Clinical Reasoning Cycle Complex Scenario

192 views 9:10 am 0 Comments March 28, 2023

NRS387 Assessment Task 1: Clinical Reasoning Cycle Complex Scenario


This template has developed for you to use to complete Assessment Task 1: Clinical Reasoning Cycle Complex Scenario.

It includes the case scenario information and space for you to complete each part of the assessment task.  The portions of the template that you must complete are highlighted in yellow.

Please refer to the Subject Outline for details on the task, marking criteria and standards, presentation and referencing requirements.

Make sure that you add a reference list to the end of this document and include in-text referencing to acknowledge your sources throughout the document in accordance with the referencing requirements in your Subject Outline.

 PLEASE DELETE ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND TEXT THAT ARE IN ITALIC (just leave the first column in the table ‘empty’ – if you do not delete the instructions and italic text, your word count will be approximately 500 words over the word count)


















Student Name: Enter your name

Student Number: Enter your number

Subject Code: NRS387

Subject Name: Clinical Reasoning in Nursing 5

Assessment item: 1

Assessment title: Clinical Reasoning Cycle Complex Scenario

Due date: 29th March 2023

Word count (excluding reference list and tables):


















Assessment Task 1: Clinical Reasoning Cycle Complex Scenario (1800 words)


Provide an overview of the scenario (consider the person and context. Location – people – situation 150 words



Collect cues

Collect relevant assessment data and identify additional assessment data that may be required.

100 words

Process Information

compare any abnormal assessment findings with normal or expected findings and describe why the findings are of importance. Reference needed.

(The number of boxes is not an indication of the number of assessment findings required)

250 words

Collect cues Process information
Normal/ Abnormal The finding indicates …..








Additional assessments required





identify the main clinical issues for the patient. 





Main clinical issue







Outline the pathophysiology of the presenting health challenge.

Reference needed 175

Establish (SMART) goals

Identify three person-centred desired outcomes for this patient that are relevant to the scenario 200

Goal 1






Goal 2 Goal 3
Select a course of action

Outline 3 nursing interventions that will assist the patient to meet the desired outcomes and provide basic evidence-based rationales for each. These interventions should be prioritised according to clinical urgency. Reference needed in the rationale 150+250

Evaluate outcomes Explain the process for evaluating the desired outcomes in this scenario. 150






Select a course of action (intervention)
Intervention 1 for goal 1







Intervention 2 for goal 2



Intervention 3 for goal 3




Rationale 1






Rationale 2



Rationale 3


Evaluate outcomes
Outcome 1


Outcome 2


Outcome 3



Consider what you have learned from completing this task and how it will contribute to your future practice. (You should use an established model of reflection and reference it)









References (start on a new page)