Business Ethics

88 views 7:51 am 0 Comments March 23, 2023

Task 1: 500-word Individual Reflection (Weightage 30%, LO2)

For task one, students will be provided a Case Study (see the Assessment Folder on BB) and expected to undertake individual independent research and participate in a group in-class activity (presentation) face-to-face in weeks 6/7. For the presentation you will be divided into groups of 4 to 5 students.

You will then write an individual 500-word reflection based on your performance in the group and how you view ethical issues raised in the Case Study. The Individual Reflection will be submitted in week 14 along with task 2 (Report) in one document.

You will also include in this submission (in the appendices) your preparation and research undertaken for this group activity (presentation). This must be included in the appendices for you to receive a mark for this task. Legible handwritten notes may be scanned and submitted in the appendices as a part of your research.

Groups will be arranged by module tutors in weeks 4/5 in class. Please note this work will be individually graded.

There will be opportunities in class to receive support and formative feedback on this task therefore, attendance and engagement is highly recommended if you wish to succeed in this task.

Task 2: 2500-word Individual Report (Weightage 70%, LO1 – LO6)

This is a complex task entailing considerable research. It is best to approach it step by step. You are strongly advised to make a draft timetable of when you expect to complete each section.

You must choose ONE case study from the list below (Assessment Folder on BB).

1. VW Emissions Scandal – Case Study


2. Facebook – Cambridge Analytica Scandal – Case Study


3. Apple “Batterygate” scandal – Case Study