Charts to Plot Project Characteristics

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5.5 Using Radar Charts to Plot Project Characteristics
The key idea of the Home Grounds Model is that agile and hybrid projects work best with diametrically opposed software project characteristics. However, few software projects will exactly match cithcr thc Agile Home Ground or thc Hybrid Horne Ground. The clear majority will be a mixture of both.
5.5.1 Understanding the Project Characteristics Radar Chart
To make sense of these many characteristics, we utilize a special kind of graph called a radar chart. A radar chart displays a series of measurements—as in the Home Grounds measurements of a systems project—in the form of a graph showing these measurements plotted on axes surrounding a central point. lure 7 shows an example project characteristics radar chart, plotting the characteristics of a hypothetical systems project. For each factor, we rate it using a five-point scale range: “Very Low,” “Low,” “Medium,” “High,” or “Very High.” For example, in the figure, “Technology” is rated “Very Low.” Conversely, “Complexity” is rated “Very High.”
Radar chart
A type of graph in which a series of measurements are plotted on axes surrounding a central point.