Communication Plan

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CHCCOM003 – Communication Plan



Diploma of Community Services

Assessment Task 4

Australian Learning Group Pty Ltd

RTO 91165, CRICOS 03071E ACN 112 741 723

Table of Contents

Assessment Outline


CHC52015 – Diploma of Community Services


CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies

Assessment Tasks and Plan

You are required to complete all assessment tasks.

The due dates for each tasks are listed below. Your trainer will give you the date applicable to your term of study in Week 1 of term.

Assessment Task

Term Due Date

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Friday Week 5

Assessment Task 2: Social or Cultural Issue Research Project

Friday Week 7

Assessment Task 3: Community Services Program

Friday Week 8

Assessment Task 4: Communication Plan

Friday Week 9

Assessment Task 5: Written Questions

Friday Week 10

Please note that in addition to completion of the above task, to achieve competency, you will need to complete the required work placement terms and associated assessments.

Assessment Instructions and Guide

Before starting your assessment, make sure you do the following:

Read all questions and tasks carefully and complete in your own words.

Use student textbooks and readings to support your answers,

If you are unsure of any tasks, ask your trainer for further explanation,

Answer EVERY question,

Before submitting your assessment, make sure you have completed the following:

Fill out the cover sheet (including ticking the boxes for the student declaration),

Answer EVERY question in EVERY task,

Label all electronic files clearly, with the assessment task number, full name and date, eg. AS1 Sally Smith 01/02/2022,

Include any documents related to in-class simulation tasks,

Re-submit assessments in line with the ALG Assessment policy

Assessment Task 4: Communication Plan


In this task you will need to develop a communication plan based on the following scenario. Amongst other skills you will be assessed on your ability to communicate effectively in a written and verbal context. You will need to refer to your student guide as well as perform some additional research of your own.

This assessment relates to the following units:

CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies


Access to your Structured Study Plan and Assessment Plan

Access to assessment template (Online Student Area)

Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

Access to a computer and the Internet


You will do this task in your own time.

Please refer to the Structured Study Plan and Assessment Plan for the scheduled activities and timelines associated with this task.

You need to answer all questions correctly.

You must use your computer to type in the answers to the questions.

Scenario: You are working for a newly established community services organisation. One of the senior managers has asked you to develop a new communication strategy for employees to refer to when using digital media.

Brief: You are to develop a communication plan proposal that outlines the strategy (and any associated protocols to go with it) you will use to provide information to and promote your organisation to all future prospective clients. You will need to present this proposal to a group of at least three (3) of your classmates and your trainer.


Write a 1–2-page communication plan that addresses the above brief.

Your plan should follow a logical structure and be written in a formal manner.

Include all of the following aspects outlined below in your plan:

Identifying the audience needs and how these will be met

The communication objectives and how these will be reached by your strategy

Incorporating promotional and communication activities into the plan

Setting out how communication will be formulated to customise your message for the needs of your organisation

Resource and budget requirements (including the possible financial implications and/or return on investment)

The possible impacts on competitors (such as similar community service organisations) and stakeholders (such as employees or partners)

Determining who will be responsible for which aspect of the plan

Any information or resources that will support the implementation (you should prepare and attach these to your plan, if possible. If not, you should indicate how you will access and prepare these resources when implementing the plan.)

Deciding on how you will test that the plan has met its objectives including evaluation of the strategy

Present this plan to a group of at least three (3) people (including your trainer), who will represent the staff of your organisation. The people that you present to should be from a diverse range of backgrounds, to reflect a typical workplace. In your presentation you must outline:

The communication strategy and protocols that you have developed

How this strategy will be implemented

The needs of the company with regard to communication and social media, and how your strategy will meet these needs

The standards that will need to be maintained when by staff when using these strategies/protocols.

When giving your presentation, you must use at least one (1) form of presentation media. This may include a PowerPoint, a white board, a projector or computer screen, a diagram or a handout.

Obtain written feedback from at least two (2) of the people you presented to (this may not include your trainer) which addresses:

Whether the strategies and protocols outlined in your presentation are achievable

Whether your strategies meet the needs of the company

Whether your strategies are clear and understandable.

This feedback must be submitted to your trainer for assessment.

Record and submit a reflection that includes:

A summary of any lessons that you learned from this presentation and the feedback you received.

A list and explanation of areas for continuous improvement. This reflection should be roughly 200 words.

PART 1: Communication Plan

Write a 1–2-page communication plan that addresses the above brief.

Your plan should follow a logical structure and be written in a formal manner.

Include all of the following aspects outlined below in your plan:

Identifying the audience needs and how these will be met

The communication objectives and how these will be reached by your strategy

Incorporating promotional and communication activities into the plan

Setting out how communication will be formulated to customise your message for the needs of your organisation

Resource and budget requirements (including the possible financial implications and/or return on investment)

The possible impacts on competitors (such as similar community service organisations) and stakeholders (such as employees or partners)

Determining who will be responsible for which aspect of the plan

Any information or resources that will support the implementation (you should prepare and attach these to your plan, if possible. If not, you should indicate how you will access and prepare these resources when implementing the plan.)

Deciding on how you will test that the plan has met its objectives including evaluation of the strategy

Write Communication Plan below:

PART 2: Presentation:

Present this plan to a group of at least three (3) people (including your trainer), who will represent the staff of your organisation. The people that you present to should be from a diverse range of backgrounds, to reflect a typical workplace. In your presentation you must outline:

The communication strategy and protocols that you have developed

How this strategy will be implemented

The needs of the company with regard to communication and social media, and how your strategy will meet these needs

The standards that will need to be maintained when by staff when using these strategies/protocols.

When giving your presentation, you must use at least one (1) form of presentation media. This may include a PowerPoint, a white board, a projector or computer screen, a diagram or a handout.

Write your presentation notes below: (If you are using PowerPoint for presentation, ensure you submit copy of it as supporting evidence.)

PART 3: Feedback:

Obtain written feedback from at least two (2) of the people you presented to (this may not include your trainer) which addresses:

Whether the strategies and protocols outlined in your presentation are achievable

Whether your strategies meet the needs of the company

Whether your strategies are clear and understandable.

This feedback must be submitted to your trainer for assessment.

Feedback 1:
Name of person who provided feedback:
Feedback 2:
Name of person who provided feedback:

PART 4: Reflection:

Record and submit a reflection that includes:

A summary of any lessons that you learned from this presentation and the feedback you received.

A list and explanation of areas for continuous improvement. This reflection should be roughly 200 words.

Write your reflection notes below:

Assessment Task 4: Assessor Checklist

PART 1: Communication Plan



Did the student develop a communication plan that addresses the brief?


Did the plan include all of the following aspects outlined below in your plan:

Identifying the audience needs and how these will be met

The communication objectives and how these will be reached by your strategy

Incorporating promotional and communication activities into the plan

Setting out how communication will be formulated to customise your message for the needs of your organisation

Resource and budget requirements (including the possible financial implications and/or return on investment)

The possible impacts on competitors (such as similar community service organisations) and stakeholders (such as employees or partners)

Determining who will be responsible for which aspect of the plan

Any information or resources that will support the implementation (you should prepare and attach these to your plan, if possible. If not, you should indicate how you will access and prepare these resources when implementing the plan.)

Deciding on how you will test that the plan has met its objectives including evaluation of the strategy


PART 2: Presentation:



Did the student present this plan to a group of at least three (3) people (including your trainer) with diverse background outlining:

The communication strategy and protocols that you have developed

How this strategy will be implemented

The needs of the company with regard to communication and social media, and how your strategy will meet these needs

The standards that will need to be maintained when by staff when using these strategies/protocols


Did the student use at least one (1) form of presentation media. This may include a PowerPoint, a white board, a projector or computer screen, a diagram or a handout.


PART 3: Feedback:


Did the student obtain written feedback from at least two (2) of the people you presented to (this may not include your trainer) which addresses:

Whether the strategies and protocols outlined in your presentation are achievable

Whether your strategies meet the needs of the company

Whether your strategies are clear and understandable.
YES NO PART 4: Reflection:


Did the student submit a reflection that includes:

A summary of any lessons that you learned from this presentation and the feedback you received.

A list and explanation of areas for continuous improvement. This reflection should be roughly 200 words
YES NO Specific feedback:PART 1: Communication Plan


Not Satisfactory

Date:PART 2: Presentation:


Not Satisfactory

Date:PART 3: Feedback:


Not Satisfactory

Date:PART 4: Reflection:


Not Satisfactory

Date:Trainer/assessor name:
Trainer/assessor signature: