
145 views 6:53 am 0 Comments August 2, 2023

In C-programming   Execute the following operation for the 2D matrix input M.  Print the matrix M on the screen in matrix format Display the transpose of the matrix M Find the max of each column of matrix M and write to a file  Input From the keyboard, user will enter: The matrix size. the elements of the matrix. Choice of which process to execute. Output Program will show : Matrix size . Choice of process : 1. Display the matrix 2. Display the matrix and its transpose 3. Display the matrix and max values from each column and write to the file 4. Exit When user choose ‘1’ print the matrix M. When user choose ‘2’ print the matrix M and its transpose. When user choose ‘3’ print the matrix M and Max value for corresponding column below it.  Then print “File is successfully created!” when a file is successfully created.  If it is not successfully created it will print “File is failed to be created!”. When user choose ‘4’ terminate the program ADDITIONAL FEATURES The program will give repetition for invalid sizes The program will give option to repeat process.

In C-programming


Execute the following operation for the 2D matrix input M. 

Print the matrix M on the screen in matrix format

Display the transpose of the matrix M

Find the max of each column of matrix M and write to a file 


From the keyboard, user will enter:

The matrix size.
the elements of the matrix.
Choice of which process to execute.


Program will show :

Matrix size .
Choice of process :
1. Display the matrix
2. Display the matrix and its transpose
3. Display the matrix and max values from each column and write to the file
4. Exit

When user choose ‘1’ print the matrix M.
When user choose ‘2’ print the matrix M and its transpose.
When user choose ‘3’ print the matrix M and Max value for corresponding column below it.  Then print “File is successfully created!” when a file is successfully created.  If it is not successfully created it will print “File is failed to be created!”.
When user choose ‘4’ terminate the program

The program will give repetition for invalid sizes
The program will give option to repeat process

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