113 views 8:49 am 0 Comments May 17, 2023

Authors: xxxx, xxxx, xxxx
Version Control:

Version Prepared By Date Status
1.0 Xxxx Xxxx 5th April 2021 Amended
2.0 Xxxx Xxxx 7th April 2021 Amended
3.0 Xxxx Xxxx 12th April 2021 Amended
4.0 Xxxx Xxxx 5th May 2021 Amended
5.0 Xxxx Xxxx 10th May 2021 Original/Final

Table of Contents
Task Breakdown: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
1. Executive Summary:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
1.1 Purpose of the document:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
1.2 Scope of this document:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
1.3 Summarize the content of this document:……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2. Project Overview: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.1 Current System: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.2 Proposed System: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.3 Goal: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
2.4 Functionality and matter………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
2.5 End User: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
2.6 Overall system and its design:……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
3. Design Considerations:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
3.1 Design Requirements: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
3.2 General Constraints – global constrains that impact overall design: …………………………………………………….. 9
3.3 Development Method – Used for the proposed model:……………………………………………………………………. 10
3.4 Technical Limitations: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
3.5 Assumptions and Dependencies:………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
4. Architecture Design: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
5. Application Design:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
5.DATABASE DESIGN:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
5.1 Design Methodology:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
5.2 ERD:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
5.3 DFD:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
5.4 Dashboard: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17
6.ETL design:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
6.1. ETL Steps:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
6.1.1. Extraction:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17
6.1.2. Transformation:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17
6.1.3. Loading: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
7. Human Machine Interface:………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
7.1 Interface Design Rules:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18
7.2 Inputs: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
7.3 Outputs:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
7.4 Navigation Hierarchy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
8. Design Test Plan: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
9.Overall design process: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
9.1 Methodology used in the design phase: ………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
9.3 Design review process………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
10. Recommendations …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25
References:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 26
Appendix: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27

Task Breakdown:
Table 1.1 Task breakdown

Task Team member
Executive summary
§ Purpose of this document
§ Scope of this document
§ Summarize the contents of this document
§ Report consolidation and collation
Xxxx Xxxx
Project overview
§ Current system
§ The Proposed System
§ Goal
§ Functionality and matter
§ End User
§ Overall system and its design
Xxxx Xxxx
Design considerations
§ Design Requirements
§ General Constraints
§ Development Method – used for the proposed model
§ Technical limitations
§ Assumptions and Dependencies
Xxxx Xxxx
Architecture design Xxxx Xxxx
Database design
§ Design Methodology
§ Table schema
Xxxx Xxxx
ETL design and Techniques Xxxx Xxxx
Human-Machine Interface
§ Interface Design Rules
§ Inputs
§ Outputs
§ Navigation Hierarchy – screen layouts
Xxxx Xxxx


Design Test Plan Xxxx Xxxx
Overall Design Process
§ Discuss methodology used in the design phase
§ Design review process that your team used
Xxxx Xxxx
Access database, form and report Xxxx Xxxx
Prepare presentation Xxxx Xxxx

1. Executive Summary:
1.1 Purpose of the document:
This design guidelines document has been prepared on the basis of requirement analysis document. There
by ensuring the requirements, goals and objectives of our customers UniLodge has been met. The main
purpose of this design guidelines documents is to provide an indept analysis of the “Student Accommodation
mobile Application” design. This mobile application has been created to assist students, landlords and
UniLodge based on the individual groups requirements as provided by our customers. In addition to this our
team LaTrobe Consulting has done market survey to identify those factors that play an important role in
decision making. As part of the requirement analysis document, the suggestions and recommendations to
increase sales have been provided to UniLodge.
LaTrobe consulting services has followed the system development life cycle methodology for this app design.
This mobile app has been designed by incorporating the Agile methodology along with the system
development life cycle. The main idea behind this is to incorporate any changes as and when required
seamlessly into the design to provide the best user experience to students and landlords. Through this
approach, LaTrobe consulting will be able to provide the best solutions to UniLodge with minimal impact on
the overall project costs.
The system design covers the following aspects:
§ Analysis of the requirements provided by UniLodge
§ Feasibility study on the current systems used by UniLodge
§ Feasibility study to identify the impact of the new design
§ Design the mobile application
Though this document, the team will be introducing the design prototype. The team will also be sharing the
design guidelines to project owners and stakeholders to analyse and finalise the design before
1.2 Scope of this document:
This design guideline covers all the aspects relevant to design. All the systems and processes required for
implementation and dashboard design are not covered as part of this document. Some of the design
considerations included as part of this documents are mentioned below:
§ Architecture of the Mobile App Design
§ Human Computer Interface Design
§ Design Process
§ Design Layout
§ Design Test Plan
§ Accommodation Mobile App process flow
Only design prototype will be introduced as part of this design guideline. The design on the mobile
application also takes into consideration the limitations of Marvelapp. Any limitations are provided as
suggestions during the implementation process. This was included as part of the requirement analysis
1.3 Summarize the content of this document:
This design guidelines document focuses primarily on the design process flow which will aid during
implementation stage. One of the biggest challenge during implementation phase of a project is unforeseen
or sudden changes. In order to avoid any bigger impact, the team has ensured it follows the system
development life cycle methodology by primarily keeping the requirements provided by UniLodge as the
core. Through this document, the team will be discussing the design requirements, considerations,
challenges, limitations and assumptions that will enable successful implementation. Through the Human
Machine Interface, the team will introduce an indept process flow of the Mobile Application design. This has
been created to enable our customers to get a first-hand experience of using the mobile app even before
2. Project Overview:
2.1 Current System:
UniLodge currently are relying on their web based platform to advertise their rooms and services. One of
the biggest challenge due to this was the customer base. Most sales are lost due to its current setup.
Students sometimes find it challenging to login to overseas websites due to access and restrictions issues.
The web platform follows a simple process of showcasing the listings but does not give users an option to
shortlist rooms or to make payments to secure the same. The web application also does not provide
opportunities for electronic signature or verification. In addition to this the risk of hacking is higher on a web
page when compared to a mobile application.
2.2 Proposed System:
Through this project, UniLodge has requested LaTrobe Consulting Services to design a mobile application.
One of the many requirements provided by UniLodge was to ensure the application is compatible with IOS.
Through analysis, we have identified that more number of students are using android based application.
Some of the main proposals on the new system are as follows:
§ Design IOS based mobile application
§ Enable students who are overseas access to review and book accommodation
§ Provide options for students to make payments
§ Provide options for electronic signatures to sign the contracts digitally
§ Includes options for raising issues or concerns
§ Provide options for Landlords to review their investments performance
§ Interactive dashboard for Landlords
§ Interactive dashboard for UniLodge admins
§ Payment reminder and dues notification
§ 360° viewing option of the proposed room or accommodation
§ Live sync via cloud computing with existing website to ensure 100%age accurate data
§ Avoid any duplication or overwriting
2.3 Goal:
The primary objective of this project is to create a mobile application design for UniLodge. Customers’
requirements have been taken into considerations to ensure customers goals are aligned with project
2.4 Functionality and matter:
The following defines the functional design of this application;
§ Students or Landlords to use the mobile application need to authenticate their email address and
mobile number. Access to the application will be only provided to those users who have successfully
authenticated their details
§ The mobile application design has been created by carefully considering the user interphase. The
team has put in effort to ensure the app flow is simple and easy to use. The app in itself is interactive
and friendly
§ Landlord and UniLodge administration interactive and live reporting data and consolidated into one
database. Based on the users login credentials, customised dashboards will be available
§ Reporting’s or queries can be retrieved from the centralized database
2.5 End User:
Some of the end users of this mobile application are as follows;
§ Students
§ Parents
§ Lecturers
§ Professors
§ Landlords
§ UniLodge Administration
2.6 Overall system and its design:
The mobile application has been designed by keeping in mind customers core requirements. In doing so
LaTrobe Consulting team has created a mobile application that is interactive, user friendly and aids in
automation. Through the built in rules and intelligence, we are trying the best to reduce human
interventions. This will help UniLodge to lower human resource costs and associated error percentages. This
app will lets users to shortlist an accommodation, pay for the accommodation and sign contracts without
the requirement of physically inspections or background rental history checks.
3. Design Considerations:
3.1 Design Requirements:
The LaTrobe – UniLodge Student Accommodation mobile application has been designed on IOS platform.
This has been designed in such a way based on the customers requirement. Since customers have existing
web site the core importance for the team was to identify ways to integrate the mobile application with
website. In order to enable successful integration, the team at LaTrobe Consulting has looked at an option
of cloud computing. This will ensure there is successful live sync between the website and the mobile
application. Mobile application makes it flexible to use irrespective of the students location. Some of the
other features included are as follows:
§ Security – Students or Landlords need to register and authenticate their email address and mobile
number to gain access to the mobile application
§ Human interface – The mobile application has been designed to ensure simplicity. This has been done
to account for the wider demographic usage
§ Interactive Dashboards – Designed to ensure landlords and UniLodge admins reporting
considerations are met
§ Flexibility – The app has been designed by following the Agile approach to ensure any changes
required to be done are done without any significant impact to design or cost
§ Maintainability – The apps consolidated dashboard will be stored in cloud computing
3.2 General Constraints – global constrains that impact overall design:
Table 3.1 Design consideration constraints

Requirements By Hardware Software
Students Mobile Phones IOS or Android
Landlords Mobile Phones IOS or Android


UniLodge Mobile Phones IOS or Android
Server Integration between existing website and cloud computing
System Interface Interface design will be in English
Availability of the apps in App or Play Store for users

3.3 Development Method – Used for the proposed model:
For this project, we have utilised the traditional system development life cycle approach. System
Development Life Cycle development processes consist of five main phases as follows;
§ System Planning
§ System Analysis
§ System Design
§ System Testing and
§ System Implementation
These are further elaborated as below.
Table 3.2 System development life cycle

Phase Description
Planning During the planning phase, the team has conducted market
surveys to analyse the benefits of this mobile application. The
survey has been conducted in accordance to the requirements
provided by UniLodge. The survey was conducted amongst
LaTrobe University students such as to identify those deciding
factors that aids in decision making
Analysis During this phase, the team has reviewed the data collected
during surveys to conduct feasibility study. This study was based
on the survey outcome and clients requirements. Outcome of
this survey was used to provide recommendations and
suggestions to UniLodge to further improve the mobile
application. The team has also identified the functional and non
functional requirements to be utilised in this testing


Design During this stage, the team has designed the mobile application
on Marvelapp. Marvelapp was used for designing the app based
on the customers requirement. The design has been created by
considering the wider audience and demographic. This has been
done to ensure the app has an interface which is easy and
simpler to use. In addition to this app design, the team will also
be preparing a centralised database to store the data.
Customised dashboards will be available for use by the
Landlords and UniLodge administrations. Multiple reports can
be extracted from this centralised database
Testing Before actual implementation, tests will be carried out to
identify the feasibility of the design. The team is planning a soft
launch for this design by requesting students from the LaTrobe
University campus to test the app. Their feedbacks and
suggestions will be used to further improve the design of the
Implementation The app design will be handed over to UniLodge for
implementation. There are many design limitations as the team
was dependent on Marvelapp for designing. UniLodge can look
at these limitations and fix the same during implementation.

3.4 Technical Limitations:
Some of the challenges or technical limitations that the team foresees during implementation phase are as
§ Data Quality – Quality of the dashboard reports will be based on the input provided by the users.
Hence maintaining quality of the input is important
§ Design – The mobile application has been designed based on the customers’ requirements using
Marvelapp. The team was unable to build in additional features to the design due to these limitations
Other factors, the team has carefully designed this app to sync with existing websites via cloud computing.
In order to avoid additional loads on the app or logjams, the team is looking at options to connect the mobile
application based on different servers. This will avoid any app sudden crashes and always give opportunity
for system maintenance without any impact to the user.

3.5 Assumptions and Dependencies:
The team has designed this app based on certain assumptions. Some of the assumptions are as below:
§ Users will be technologically literate. No additional trainings or support will be required by the users
to use this application
§ UniLodge will provide access to link this app with existing websites
§ UniLodge will approve live sync via cloud computing
§ All users update their details accurately
§ IOS design can be transferred to Android designs as higher percentage of users are using android
§ Access to internet. All users will have access to fast internet
§ UniLodge accommodation services will be offered only to LaTrobe students
§ Access to touch screen mobile phones. All users will have access to mobile phones
4. Architecture Design:
The student accommodation app has been designed using Marvelapp. But the team has looked at
opportunities to link the existing website with new mobile application. This is done via cloud computing to
ensure live data availability. The design in terms of the application design is simple. However, the team at
LaTrobe Consulting are looking at opportunities to create centralised dashboard to ensure customised
dashboard is available for Landlords and UniLodge administrations. Some of the components of this system
designs are as follows:
§ Capture data from Mobile Application
§ Capture data from website
§ Store data in database
§ Data ware house
§ Interface for users
The data captured via the data input from the mobile application or website is stored in a database. This
data is used to create customised reporting for Landlords and UniLodge. The centralised dashboard can be
used to generate reports. These reports are then used to create dashboards to have one view which can
then be used to the users to review the performance.

5. Application Design:
The UniLodge mobile application has been designed by using the marvel app. The design of the application
was outlined by considering the results of the survey which was conducted among a group of diverse people
whose results are shown in the figures below
Figure 5.1 Accommodation Preference
Figure 5.2 Preferred Stay Type

Figure 5.3 Factors considered
LBC has structured its suggestions and solutions based on the outcome of the survey. The same thought
process has been built into the app design. In addition to this data, we have utilized the Airbnb data to
complete the analysis. After analysis and cleansing of the data, we have retained only those details which
we will be using further in the post design stage which is the implementation stage of this project. Further
in the implementing stage we are required to create a Business Intelligence dashboard (BI dashboard).
5.1 Design Methodology:
We are required to create a BI dashboard in the implementing stage of the project; Hence we have
performed a few preliminary steps for cleaning the data in excel. We observed that some columns like last
scraped and experiences offered were irrelevant for our project, hence these columns were deleted. Some
anomalies in few columns like price, weekly price, monthly price and calendar last scraped were found,
therefore the anomalies were removed using excel. This is only the preliminary cleansing of data stage;
further cleaning of the data will take place during the implementation of the project before designing the BI
dashboard using power BI.

Figure 5.1 Airbnb data
Figure 5.2 Airbnb Data

5.2 ERD:
Figure 5.3 Entity Relationship Diagram
5.3 DFD:
Figure 5.4 Data Flow Diagram
5.4 Dashboard:
The dashboard will be created in the implementing stage of the project using power BI after further analysing
and cleaning the data.
6.ETL design:
6.1. ETL Steps:
6.1.1. Extraction:
The extraction stage is when our data is collected from its data sources, we have collected data from the
google survey and the Airbnb data which was provided to LBC by the client.
6.1.2. Transformation:
In the transformation phase there are two main steps:
1) Data cleaning:
Identifying suspicious data
Deleting the missing data
Finding anomalies
Replacing the missing data with “#NA”

0 Student ID,
Landlord ID
Information on
Data Outc ome







Standardisation of the data
2) Data enriching:
The deduplication of the data present in various columns
Merging of the different data to transform our data into a simpler format.
6.1.3. Loading:
The loading of the data involves the process of taking the data after transformation and exporting it to a
data storage like the data warehouse.
7. Human Machine Interface:
Human machine interface is any platform that allows a user to communicate with computer or application.
It could be anything from a computer, smart watch or even multi touch interface (Gonzalez, 2021).
For the project commissioned to LBC, the primary HMI is the Marvel app. The users will prototype the design
of the app through Marvel and later be transferred to an iOS platform for implementation.
7.1 Interface Design Rules:
We at LBC have strived to incorporate Shneiderman’s 8 rules of interface design. It is a well-used set of rules
by many large corporations in the world. These rules are well documented in his book, the “Designing the
User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction” (Wong, 2021).
The 8 rules are as follows:
Endeavor for uniformity: Use clear and uniform set of commands and icons throughout the app in
order to make it easier for the user to navigate. Users must be able to identify a command the next
time they come across it without learning new representation.
Use of shortcuts: Frequent users will be able to save their searches and bookings under one place in
order to make it easier for them to navigate to their point of interest quicker.
Feedback for users: we have incorporated informative advice to the user on the navigation
throughout the app. If a user is on a multi-page form, it displays each step and position in the form
for user to easily understand their whereabouts in the application.
Figure 7.1 Current Step
4) Insert closing gestures thought the app: The user will be greeted with a closing message every time
an action is undertaken by the user. For e.g.: the user will receive a thank you message and booking
confirmation once they complete booking application form.
Simple fault control techniques: Once a user enters a wrong or unacceptable input, provide a
feedback that is intuitive to be resolved. For e.g.: if a user does not have a registered username and
password, they are directed to the new user page to create a new profile.
Reversal of errors: The users will be able to delete or amend any incorrect data that is input into the
application. The user will be more relaxed knowing that they will be able to undo any mistake.
Unlimited user control: Give a sense of control to the user. No action will be taken on behalf of the
user on the app. The user will have full control of all actions.
Lower temporary memory load: The interface has been kept in a simple format where it is easier to
load. It is easier to recognize than recall.
7.2 Inputs:
The inputs are variables used by the user to interact with the interface. It could be a set of controls, signs, or
even hardware inputs. An input design must be intuitive and user friendly. The best kind of input design is
the one that requires the user to have a minimum learning curve (“Input / Output & Forms Design –
Tutorialspoint”, 2021). Following are the inputs considered in the interface design:
1) Text fields
2) Active Buttons
3) Calendar events
4) Dropdowns
5) Mandatory fields
6) Check boxes.
7) Drop down list
8) Numeric keypads
9) Mouse and keyboard
10) Hyperlinks.
11) Scroll bars
12) Radio buttons
7.3 Outputs:
An output is the result of a query or action submitted by a user. The outputs that have been considered for
the project are:

1) Reports
2) Graphs
3) Tables
4) Maps
5) E-mails
6) Confirmation codes
7) Error messages
7.4 Navigation Hierarchy
Figure 7.2 Application Navigation Flowchart
1) Login Page: The user (admin/student) enters the user ID and password. If not profile, user has option to
click on new user link to create a user profile.

2) User profile Creation: The user can create a new profile if no record on the database. There will be an
OTP sent to the users registered mobile number for authentication purposes.
Admin/Landlord: There will be a page which displays the reports and relevant information required for
the admin/Landlord.
4) Home: The home page for student will display functions like profile, location, room types, contact and
testimonials. The profile page will display the user information like, personal details, university, and
logout from user profile.

5) Rooms: Room types available in a particular UniLodge will be displayed for viewing. The students can
immediately select, view photos, and apply to book a room. They can also make online payments and
get a booking confirmation.
Contact us & Testimonials: The contact us page gives all the contact details required to get in touch with
UNILODGE management. And the testimonials page displays different student testimonials.

8. Design Test Plan:
The main Test plan was to prototype different versions of the applications. Marvel had a few limitations such
as design constraints and set amount of input variables like buttons, list box etc.
Table 8.1 Design test cases

Test Number Test Case Input Expected Output Comments
1 Create new user
user ID
personal details
registered mobile
User a/c
2 OTP registration Mobile number
OTP code
3 Report view Request for monthly
No report generated Tweak dates
and re
4 Booking
Complete application
and payment
Booking confirmation
and e-mail
Update correct
e-mail and try
5 Auto picking user
data from La
Trobe server
Student ID All personal details
auto populated
server syncing
and try again
6 Payment
transaction test
Debit card/credit card
Payment confirmation
and booking
funds, correct
card details
and try again

9.Overall design process:
Initially and the primary task in our design process was the identification our stakeholders in the project
followed by the metrics that would define the project (The google survey conducted largely contributed
towards these metrics). Based on the results the UniLodge mobile application was designed on the marvel

app and also a prototype of the mobile application was successfully created using the marvel app based on
whose tests will determine the status of the design of the application during the implementing stage.
9.1 Methodology used in the design phase:
Figure 9.1 Design Iteration
We have used the above design thinking methodology which consists of four steps listed as follows
Define: Firstly, we have identified the stakeholder of our project and defined their responsibilities
along with their role towards our project. This helped us to determine the metrics required by us to
initiate the design of the UniLodge mobile application
Prototype: After obtaining the metrics required for this project, we incorporated the identified
metrics in the design of the application and displayed them in the best possible way in the app design,
hence resulting in the app design to be more user friendly. Visualization techniques were used to
present them in the app design
Build: After the successfully prototyping the app design, we shall import the real raw data, perform
various processes to it, analyse the data and create a BI dashboard (the BI dashboard will be created
in the implementation stage of the project once the app design is approved
Deploy: This is the final stage where a full functional and developed app is launched along with the
live BI dashboard, hence maintenance and scaling will be most emphasised at this stage as the
number of users increases and to keep the app’s stability.
9.3 Design review process
The app design is to be reviewed through a feedback loop between the final user and the design team
ensuring that the expectation of the users is met. Whether behavioural activity which was analysed is being
in effectively showcased through the design of the app or not. Ensuring the requirements of the stakeholders
are met.

10. Recommendations
1. Add secure pay – a third party security provider for online transactions and payments.
2. Add e-sign a third-party provider for signing confidential documents online.
3. Add current rental status on the app of the neighbourhood this will help students to understand
the neighbourhood pricing structure and the price difference due the amenities will help them to
shortlist Unilodge accommodation.
4. Even though the app based on clients’ requirements are on IOS platform we need to create android
versions of the app as a large number of students are using Android phones.

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1) Work Break Down Structure:


Planning Execution Implementation
Gathering data from
the google survey
and the Airbnb data
Assign Tasks
Start working
on Project
Find the spot
where we
Track project
Correction of
errors and
making changes
DO changes
Project to
next semester