Communicate and Work in Health or Community Services

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CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 30 of 42 RTO Number 121952
CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021

Student Details
I have read and understand unit information and assessment instruction
Student ID Date
Student Name


Conditions of
For this assessment, the student will have access to the relevant learning
resources, listed under the learning resource of this document.
Role Play will be completed during class time as outlined in the unit delivery
and assessment plan.
The assessment is conducted in the SCEI simulated environment that reflects
workplace conditions.
The students must be directly observed by the trainer/assessor during the
assessment process in a safe and competent manner.
Student Instructions
for Completion
Students are to read the provided role play scenario.
o Individual preparation time: 15 to 20 minutes.
o Duration of the role play: between 5 10 minutes.
This assessment requires you to meet ALL requirements (outlined in the
assessment requirements section below) during the role play to receive a
satisfactory outcome for this assessment task.
The schedule/roster for the assessment will be provided to you prior to the
assessment day. You must follow your allocated schedule to attend this
Attendance for this skills assessment is mandatory. A medical certificate must
be presented to be absent from this skills assessment.
You may have up to three (3) attempts to be deemed Satisfactory outcome
with this assessment.
Failure to receive the Satisfactory outcome after the three (3) attempts, the
result for the unit will be deemed Not Yet Satisfactory, and you must re-enroll
and repeat the unit to be eligible to be assessed again.
You must upload the scanned copy of the marked observation checklist into
Moodle within 24 hours after the assessment was conducted.
The written assessment standards (8.2) outlined in the PP77 Assessment
Policy and Procedure apply to this assessment task.
You will be provided with a briefing on the assessment and the opportunity to
seek clarification on the conduct of the assessment.
You may seek clarification at any point in time during the assessment task. If
you feel you need more time to complete the assessment, you must negotiate
the time needed with the assessor prior to the assessment due date.
Following the assessment, your responses are to be assessed and marked as
appropriate. Where responses have been assessed in one (1) or more
questions as unsatisfactory, students will be required to resubmit these
questions. For more information, detailed information can be found in PP77
Assessment Policy and Procedure

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021
Part 1
You are required to perform three (3) role-plays in small groups, in a simulated environment that reflects
workplace conditions. The purpose of the role-plays is to demonstrate effective communication skills, clarify
workplace instructions and negotiate timeframes with two (2) colleagues and respond appropriately to
situations where communication constraints are present. Scenarios that you are required to enact are
outlined below. Role Play 1 consists of one (1) student playing the role of the pathology collector (to be
assessed) and another student playing the role of the supervisor. Role Play 2 consists of one (1) student
playing the role of the client, one (1) student playing the role of the pathology collector (to be assessed) and
a third student playing the role of the supervisor. Role Play 3 consists of one (1) student playing the role of
the pathology manager, one (1) student playing the role of the experienced pathology collector (to be
assessed) and a third student playing the role of a colleague.
Trainer and Assessor instructions:
Select one (1) student to play the role of the pathology collector and one (1) student to play the role
of the supervisor for Role Play 1.
Select one (1) student to play the role of the client and one (1) student to play the role of the
pathology collector for Role Play 2.
Select one (1) student to play the role of the manager, one (1) student to play the role of the
experienced pathology collector and a third student to play the role of the colleague for Role Play 3.
Float around the room and observe and assess students playing the pathology collector, during all
three role-plays.
Allow students to call you over to seek advice when needed throughout the role-plays.
Set up tables and chairs
Provide documentation for the Supervisor in Role Play 1, outlining the roles and responsibilities of a
pathology collector.
Pathology Collector Instructions Role Play 1
Begin conversation with the Supervisor and explain what you are needing to discuss with them.
o Discuss issues impacting your ability to do your job confidently, because of put downs from
colleagues – making you doubt that you are doing things correctly.
o Explain how you overheard both colleagues talking about private matters in the staff kitchen.
Read workplace documents relating to your working role, provided by the Supervisor, and clarify with
the Supervisor that you are adhering to the requirements of your role.
Supervisor instructions Role Play 1
Listen to the complaints made by the pathology collector
Provide a document to the pathology collector that outlines their role and responsibilities. Ask the
pathology collector to confirm that they are adhering to the workplace procedures.
Tell the pathology collector that you will follow up on both issues and ensure both colleagues receive
a verbal and written warning and understand this is unacceptable behaviour.

Due Date The trainer/assessor will provide a date and time for this assessment schedule on
the first day of the unit delivery.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021
Pathology Collector Instructions Role Play 2
Identify early signs of a difficult situation with the client and report to the appropriate person. PC 3.1
o Acknowledge client is agitated and frustrated
o Communicate the situation to the supervisor and request their help to diffuse the situation
with the client.
Identify barriers to effective communication with the client and attempt to resolve using appropriate
communication strategies.
o Use open body language and relaxed posture
o Maintain eye contact
o Ask them what you can help them with today
o Demonstrate active listening and affirm you have understood what they are requiring.
Use communication skills to defuse and resolve conflict with the client.
o Use positive language – Apologise for the inconvenience it has caused the client and tell
them you will check when the requested worker is on next and you can book the client in
with them.
Client instructions Role Play 2
Tell the pathology collector you want to see a certain pathology worker.
Express clear signs of agitation and frustration when a pathology collector tells you they are not
working today.
Ignore the pathology worker and tell them you do not want their help and demand to see the
pathology worker right away.
At the end of the interaction, agree to schedule an appointment with the pathology worker when they
are next available.
Supervisor instructions Role Play 2
Listen to feedback from the pathology collector regarding a potentially difficult situation with a client.
Support the pathology collector worker to ensure they are safe during the interaction with the client,
in an attempt to diffuse the situation.
Pathology Collector Instructions Role Play 3
Participate in discussion with the manager and colleague
o clarify exactly what is required to be outlined on the workplace procedure document
o clarify when the manager would like the document completed by.
Listen to and agree on time frames of completing the hand washing procedure document, as
requested by the manager.
Ask the supervisor if you would like yourself and the colleague to create a social media post or send
out an email to staff regarding the changes in workplace procedures due to covid.
facebook, stating the requirements for any service users to ensure they adhere to covid
rules set out by the Government.
Manager instructions for Role Play 3

Confirm requirements for hand washing procedure document.
Confirm time frame with both workers on when you need the document completed by.

Agree with pathology collector and colleague to create a social media post to highlight changes to
workplace procedures due to covid

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021
Colleague instructions for Role Play 3
Listen to the pathology collector and manager share information regarding the hand washing
procedure document.
Agree to get it complete by the date stated by the manager.
Agree to support the pathology worker to create a social media post.
Role play Scenario 1
You are a new pathology collector, working at a local centre. You have started working more frequently
with a couple of colleagues who often make you doubt your capabilities and team up together to put you
down and bully you. In addition to this, you have also overheard them having unprofessional
conversations in the staff room, talking about how a couple of the clients who frequent the centre are
currently going through a bad divorce and that it is because the husband has a drinking problem. You
information, they decide to ignore you and continue their conversation. You decide to address both issues
with the supervisor.
Role play Scenario 2
A client has entered your service to ask for assistance with a healthcare matter. They have requested to
see a specific worker who they have seen in the past, but is not available today. They are displaying signs
of frustration and agitation and are demanding to be seen straight away as it is an urgent matter. You
decide to quickly notify your supervisor and request their support, you then proceed to defuse and resolve
the issue with the client.
Role play Scenario 3
Your manager has requested that you collaborate with another experienced colleague to construct a hand
hygiene document to ensure users of the pathology collection clinic are washing and sanitising their hands
upon entry and exit of the service. This is a matter that needs to be addressed urgently, because of the
Government announcing the outbreak of Covid in Victoria. You ask the manager when the document is
needed by, who states it is an urgent matter. You ask what should be outlined on the document, and
whether you should create a facebook post to ensure users of the service are aware of the changes made
by the Government, in order to be prepared before they enter the service.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021
Part 2
a. You are required to create a document, outlining the steps to safe hand washing in the workplace.
Ensure you
Create the document according to legal requirements and organisation procedures.
Create the manual workplace document to organisation standards.
CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021
b. Create a Facebook post (between 50 – 150 words in total) that outlines the requirements for users of
the centre to follow, to ensure they adhere to new covid rules as set out by the Government. The
Facebook post needs to outline the following requirements: PC 2.3, 5.4, 5.5, KE 13.3
Compulsory to wear a mask
Compulsory to wash hands upon entry and exit of the centre
What to do if you have any cold or flu symptoms.
Dear members of the public,
As many of us are aware, due to active cases of the coronavirus present in Victoria, the Government has
outlined certain procedures we must adhere to, to ensure your safety whilst attending our centre.
Ensure you wear a mask to the service.
Ensure you wash your hands upon entry and exit of the service.
If you have any cold or flu symptoms, ensure you cancel your appointment and reschedule once
you have been tested, with results showing you are negative.
If you have any further questions, please contact us via our website or phone.
Take care and keep safe,
The Team at Pathology Collection Centre.

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021

Assessment Task 3: Role Play Part 1 – Scenario 1
Student Name
Student ID
Student has demonstrated the ability to: 1st
Date: Date Date
Begin conversation with the Supervisor and explain
what you are needing to discuss with them.
Discuss issues impacting your ability to do
your job confidently, because of put downs
from colleagues – making you doubt that you
are doing things correctly.
Explain how you overheard both colleagues
talking about private matters in the staff
Read workplace documents relating to your working
role, provided by the Supervisor, and clarify with the
Supervisor that you are adhering to the requirements
of your role.
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
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CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021

Assessment Task 3: Role Play Part 1 – Scenario 2
Student Name
Student ID
Student has demonstrated the ability to: 1st
Date: Date Date
Identify early signs of a difficult situation with the client
and report to the appropriate person.
Acknowledge client is agitated and frustrated
Communicate the situation to the supervisor
and request their help to diffuse the situation
with the client.
Identify barriers to effective communication and
attempt to resolve using appropriate communication
Use open body language and relaxed posture
Maintain eye contact
Ask them what you can help them with today
Demonstrate active listening and affirm you
have understood what they are requiring.
Use communication skills to avoid, defuse and resolve
the conflict with the client.
Use positive language
o Apologise for the inconvenience it has
caused the client.
o Tell them you will check when the
requested worker is on next and you
can book the client in with them.
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome

CRICOS Provider Code 02934D
Page 39 of 42 RTO Number 121952
CHCCOM005 Communicate and Work in Health or Community
Student Assessment
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
HL37215 Certificate III in Pathology Collection
Student Assessment – Version 6.0 July 2021

Assessment Task 3: Role Play Part 1 – Scenario 3
Student Name
Student ID
Student has demonstrated the ability to: 1st
Date: Date Date
Participate in discussion with the manager and
clarify exactly what is required to be outlined in
the procedure document
Clarify when the manager would like the
document completed by
Listen to and agree on time frames of completing the
hand washing procedure document, as requested by
the manager.
Ask the supervisor if you would like yourself and the
colleague to create a social media post to make
changes clear for other services and the public.
In collaboration with manager and colleague,
stating the requirements for any service users to
ensure they adhere to covid rules set out by the
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome
Date Assessor Name Assessor Signature Assessment Task Outcome