Business Research
Business Research
S. No. Description Page No
Suitable area for research 3
Justification of research choice 3
The aims and objectives of the research 3
Ethical considerations that apply to the chosen area of research 4
An evaluation of methods that can be used to collect data 5
The identification of tools that can be used to analyse data 6
An explanation of the importance of validity and reliability of data within research 7
Research Questions 8
Recording of occupational health and safety 8
Collation of the recorded data 8
Data Analysis 9
Conclusion of the findings 9
Recommendations 9
Presentation of the research findings 10
Research findings 11
A review of your learning and development from research 11
References 13
Case Study
Effects of Health and Safety on Employees’ Productivity
Health and safety are not just a necessity but have a great benefit to work place thus the reason why I decided to present this as my case study.
1.2 Justification of the study
The research could be of great importance to an organization and the whole nation to enhance the employee’s safety and health standards and, as a result, minimize their costs. Recommendations could be made to provide ways in which trade unions, governments, and employers could join and try to promote health and safety in an organization by being a catalyst to influence other companies and overall improve the whole nation if this research is carried out successfully. The study would assist in showing how various acts put in place could be very useful and, therefore, should be implemented. If the research is carried out successfully, it could be of great importance to the whole nation.
1.3 The objective of the study
Employees’ health and safety as well as its impact on productivity have been a significant issue, and it is now given much more importance than ever before. It is always advised to provide good health and safety practices and ensure adequate safety devices. The main objective of this research is to examine the health and safety of employees in an organization. These objectives may include examining various factors that may create an impact on employees health and safety at their workplaces, identify and investigate contemporary health and safety in the organization, to learn and understand the most crucial development in employees’ health and safety legislature, to determine if the organization have a safe and a conducive health working condition for the employees and also to evaluate the instruments that are used by an organization to minimize stress produced by diseases, deaths, and injuries.
1.4 Ethical considerations that apply to the chosen area of research.
For any organization that needs adequate attention, health and safety measures are considered an important aspect. After the second world war, the practice of occupational health was enjoyed as a boost. This was when almost all European countries boarded an industrialization drive, and in the process, they were threatened by the tribulations of industries. After the incident, various disciplines concerned with occupational medicine, safety, hygiene, and nursing have emerged in different countries. Other fields have also emerged that have a good link with occupational health, such as economics, toxicology, psychology, and the most recent industrial interactions have also evolved. These disciplines are now accepted, and they are related closely to occupational health and safety.
Maximizing profits at a minimum cost is considered the main objective of every institution or organization, and this can only be achieved by increasing the organization’s productivity. All organization has the responsibility of using properly the factors involved with the production to achieve the organization’s productivity and growth. Labor is always considered as the unique factor of production, and this is because labor has a brain to think, resist, and take actions that favor the organization (Nyarko & Simons, 2021). Therefore, the organization plays a significant role in making sure the labor force is provided adequately. Accidents in organizations cannot be avoided. Some of them are fatal and can result in a permanent or temporary disability. These accidents cost a significant detriment to an organization. Therefore, if an organization takes a lot of effort and time in identifying the accidents and hazards in its surroundings, this can result in an employee’s job satisfaction. A productive employee is a satisfied employee.
2.1 An evaluation of methods that can be used to collect data
The nature of this study requires the use of both secondary and primary data. A maximum of 60 questionnaires will be given to both junior and the top-ranked employees in an organization, and the preliminary data based on the magazines, periodicals, and other publications, and these questionnaire reports will be used during the collection of the secondary data. The collected data shall be interpreted using graphs, tables, percentage methods, and various charts will be drawn with the use of chi-square method shall be applied in the final analysis of the data collected during the study with the aim of statistical package for the social sciences. A survey method will also be used to conduct this research (Steel, Godderis & Luyten, 2018). The survey method has been selected because many of the correspondents would be chosen from educated and very knowledgeable people in occupational health and safety.
Research design
The study embraced a descriptive research design that involves gathering data describing events and then organizing, tabulating, depicting, and describing the data collection. Descriptive research exploits elements of both quantitative and qualitative. It also involves groups of quantitative information that can be 49 tabulated along a continuum in numerical forms, such as scores on a test or the number of times a person chooses to use a particular article of a multimedia program. It can also define different categories of data like gender or patterns of interaction when using skills in a group position.
Descriptive statistics make good use of data collection and analysis methods that yielded reports concerning central tendency, variation, and correlation measures. Combining its characteristic summary and correlation statistics and its focus on specific research questions, processes, and outcomes separates descriptive analysis from other research analysis types. This was seen to be significant in creating the effect of employee productivity. Descriptive studies have an essential role in research as it dramatically increases our knowledge about what happens in organizational productivity.
2.2 Tools used for Data and Data Collection analysis
In the process of the research, questionnaires, interviews, and observations were used to collect data. The technique was implemented as it is directly less, therefore, allows the research actions as they happen. It will enable the first-hand gathering of data and thus inhibits adulteration that may occur as a result of the intended change of performance by the contributors in the company of the examiner. It also defines occurrences as they happen in their usual locations (Anjum et al., 2018). This was vital in removing only difficulties which may occur because of fear of the contributors. Examining the result of some threats may be hard to evaluate using the reflection method as data was composed after such occurrences. This method was also used in observing unusual incidences that cannot be interviewed or interrogated. The investigator also used a remark sheet in recording evidence collected from the observation components of the organization’s occupational health and safety practices. Questionnaires were the key instrument used to gather information.
Questionnaires are typically free from the dialogue bias as the answers are in defendant words. They contain a suitable time to provide well-understood responses. Questionnaires save time and data composed from a giant illustration. The questionnaire choice was founded on the element they are not a bias of the examiner and defendants have enough time to provide well-understood responses. It was suitable for knowledgeable, cultured, and cooperative defendants where in this case, all defendants of the study are reflected in the meeting this obligation.
2.3 The importance of validity and reliability of data within research
The research work title is the effects of health and safety on employees’ productivity. This research aims to verify if indeed health and safety measures can be used as a significant contributor to the development and growth of any institution or organization. The study conducted will also act as a means of identifying various variables managed by the management as a whole and directly impact the performance of an organization. The data collection sources were secondary and primary, and various instruments were used to gather the required data. Questionnaires were used as a primary source of data collection.
In contrast, journals, textbooks, articles, newspapers, and law reports were used as a secondary data collection method, and its limitations were also identified and noted. The research conducted was also able to determine that employees are classified as a significant contributor to the development and growth of any institution or organization. Therefore, health measures should be given priority because they do not depend on organizational productivity. Employees’ health and safety have a significant impact on the productivity of an organization. Therefore, it is of great importance that every organization should make good health and safety measures to protect its employees (Karanikas, Melis & Kourousis, 2018).
3.1 Research Questions
To identify the purpose of this research, one needs to have specific questions that they would like to be addressed. These questions may include, does the health of an employee produce an impact on the productivity of an organization, can safety materials provided adequately prevent occupational hazards, do a production of medical facilities create an effect on the worker’s productivity, can safety and prevention of occupational hazards minimize the accidents that occur in an organization, can suitable safety measures reduce accidents that occur at workplaces, can giving employee facilities promote an organizations lifetime and do conducive working conditions be a factor that motivates the employees in an organization.
3.2 Recording of occupational health and safety
Occupational health and safety in the association are equally positive according to 45.3% or 78 of the defendants. The remaining 41.9% or 72 classified as very fruitful, marginal 9.9% or 17 classified as just productive and only 5 or 2.9% quoted as unsuccessful.
3.3 Collation of the recorded data
It shows how occupational health and safety is rating on victory. It helped the examiner to identify if occupational health and safety have any impact on productivity. The research states that depressed and highly stressed workers cost managers considerably additional in health care costs associated with those without these psychosocial hazard aspects. Through findings, it is a sure sign that the organization has formed a suitable environment for workers, certifying that they are ready to handle an emergency condition and be productive in many fields (Wong, Dawson & Van Dongen, 2019).
4.1 Data Analysis
Analysis of data varies with the drive of the research, the complexity of the research design, and the extent to which a conclusion can be reached easily. After all, data had been composed, the researcher conducted data cleaning, which involved identifying incomplete or incorrect replies and correct to advance the quality of the answers. After data cleaning, the information was coded and put into the computer for analysis. The research produced both qualitative and quantitative statistics. Quantitative techniques like descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to understand relationships between different variables. Qualitative data were analyzed qualitatively using content analysis based on analysis of meanings and implications emanating from respondents’ information and documented data.
4.2 Conclusion of the findings
The fire inhibition and defense, lighting and aeration, personal protective gear, good housekeeping, occupational health, and safety practices positively affected workers’ productivity. Whereas chairs/tables and amenities for sitting, first aid kit and medical competence, drinking water, and sanitary facilities had a bad relationship.
4.3 Recommendations
From the findings and conclusions of the research, it is suggested that the organization should make Occupational Health and Safety very successful as it is pertinent in improving productivity and protecting workers’ health. The workers should report to the specialists as the law states that employees report any hazardous condition to the supervisor. Machinery, equipment, and other items acquired, designed, manufactured, or installed for processes should adapt to the protection requirements. The suppliers and manufacturers should provide all relevant information on new equipment. Suppliers should guarantee the safety of their materials. Such data should reach the final users of the machines and equipment. The organization should conduct frequent training, which should be monthly to train employees on Occupational health and safety. Every worker working in the organization should join the activities regardless of cadre or level of education to enhance productivity.
The organization should set up an aggressive and functional team concerned with occupational health and safety. They will be accountable for any occupational diseases, hazardous environment, and safety equipment in the institute. This team should be from the management to non-managerial employees. Employees should be communicated the importance of appreciating personal protective gear to reduce occupational diseases and accidents in the organization. This is done better by training peer educators from among themselves to train fellow employees and persuade them.
5.1 Presentation of the research findings
The report presents the findings of research piloted on a sample collection of event management companies/organizations to determine the level of Occupational Health and Safety, judicial compliance present amid the group, precisely linking to the area of Occupational Health and Safety managerial controls. As a way of handling the risks related to OHS and to provide suggestions of legislative compliance, an Occupational Health and Safety Management System are applied into a business’s general operations, which provides for the continuing assessment, discussion, analysis, demotion, and enhancement of all problems related with the administration. This research has tried to evaluate the level of administrative defiance amid a sample group of incident management companies/organizations by analyzing participants’ research information. The data composed from the questionnaires were linked to that which had been evaluated as a benchmark. The research presented that if called upon to deliver suggestions of legislative compliance, not one of the participating occasion management organizations would conform completely.
6.1 Research findings
The findings of the study were précised, conferring to the research objectives. The professional health and safety practices presently used in the survey are common to the workers who agreed that the techniques are effective. This was following the Health and Safety Executive that genuine productivity gains can be understood by those companies that spend more in showing health and safety practices. When an institute is dedicated to OHS’s most excellent approach and puts it correctly managed, the outcome is a win-win situation that profits both the workforce and the association for which they work. There is a need for workplace enhancement regarding occupational health and safety for the benefit of the manager and the worker to raise productivity. The study’s findings suggest that good workplace health and safety practices can assist save the lives of employees by decreasing dangers and their penalties. Health and safety programs also have a progressive impact on both worker morale and productivity. The research finding indicates that the Multiple Regression R2 = .812 signifies that all the classical occupational health and safety practices account for 81.2% variation in worker productivity.
6.2 A review of your learning and development from research
It is a well-known truth that human resource is the crucial factor of organizational success in our age. Businesses’ power arises from the physical and mental strength of their employees. As a result, sustainability of being influential for an association is connected to the physical and psychological health of its workers and their understanding and services. Meanwhile, the reputation of human resources on the organizational success has been recognized, accountability and authority of Human Resources Departments are widened, specifically in the accommodation area. Establishing Worker Training and upholding Occupational Safety and Health are amid the essential functions of Human Resources Organization departments. These two roles interrelate, and they both serve the target of defending workers’ physical, psychological and social health. Effects of Worker Training on Occupational Safety and Health have been studied by a realistic analysis to outlook the method and practices of the accommodation segment. In the process, it’s been recognized that worker training has a very positive outcome on occupational safety and health. Furthermore, it’s been agreed that some prospective training programs, such as accident hazards and occupational illnesses are unavoidable.
Anjum, A., Ming, X., Siddiqi, A. F., & Rasool, S. F. (2018). An empirical study analyzing job productivity in toxic workplace environments. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(5), 1035.
Karanikas, N., Melis, D. J., & Kourousis, K. I. (2018). The balance between safety and productivity and its relationship with human factors and safety awareness and communication in aircraft manufacturing. Safety and Health at Work, 9(3), 257-264.nmjmu
Nyarko, B. S., & Simons, B. (2021). The effect of occupational health and safety on productivity of project employees of Wilkins engineering limited (Doctoral dissertation).
Steel, J., Godderis, L., & Luyten, J. (2018). Productivity estimation in economic evaluations of occupational health and safety interventions: a systematic review. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 44(5), 458-474.
Wong, I. S., Dawson, D., & VAN DONGEN, H. P. (2019). International consensus statements on non-standard working time arrangements and occupational health and safety. Industrial health, 57(2), 135-138.