETED
Communication Plan Draft Communication Plan for ‘Community
Awareness’ phase of CEP
27 August ConsultWG COMPLETED
Review and provide feedback/approval Ongoing CoR Comms Plan updated
following feedback
from CoR and
additional key
Stakeholder database Develop participant stakeholder database 1 September ConsultWG COMPLETED
Council Column–
September issue
Draft article to promote upcoming
community workshops for 28 September
Draft Stakeholder letters/emails of invite
and dispatch to community stakeholder
Half Page Advert – have
a say
Draft copy for ad promoting community
workshops and opportunities to have a say
Book ad space in Sound Telegraph and
Weekend Courier
W/c 22 October
W/c 29 October
W/c 5 November
Design of Ad and submission to Sound
Telegraph and Weekend Courier
Ready for W/c 22
Community Survey Develop comprehensive survey questions COMPLTED CoR COMPLETED.
Design and print surveys ready for
w/c15 October 2,000
(500 – venues)

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1500 – workshops
& info display
Circulated to key community venues w/c 22 October
Tool Description Timing Quantity Responsibility Comments
Postcard Develop postcard launching Our City Our
Future and opportunities to get involved for
distribution to all households in
Design and print of postcards ready for
w/c 15 October 44,000 ConsultWG/ME
Dispatch postcards to ‘Council ratepayers’
database – 44,000 households and
circulate to key community venues
(libraries, council office)
w/c 15 October 42,600 –
1,400 libraries &
key venues
Draft background information 5 x factsheets
(Introducing Our City Our Future, Housing,
Heritage & Environment, Employment &
Economic Development & Community
Health & Wellbeing)
W/c 29 October CoR/ConsultWG COMPLETED
Design & print factsheets for circulation at
workshops and Community Fair
2,000 of each +
PDF copies for
upload to
Upload PDF factsheets to webpage W/c 29 October CoR
Webpage Develop dedicated webpage copy to launch
Consultation for Our City Our Future
Establishment of webpage:
with links to initial factsheet, social
media and online survey.
Web page goes
LIVE w/c 15
Social Media Draft copy for social media presence COMPLETED ConsultWG
Update copy to the City’s social media page 16 October CoR Chandran to provide
post content and book
key dates into Social
Media Calendar.
Online Survey Draft questions for online survey w/c 8 October ConsultWG COMPLETED
Develop survey using Survey Monkey w/c 15 October CoR

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Establish online survey as link to webpage
w/c 22 October CoR
Media Release #1 Draft Media #1 to announce first stage of
consultation for Our City Our Future
w/c 1 October ConsultWG COMPLETED
Approval and dispatch to media outlets w/c 8 October CoR
Tool Description Timing Quantity Responsibility Comments
Facilitate Community Workshops in
each of the four wards (1-4)
7 Nov – Coastal
8 Nov – R’ham
13 Nov –
15 Nov – S Bay
Media Release #2 Draft Media release to encourage people to
get along to info display at Community Fair/
closing dates to comment (26 Nov)
w/c 3 November ConsultWG With CoR for approval
Approval and dispatch to media outlets w/c 3 November CoR
Online Media Webpage / social media updated and
details regarding Rockingham Community
Fair public display posted
w/c 3 November CoR COMPLETED
Community Fair
18 November ConsultWG/Co
Outcomes and Next Steps Phase – December 12 and January 13
Tool Description Timing Quantity Responsibility Comments
Webpage Webpage / social media updated to advise
survey closed and thank community for
input – more information to follow
w/c 26 November ConsultWGCoR
Media Release #3 Draft media release to provide an update w/c 3 December ConsultWG

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regarding feedback received through
consultation, highlight some key emerging
themes and refer community to webpage
for updates.
Approve and submit to media outlets w/c 3 December CoR
Tool Description Timing Quantity Responsibility Comments
City Column – Weekend
Courier December issue
Draft ‘thank you for feedback to-date’ article
and refer community to webpage for
outcomes of survey/workshops
w/c 10 December ConsultWG
Letter/emails to
Draft ‘thank you for your participation letter
to community groups and individuals who
attended workshops and refer to webpage
for outcomes of survey.
w/c 3 December ConsultWG
Survey results To be updated to the webpage for public
End of
of 2013