Clinical Haematology & Transfusion Science

134 views 8:44 am 0 Comments April 14, 2023

School of Life Sciences Assessment Brief Academic Year 2022-23

Sec$on 1: Key informa$on
Module Code 6040BMS
Module Name Clinical Haematology & Transfusion Science
Semester 2
Status Normal
Module Leader Dr Neil Young ([email protected])
Assessment Title CW – PresentaNon
Core /Applied Core Applied Core
Credit weighNng 10 credits
Task outline Digital presentaNon of a case study selected from a list of cases referring to transfusion related problems
Submission deadline/
aWendance date
The submission deadline date for the presentaNon is Thursday 13th April 2023 by 18:00hrs (BST). A 24-hour grace
period applies to allow for technical issues – submissions will be accepted up to 18:00hrs (BST) on Friday 14
th April


The presentaNon must be submiWed in powerpoint format with the narraNon included within this. Please do not
convert your submission to .pdf as we will be unable to listen to the narraNon in this format.
If you experience any technical problems when trying to submit your work, please consult Aula help via the quesNon
mark link. If these problems are experienced at the Nme of the submission deadline and cannot be quickly resolved,
please capture screenshots as evidence and email these and your completed assessment to the module leaders asap.
Word or Nme limit The word limit for this assessment is 750 words, you should state your word count at the end of your work.
If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% i.e. if you exceed 825 words, then you will be penalised by deducNon
of 10% of your final mark. Work that is more than 30% above the allocated word limit (i.e. 975 words or more) will
only be read up to the allocated limit.
The narraNon of the slide (s) should not exceed 5 minutes, if it exceeds 5 minutes 30 seconds you will be penalized by
a deducNon of 10% of your final mark. If you exceed 6 minutes and thirty seconds then the narraNon will be stopped
at the allocated Nme limit.
Special instrucNons By aWending and submibng this assessment you are declaring yourself fit to do so. If you are not fit to submit at this
Nme you may apply for deferral to the next assessment period (see Extension and Deferral request instrucNons).
Work that is submiWed late, without an extension or deferral having been granted, will receive a mark of ZERO
(students will normally be eligible for a resit aWempt).
Work that is not submiWed or tests/exams etc not aWended, without an extension or deferral having been granted,
will be recorded as Absent (ABS). In these cases it is at the discreNon of the Progression and Awards Board as to
whether you will be permiWed a resit aWempt
By submibng this assessment, you agree to the following statement:
I confirm that this CW submission represents my own work, and I have not received any unauthorised assistance. I understand the rules
around plagiarism, collusion and contract chea$ng and that it is my responsibility to act with honesty and integrity in the assessment process.
I understand that there will be no tolerance towards academic dishonesty, and that chea$ng can and will lead to serious consequences.
Sec$on 2- Detail of the Assessment task

You are required to prepare and present a 5-minute digital presentaNon on your chosen topic. This should be wriWen in the style of an abstract
you would submit to an academic conference. Your narraNon should then support and supplement the content of the wriWen abstract.
For the assessment you will be presented with clinical symptoms and paNent data based on which you will be required to reach a conclusive
diagnosis and suggest an effecNve treatment and management plan. To lead to the correct diagnosis and present the content required, you will
need to consider a number of quesNons which will support you in the diagnosis. The abstract headings and quesNons to consider as part of this
are included below: (note – not all of the quesNons may be relevant for your case study)
Title / Structured Headings / Overall Presenta$on
Is the Ntle specific, adequate and concise? Does it accurately describe the clinical study, symptoms or pathology?
Is the context made clear? Are the key clinical findings clearly presented? Are reasons for iniNal diagnosis clearly stated and supported with
evidence from literature?
Are the key pathophysiological findings clearly described? Has all scienNfic terminology been clearly explained, with examples from literature?
Have all laboratory data been compared with standard values? Are the sources of informaNon and data clearly specified or explained?
Have all the tests menNoned in the case study, been clearly described in the presentaNon? Have these tests been evaluated with respect to
validity and reliability? Have limitaNons of the tests been adequately considered? Are the methods, analyNcal techniques and sojware tools
Final diagnosis
Are the reasons for the final diagnosis concise and clear? Do you agree with the most probable cause of the symptoms and clinical and/or
laboratory results? Is the line of reasoning behind this diagnosis supported by scienNfic evidence? Are there any confounding or contributory
factors which might complicate the diagnosis? What would be your second opinion as a biomedical pracNNoner, and why?
Treatment and control
Do you agree with the line of treatment and control? What potenNal side effects would you expect from the treatment suggested in the
presentaNon? What alternate treatment soluNons would you recommend and why?
Interest, appeal and impact
Is the process of solving the given case study interesNng? Does it have the potenNal to create impact (i.e., change clinical or public health pracNce
or policy, improve health, reduce inequaliNes in health, change the course of science)? Is it novel & exciNng?

Detail of submission/ aNendance instruc$ons
A DRAFT Turni$n link is available in the Course Community Aula site to allow you to check your similarity score prior to making your final
submission. You may submit mulNple Nmes to this link but do remember that obtaining a similarity report may take up to 24 hours.
FINAL Turni$n links on the 6040BMS Aula page is for submission of your work for assessment.
Remember that submission make take some Nme to complete, so aim to submit several hours before the deadline. TurniNnUK will record the date
and Nme of your submission and cannot be over-wriWen.
If you experience any technical problems when trying to submit your work, please consult Aula help via the quesNon mark link. If these problems
are experienced at the Nme of the submission deadline and cannot be quickly resolved, please capture screenshots as evidence and email these
and your completed assessment to the module leader asap.
Word count details
The following are included in your word allowance:
The text of your wriWen work
Reference citaNons
The following are excluded from your word allowance:
Headings and subheadings
Figure/table Ntles and text associated with figures/tables which are required for the interpretaNon of the data
Reference list
Sec$on 3: Help and Support
The marking rubric and criteria is available later in this document. These will be used to help guide student, along with supporNng workshop
Students will have the opportunity to speak with the module leader during an organised online drop-in session and weekly academic surgeries
which will be announced on Aula.
If you have a special requirement such as a variaNon of assessment need, please contact the disabiliNes team.
Link to addiNonal
assessment informaNon

6040BMS CW Presentation Abstract Marking criteria

Sec$on 4: Learning Outcomes and Marking Rubric
Mapping to module
Learning outcomes
This assessment is designed to assess Learning Outcomes 4 and 5 of the module:
4. Discuss the underlying principles of safe transfusion
5. CriNcally evaluate the likelihood of transfusion reacNons, considering potenNal hazards
based on knowledge of transfusion pracNces, and the appropriate reporNng procedures
Mapping to course
Learning Outcomes
This assessment relates to the following Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate an in depth understanding of the scienNfic basis of human health and disease, and be able to
apply this knowledge to explain current diagnosis and management of common infecNous and non
communicable diseases.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the clinical specialisms in biomedical science, namely cellular pathology,
clinical biochemistry, immunology, medical microbiology, haematology and transfusion sciences, and the
impact of advancing genomic knowledge on future advances in diagnosis and therapy in these areas.
4. Access,synthesise, criNcally analyse and present scienNfic informaNon in mulNple formats,suitable for
diverse audiences.
6. Apply problem solving strategies in a variety of situaNons and be able to propose creaNve soluNons
Task type/scheduling
This assessment task allows you to conNnue to develop your criNcal analysis of current literature and to incorporate
your knowledge into an output, both of which are essenNal research skills/acNviNes.


Criteria IntroducNon and explanaNon
of key content and principles
Analysis and
evaluaNon of
PresentaNon and
The condiNon/problem and
underlying principles are vey
clearly described and well
supported to provide a
comprehensive and scienNfic
background for the elements
required. TransiNon between
different aspects is excellent
in regards to the structure
and flow of text. All detail
included is relevant and
focused and aligns well to
what was presented in the
case study. All content
required to communicate
Outputs have clearly
been considered and
compared to relevant
and appropriate
values. EvaluaNon is
evident throughout
the account providing
an unbiased and
jusNfied account
which is well
supported with
literature. LimitaNons
and reasoning are
clear throughout and
well supported.
Emphasis has been
placed on providing a
well rounded
evaluaNon rather
than descripNons
which lack context
and a range of
relevant sources have
been used.
PresentaNon is visually
engaging, a professional
format has been used
with a clear and logical
structure. ConsideraNon
has been given to fonts
and colours used to
ensure accessibility as well
as the overall layout. Clear
emphasis has been The
weighNng of the different
secNons is appropriate
and figures/tables are
c l e a r a n d l a b e l l e d /
presented as would be
No spelling or
grammaNcal errors,
references listed as
required with no errors.
A broad range of relevant
sources have been
consulted and referenced
throughout the resource
A p r o fe s s i o n a l a n d
c o n fi d e n t d e l i v e r y,
d e m o n s t r a N n g
appropriate interacNon
with the poster. The
n a r r a N o n i s h i g h l y
e n g a g i n g , w i t h t h e
speaker using a very
clear voice, not reading
out from the slide at any
point. Exemplary Nming
and pacing through
content is evident.


78, 75, 72
The condiNon/problem and
underlying principles are
accurately described and
provide a clear and scienNfic
background however there
could have been addiNonal
consideraNons made to
p r o v i d e a m o r e
comprehensive background.
There is a clear flow and
structure to the content with
some good examples of
transiNon in places. Most of
the detail is relevant and
aligns well but may lack some
Outputs have been
well considered and
compared to relevant
a n d a p p r o p r i a t e
values. EvaluaNon is
evident through most
required parts and is
well supported with
a p p r o p r i a t e
literature. LimitaNons
and reasoning are
clear but could have
b e n e fi W e d f r o m
further consideraNon
f r o m d i ff e r e n t
PresentaNon is engaging
and easy to follow, format
is clear and presented in a
logical manner. Language
i s p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d
appropriate although
there may be some minor
parts where this could
have been improved.
Some very minor spelling
or grammaNcal errors,
and/or minor errors in
A confident delivery,
d e m o n s t r a N n g
appropriate interacNon
with the poster. The
narraNon is engaging,
with the speaker using a
very clear voice, not
reading out from the
s l i d e a t a ny p o i n t .
Excellent Nming and
pacing through content is
Very good
68, 65, 62
The condiNon/problem and
underlying principles are
accurately described but
there are some minor
omissions and/or errors, with
addiNonal detail needed in
some areas. Well linked to
scienNfic literature with a
good flow of informaNon but
inconsistent at Nmes and a
lack of focus in places.
EvaluaNon is evident
through most
required parts and
supported with
appropriate literature
but there may be
some omissions.
Outputs have been
compared to other
sources but there
may be some minor
LimitaNons and
reasoning have been
included but may be
brief or imbalanced.
PresentaNon is generally
engaging and is overall,
very well presented. There
may be some aspects such
as sizing/type of fonts,
colour schemes and
figures used that stop the
resource being as
appealing as it could
however the content can
sNll be followed and
A confident delivery,
demonstraNng some very
good interacNon with the
poster. The speaker used
a clear voice, not relying
on the slide. Very good
N m i n g a n d p a c i n g
t h r o u g h c o n t e n t i s


58, 55, 52
The condiNon/problem and
underlying principles are
largely accurate but there are
several errors/omissions.
Linked to scienNfic literature
but opportuniNes to support/
link this have been missed. A
lack of detail and/or focus as
well as more support needed.
Flow of informaNon is logical
but transiNons could be
beWer and greater focus on
the required content.
Outputs have been
compared to
appropriate values
but there may be
errors. EvaluaNon is
evident but limited
and may be more
descripNve in nature,
there may be a lack of
support with this.
LimitaNons and/or
reasoning included
but may lack clarity
and/or be
PresentaNon includes the
required informaNon but
more could have been
d o n e t o m a k e t h i s
e n g a g i n g a n d / o r
accessible. Content can be
followed but is impeded in
some areas due to the
p r e s e n t a N o n o f t h e
A s l i g h t l y h e s i t a n t
d e l i v e r y b u t
demonstraNng some
good interacNon with the
poster. The speaker used
a generally clear voice,
not relying on the slide
too heavily. The Nming or
pacing through content
caused the narraNon to
either slightly under or
over run.
48, 45, 42
The condiNon/problem and
underlying principles are
generally accurate but there
may be errors/omissions or a
lack of scienNfic detail
throughout, there may be a
lack of focus on the required
content. Some links to
scienNfic content but overall
lacking. Flow of informaNon
could have been improved
but sNll possible to interpret.
Minimal evaluaNon,
t e x t i s m a i n l y
descripNon focused
which may not always
b e r e l e v a n t .
Comparisons made
but lack accuracy
and/or relevance.
L i m i t a N o n s a n d
reasoning lacking,
d e s c r i p N v e a n d
InformaNon has been
presented but not clearly
a n d l a c k s a u d i e n c e
appeal. Content is not
presented logically and
visually the resource is
difficult to follow.
The delivery lacked
c o h e s i o n a n d
d e m o n s t r a t e d l i W l e
interacNon with the
poster. The speaker used
a hesitant or monotone
voice and read out from
the slide. The Nming and
pacing through content
caused the narraNon to
either slightly under or
over run.


Fail (does not meet learning
35, 30, 20, 10, 0
Content is wholly inaccurate
or large areas of detail are
Outputs have not
been considered
appropriately making
incomplete or in
valid. Lack of
reasoning and/or
limitaNons or those
presented are wholly
imbalanced. No
evaluaNon is
PresentaNon is either
overly complex or too
basic and not visually
engaging. Content may
not be relevant or overly
detailed and not clearly
T h e d e l i v e r y w a s
u n e n g a g i n g a n d
d e m o n s t r a t e d n o
coherence or interacNon
with the poster. The
speaker used a very
h e s i t a n t a n d / o r
monotone and/or quiet
voice and read out from
the slide. The Nming and
pacing through content
caused the narraNon to
e i t h e r c o n s i d e ra b l y
under or over run.


Section 5: Marks return and feedback
Marking and moderation
This assignment brief has been moderated by a member of academic staff outside the module team.
All submissions will be marked anonymously. Marking will be completed by academic staff, which may
include hourly paid staff. The marking will then be moderated by a member of the module team and
reviewed by an academic staff member outside the team. The module feedback and marks will then be
moderated by the external examiner.
Your mark will be reported as a banded mark according to the School’s banded marking guidelines.


Feedback and return of
All banded marks released are subject to final Progression and Awards Board decisions and are
therefore provisional until after the Board sits.
Provisional marks will be released on
27th April 2023 via the Aula site in the Student Success App.
Feedback comments can be accessed by clicking on your submission in Turnitin and selecting the
comments icon. The completed marks rubric can be accessed through the rubric icon.
If you have any questions about your feedback, contact the module leader.
Following the Progression and Awards Board, your marks will be confirmed, and you will be able to view
your final grades through SOLAR together with information on any resit or deferral arrangements. If you
require further clarification, contact your Course Director or Faculty Registry.
Section 6: General Information
Penalties for late/non
Work that is submitted late, without an extension or deferral having been granted, will receive a mark
of ZERO (students will normally be eligible for a resit attempt).
Work that is not submitted or tests/exams etc not attended, without an extension or deferral having
been granted, will be recorded as Absent (ABS). In these cases it is at the discretion of the
Progression and Awards Board as to whether you will be permitted a resit attempt.
Extension and Deferral
If you are unable to submit coursework or attend an assessment e.g., test, examination, presentation or
assessed laboratory session you may be eligible to apply for an extension or a deferral. Please refer to
Extenuating Circumstances guidance on the Student Portal.
Deferral or Extension requests must be made before the due date of the assignment and must be
accompanied by appropriate evidence. Please be aware that deferral of an assessment may affect your
ability to progress into the next academic year of study, therefore you are advised to seek advice from
your tutor or course director if you are considering deferring an assessment.
Reference formatting Coventry University now uses the APA Referencing Style. For support and advice on how to reference
appropriately please see the
online referencing guidance or contact your Academic Liaison Librarian.


SLS banded marking
The SLS banded marking approach recognises that marking cannot be exact and avoids students being
awarded marks that lie close to a grade boundary.
The banded marks that may be awarded are as follows:
Outstanding 82 85 88 90 95 100
Excellent 72 75 78
Very good 62 65 68
Good 52 55 58
Acceptable 42 45 48
Fail 0 10 20 30 35


Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty hurts everyone in the community. It not only damages your personal reputation,
but also the reputation of the entire University, and it will not be tolerated at Coventry University. It is in
the best interest of all students for the University to maintain the good reputation of its awards. Your co
operation is expected in actively protecting the integrity of the assessment process. It is your duty to
observe high personal standards of academic honesty in your studies and to report any instances of
malpractice you become aware of, without fail.
We expect students to act with academic integrity, which means that they will study and produce work in
an open, honest and responsible manner. It is important, therefore, that you understand fully how to
avoid academic misconduct and where to obtain support. Academic dishonesty covers any attempt by a
student to gain unfair advantage (e.g., extra marks) for her/himself, or for another student, in ways that
are not allowed.
Examples of such dishonesty include:
Collusion includes the knowing collaboration, without approval, between two or more students, or
between a student(s) and another person, in the preparation and production of work which is then
submitted as individual work. In cases where one (or more) student has copied from another, both
(all) students involved may be penalised.
Falsification includes the presentation of false or deliberately misleading data in, for example,
laboratory work, surveys or projects. It also includes citing references that do not exist.
Deceit includes the misrepresentation or non-disclosure of relevant information, including the
failure to reveal when work being submitted for assessment has been or will be used for other
academic purposes.
Plagiarism is the act of using other people’s words, images etc. (whether published or
unpublished) as if they were your own. In order to make clear to readers the difference between your
words, images etc. and the work of others, you must reference your work correctly
Self-Plagiarism is the reuse of significant, identical, or nearly identical portions of your own work
without acknowledging that you are doing so or without citing the original work, and without the
written authorisation of the module leader.
Re-presentation is the submission of work presented previously or simultaneously for
assessment at this or any other institution, unless authorised in writing by the module leader and
referenced appropriately.
Exam Misconduct is any attempt to gain an unfair advantage in an assessment (including exams/
tests) or assisting another student to do so. It includes: taking unauthorised materials into exams,
copying from other candidates, collusion, impersonation, plagiarism, and unauthorised access to
unseen exam papers. For online tests or exams where a time window applies, this also includes
sharing or accessing shared questions and/or answers. In the event of an allegation of exam

misconduct you are advised to contact the Student Union Advice Centre immediately after the
IMPORTANT NOTE: This assessment brief is the property of Coventry University and must not be passed to third parNes or posted on any website. Any
infringements of this rule by any current or former students consNtutes academic misconduct and will be reported to

Appeals and complaints
If you have any concerns about your assessment results then please contact your module leader or
course director in the first instance.
If they are unable to resolve your concerns then please contact the Associate Head Student Experience
(Natalie Walker
[email protected]) or Associate Head Quality and Accreditation (Steven Foster
[email protected] or Alan Greenwood [email protected]).
Details of the processes and criteria for formal appeals and complaints can be accessed from the
Appeals and Complaints page