Chronic Illness & Supportive Care

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HNN329 Chronic Illness & Supportive Care
Assessment Task 1: Care Plan
Equivalent 1500 words – 15% weighting
Purpose of assessment task
This assessment task will enable you to create a comprehensive plan of care for
individuals experiencing chronic illness (ULO1) and explain the pathophysiology
of selected chronic illnesses to inform quality evidence-based nursing care

Due date:
Friday 5 May 2023
Assignment dropbox on HNN329 CloudDeakin unit site
HNN329 Care Plan Template

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Case scenario:
Identify: You are the Registered Nurse working in the Acute Medical Ward caring for
Mrs. Edith Johnson.
Situation: Edith has been on the ward for 12 hours after being admitted via the
Emergency Department (ED) following a three (3) day viral illness that was being
managed at home by her local GP. During the viral illness, Edith reported a fever,
productive cough, increased sputum production and shortness of breath. Edith has been
unable to get any rest at home due to these symptoms.
Background: Edith is a 68-year-old female who has a past medical history of Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), hypertension (HTN) and atrial fibrillation (AF).
Edith was diagnosed with COPD 8 years ago and has a FEV1 of 55% predicted from 1
month ago. Edith’s regular medications are: Symbicort (100mcg/6mcg) 2 puffs BD,
Ipratropium (2 puffs) QID, Metoprolol 50mg daily and Rivaroxaban 20mg daily. Edith
comes from home alone following the death of her husband 3 years ago but has the
support of her two daughters close by. Edith used to be a keen bingo player and a part of
the local craft group. However, due to worsening COPD symptoms, she is not able to

participate as much as she would like and now relies heavily on community services to
help with her activities of daily living (ADLs).
Assessment: At the commencement of your shift, you undertake a comprehensive
focused patient assessment on Edith and find the following:

Body System Assessment Assessment Data
Neurological (CNS) GCS 15 (E=4, V=5, M=6)
Temp 38.0˚C
Pain 4/10 (Numerical)
Cardiovascular (CVS) BP 138/82mmHg
HR 92bpm (irregular)
Respiratory SpO2 92% on 2L via NP
RR 28bpm
Genitourinary/Renal IDC insitu
Urine Output 20mL/hour
Endocrine/Metabolic BGL 5.3mmol/L
Integument PIVC to L) cubital fossa
Psychosocial/other Lives at home alone
Assistance needed with ADL’s
2 daughters close by
Unable to do social activities that Edith enjoys

Recommendation: Provide safe priority nursing care for Edith.
Patient Problems:

Actual Patient Problems Potential Patient Problems
Impaired gas exchange Risk for ineffective coping
Ineffective breathing pattern Risk for imbalanced nutrition
Impaired urinary elimination Risk for knowledge deficit
Decreased activity tolerance Risk of infection
Ineffective airway clearance Risk of social isolation

Task Description:
Based on the case scenario and body system assessment data above, apply the nursing
process to develop a comprehensive nursing care plan for this patient.
1.) Problem Identification:
a) Identify four (4) priority patient problems from the above list. Include two
(2) actual and two (2) potential patient problems. For each of these
problems, identify at least two (2) findings from the case scenario to support
your priority problem selection.
b) With reference to evidence-based literature, explain the relevant aetiology,
pathophysiology and defining characteristics associated with each of the
four (4) patient problems and provide a rationale as to why this is a priority
problem for this patient.
c) Identify one (1) psychosocial problem and identify data findings from the
case scenario to support your problem selection. Explain why this is an

important psychosocial problem to consider in this patient, including
explanation of how this problem may affect the patient’s daily life.
2.) Planning
a) Develop an appropriate goal of care with expected measurable parameters
for the four (4) priority patient problems.
b) Develop an appropriate goal of care with expected patient outcomes for the
identified psychosocial problem.
3.) Implementation
a) Identify two (2) priority nursing interventions for each of the five (5) patient
b) Provide a rationale for each of the identified nursing interventions, relating
the identified nursing intervention to the underlying
pathophysiology/physiology of the specific patient problem.
4.) Evaluation
a) Describe the data you would analyse to evaluate the effectiveness of the
identified nursing interventions.
Instructions for this assessment task:
Your nursing care plan must be presented on the HNN329 nursing care plan
template located on the HNN329 CloudDeakin site.
Writing in dot point/s is accepted.
You are required to present the information in your own words.
This assessment task is an individual piece of work.
Referencing is required for this assessment task in parts 1b and 3a above.
Presentation requirements:
The School of Nursing and Midwifery follows the American Psychological Association
(APA) 7
th edition referencing style. Presentation requirements of this referencing style
are outlined below. For further detail regarding APA 7 referencing style refer to
Referencing | Students (
Title Page:
Include the following information on separate lines; Title of Paper (bold font),
Student Name/s and student identification number, University Name, Unit Code
and Name, Due Date.
Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double line spacing.
Writing is to be in an accessible font. Examples of these include;
12-point type size Times New Roman.
11-point type size Georgia.
11-point type size Calibri.
11-point type size Arial.
Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.

Word Count
The HNN329 care plan assignment is 1500 words ‘equivalent’. Therefore, the no
more or less than 10% of the indicated word count does not apply.
Marking criteria:
This care plan assignment will be assessed according to the Marking Rubric, which is
presented below. This Marking Rubric provides you with a breakdown of each criterion
that will be assessed. It is essential to utilise this rubric to help you clearly identify
detailed components that are important to your achieving success with this assessment
task. Use the descriptors of each criterion to direct and develop your assessment task.


Criterion mode: Points Exceeds Expected
Expected Standard Minimum Standard Below Expected Standard
Starting % 80 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Criterion 1:
Identification and planning of
priority patient problems
Correctly identifies two
(2) findings from the case
scenario to support
selection of all priority
patient problems.
Accurately and
thoroughly describes the
most appropriate goals of
care for each patient
Planning for all patient
problems includes
relevant measurable
Correctly identifies two
(2) findings from the case
scenario to support
selection of most priority
patient problems.
Accurately and clearly
describes the most
appropriate goals of care
for each patient problem.
Planning for most patient
problems includes
relevant measurable
Correctly identifies one
(1) finding from the case
scenario to support
selection of some priority
patient problems.
Clearly describes the
most appropriate goals of
care for each patient
Planning for at least two
(2) patient problems
includes measurable
Incorrectly identifies findings
from the case scenario to
support selection of each
priority patient problems.
Broad statements used to
describe the most
appropriate goals of care for
each patient problem, or
goals of care not provided.
Planning for each patient
problem does not include
measurable parameters.
Points 10
Criterion 2
Evidence-based explanation of
underlying pathophysiology,
defining characteristics and
Referencing evidence
based literature,
accurately and
thoroughly explains the
relevant aetiology,
defining characteristics
and pathophysiology
associated with each of
the four (4) identified
patient problems.
Level of explanation
provided demonstrates
significant depth of
understanding for each
Referencing evidence
based literature,
accurately and clearly
explains the relevant
aetiology, defining
characteristics and
associated with each of
the four (4) identified
patient problems.
However, further detail is
required to show
significant depth of
understanding for each
Referencing evidence
based literature, explains
the relevant aetiology,
defining characteristics
and pathophysiology
associated with each of
the four (4) identified
patient problems.
However, significant
further detail is required
to show expected depth
of understanding for each
No referencing of evidence
based literature to explain
the relevant aetiology,
defining characteristics and
pathophysiology associated
with each of the four (4)
identified patient problems.
All patient problems did not
have appropriate explanation
of aetiology, defining
characteristics and
Points 24


Criterion 3
Identification, explanation and
planning of relevant psychosocial
patient problem
Accurately identifies one
(1) psychosocial problem
and associated data
findings relevant to the
case scenario.
Accurately and
thoroughly explains the
importance of the
identified psychosocial
problem for the case
Consideration within the
explanation is given to
how this psychosocial
problem may affect the
case scenario patient’s
Accurately identifies one
(1) psychosocial problem
and associated data
findings relevant to the
case scenario.
Clearly explains the
importance of the
identified psychosocial
problem for the case
Some consideration
within the explanation is
given to how this
psychosocial problem
may affect the case
scenario patient’s life.
Accurately identifies one
(1) psychosocial problem
and some associated data
findings relevant to the
case scenario.
Describes the importance
of the identified
psychosocial problem for
the case scenario.
Further consideration
within the explanation is
required to demonstrate
how this psychosocial
problem may affect the
case scenario patient’s
Incorrect and/or
inappropriate psychosocial
problem identified relevant
to this case scenario.
Insufficient detail provided in
explanation to demonstrate
knowledge of importance of
this patient problem and/or
how if may affect the
patient’s life.
Describes the importance
and impact of this patient
problem in general, and not
specific to the case scenario.
Points 12


Criterion 4
Implementation of evidence-based
nursing interventions including
Identifies a total of ten
(10) correct evidence
based nursing
All nursing interventions
are supported by a
rationale, including an
explanation of the
pathophysiology and/or
physiology, which
understanding of how
each intervention
addresses the specific
patient problem.
Identifies a total of ten
(10) correct evidence
based nursing
Majority of nursing
interventions are
supported by a rationale,
including an explanation
of the underlying
pathophysiology and/or
Further explanation
required to demonstrate
understanding of how
each intervention
addresses the specific
patient problem.
Some of the nursing
interventions identified
are evidence-based.
Some nursing
interventions identified
are nursing assessments.
Some of the nursing
interventions are
supported by a rationale,
including an explanation
of the underlying
pathophysiology and/or
Further explanation is
required to demonstrate
understanding of how
each intervention
addresses the specific
patient problem.
Identified nursing
interventions are incorrect,
inaccurate and/or are
nursing assessments.
Nursing interventions are not
supported by a rationale,
including an explanation of
the underlying
pathophysiology and/or
Unable to demonstrate
understanding of how each
intervention addresses the
specific patient problem.
Points 25
Criterion 5
Evaluation of nursing care provided
Thoroughly and
accurately describes
correct measurable data
to evaluate the
effectiveness of each of
the ten (10) identified
nursing interventions.
Majority of the data
utilised to evaluate the
effectiveness of the
identified nursing
interventions are
Description is lacking
depth and requires
further work.
Some of the data utilised
to evaluate the
effectiveness of the
identified nursing
interventions are
Description is lacking
significant depth and
requires further work.
Evaluation method is
incorrect, incomplete and/or
does not include correct
measurable data.
Points 10
Exceeds Expected
Standard (80%+)
Expected Standard (50%+) Below Expected Standard


Criterion 6
Presentation, writing and
referencing in accordance with
assessment instructions
Exceeds Expected
Standard (80%+)
Accurately follows
requirements, including
the use of the care plan
Content is fluently
written with minimal
errors throughout.
Use of correct medical
Referencing is in
accordance with APA 7
with minor errors only.
Expected Standard (50%+)
Majority of submission accurately follows
presentation requirements, including the use of the
care plan template.
Content is fluently written with minor errors
throughout. Correct medical terminology mostly
Referencing in in accordance with APA 7 with
recurrent minor errors only.
Below Expected Standard
Presentation requirements
are not followed, or there are
significant errors.
Care plan template is not
Content is not fluently
written and at times is hard
to follow.
APA 7 referencing style not
utilised and/or references
not provided to support
Points 9
Total Points 90