Business Decision Analytics

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Subject Code and Title MGT602 Business Decision Analytics
Assessment Research Analysis Report
Individual/Group Individual reflection
Length Business report up to 2,000 words;
Learning Outcomes a) Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of decision
making tools and reflect on your decision-making styles and
contrast with other styles to determine the respective levels of
rationality and intuition utilised
b) Compare, contrast and critically evaluate sources of data as
influences for decision-making in a range of business contexts
c) Examine and evaluate decision-making systems and techniques
to engage group decisions and analyse how these can enhance
sustainable outcomes
d) Critically examine emerging tools and technologies for decision
Submission For regular class (12 Weeks Duration):
By 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1 (week 11)
For intensive class (6 Weeks Duration):
By 11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1 (week 6)
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 40 marks

Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and
means of communication with teams separated by distance and time. We need to take into
account not only time and space, but other elements of diversity to collaborate effectively
for organisational outcomes. In such complex environments much can be learned by
observing and analysing the decision-making process of business managers. This task
requires you to select a decision you have observed in the work place that addresses the
assessment topic provided and using MGT602 theory gained from Modules 1-6 on
Blackboard, undertake a comprehensive critical analysis and evaluation of the decision
maker and the decision-making process.
This assessment has been designed to:
Critically reflect on the application of key concepts and theories of MGT602 in the analysis
of a decision from your current or previous workplace. In doing so, you MUST consider the
meaningful work challenge or topic provided to you by the Learning Facilitator
that you were
involved in, or observed another person or persons make
. If you do not have previous
workplace management experience, then you must analyse the group decision-making

processes undertaken by your team in Assessment task 2.
In successfully completing this assessment task you are to:
Evaluate the sources of data, and the use of data analytics to identify trends/ patterns
that form the evidence for the decision-maker.
Show visualisation of the decision-making process, and analytics to support the decision
Select between three decision-making theories and concepts from within the subject
modules and show their application in analyzing the decision. Evaluate how the decision
would be the same/ different by using different theories or concepts.
Present the findings of your results in a business style report that includes clear headings
to guide the reader and visualisation of the data sources/trends/ patterns, and is
underpinned with evidence from relevant contemporary literature.
Reference according to the APA reference style guide
PLEASE NOTE: It is highly recommended that you discuss the selected decision with your
learning facilitator to ensure efficacy of the assessment task.
Report format
Cover Sheet: Every assessment should have a Torrens University Coversheet. (The
Assignment Cover Sheet found in:
1. Executive summary: 150 words maximum. The executive summary is a summation of
the report. Included are the case being analysed; the data and evidence collected; the
theories used and associated conclusion; and the overall findings.
2. Table of contents.
3. Introduction: 200 words maximum.
The introduction will present the reader with a
clear and concise understanding of the following: 1. What is the report about; 2. What
theories will be used; 3 Your concise conclusion; and 4 The structure of the submission
4. Analysis and evaluation: 1600 words maximum. In this section you will analyse and
evaluate the decision-making process using selected theories and concepts from
5. Conclusion: 200 words maximum. In this section you will provide a concise
summation of your analysis and conclusion(s).
6. References: A minimum of 10 academic references are required from seminal sources
and books. Referencing must be APA style. For referencing information refer to:
7. Appendix: If required.
8. NOTE: This submission is to be presented in report format. Any tables prepared may
be included in the body of the report but must be clearly and concisely discussed as
part of the analysis. Alternatively, the table should be identified and discussed in the
text/body and included in an appendix.
MGT602 Assessment 3 Submission Process
Submit your MGT602 Assessment 3 via Blackboard and the Assessments Tab by Sunday
of Teaching Session 11 before 23.59hrs
The Assignment Cover Sheet is available at ( must be inserted at the beginning of the assessment document.
Please make sure to submit ONE Microsoft WORD Document (.doc OR .docx). PDF
Submissions will NOT be accepted
Please make sure to insert page numbers.
You must identify each section of the report with the headings which are listed in the
table of contents.
The Cover Sheet and References are not included in the word count. Nor are the
Executive Summary, Table of Contents or Appendix.
Only the current APA style is used for citing and referencing. More information on
referencing is at
Please make sure to review the provided marking rubric at the end of this document for
your information.

Grading Rubric Assessment 3 Weighting 40%

Assessment Criteria Fail (Unacceptable)
Pass (Functional)
Credit (Proficient)
Distinction (Advanced) 75 –
High Distinction (Exceptional)
1. Critically reflect on the
key themes for this
subject: individual, group
decision-making and
business analytics, and
reduction of bias for more
effective business
decision-making. (25% -10
Little or no authentic
personal reflection on
individual, group and
business decision-making
and the use of analytics for
organisations. No, or
limited reflection on bias
Some personal reflection
on individual, group and
business decision-making
and the use of analytics in
organisational decision
making is evident, Some
reflection on bias is
A clearly authentic
personal reflection on
individual, group and
business decision-making
and the use of analytics is
evident, with clear links to
the influence of bias on
decision making.
Comprehensive reflection
on individual, group and
business decision-making
and the use of analytics,
with clear links to the
influence of bias on
Comprehensive and
sophisticated reflection on
individual, group and business
decision-making and the use
of analytics is evident,
including implication of bias
and blind spots for decision
2. Examine and analyse at
least three decision
making tools and
technologies to
demonstrate their
application in the
workplace. (25%- 10
Little or no reference
made to conceptual
frameworks and explicit
decision-making tools and
Basic coverage of at least
three decision-making
tools and technologies,
with reference to
conceptual frameworks,
data analytics and their
workplace application.
Clear analysis and
comparison of at least
three decision making
tools and technologies,
with reference to
conceptual frameworks,
data analytics and their
workplace application.
Well-developed analysis
and comparison of at least
three decision-making
tools and technologies,
with reference to
conceptual frameworks,
data analytics and their
Sophisticated analysis of at
least three decision-making
tools and technologies, with
reference to conceptual
frameworks, data analytics
and their workplace
3.Prepare a business style
report with clear headings
and visual interpretation
and presentation of data
trends/ patterns (25%- 10
Report lacks logical
coherence and clear
structure Limited data
analysis and no visual
representation of data.
Report has basic logical
flow and structure. Basic
concepts and analysis are
explained Attempts basic
visual representation of
Report has a clear logical
flow and structure. Clear
expression of concepts and
analysis. Adequate visual
representation of d
Report has a strong logical
flow and structure.
Accurate Executive
Summary. Conclusion
accurately captures key
learning. Clear visual
representation of data
trends/ patterns
Excellent logic and structure.
Concise, accurate Executive
Summary Conclusion
accurately captures deep
learning and insights. Creative
and engaging visual
representation of data trends/
4.Support your argument
with relevant
contemporary literature
including major resources
from within the subject
modules. (25%- 10 marks)
No, or few references from
within subject learning
resources. Many errors in
text citations and
reference list according to
APA referencing guidelines
Makes some attempt to
use relevant references
from within subject
learning resources. Several
major and minor errors in
text citations and
reference list according to
APA referencing
References support an
adequate argument and
application of major
concepts from within
subject learning resources.
Several minor errors in
text citations and
reference list according to
APA referencing
References support a
mostly comprehensive
argument and application
of major concepts from
within subject learning
resources. Strong level of
accuracy of intext citations
and reference list
according to APA style
guide; minor errors.
Sophisticated references
support comprehensive
argument and application of
major concepts from within
subject learning resources.
High level of accuracy of in
text citations and reference list
according to APA style