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EDU4UML: Assessment Task 2 template

Name: Avtar Singh

Your statements

Copy and paste the following text from Padlet or class activity (Module 1):


Please fill in:
Your ‘issues statement’

(Your outline of your issue or problem covered in your poster)

In recent years, bushfires have become one of the major issues in Australia that are becoming increasingly destructive. The bushfire has caused various harmful gases, carbon dioxide, and aerosols in the environment (Zhang, et al., 2021). Due to which, the environment, the wildlife, and the communities of the country are at risk of serious damage. The major cause of the bushfire is climate change and as a result, bushfires are more likely to spread due to prolonged droughts and extreme weather conditions, which lead to conditions that are hotter and drier as a result of the increased temperatures that are caused by the climate change. As a result of bushfires in Australia, thousands of lives have been lost, homes and communities have been destroyed, ecosystems and habitats have been destroyed, and there have been numerous fatalities as well. In Australia, a growing issue is the management and prevention of bushfires as well as ensuring the safety of residents in the event of a bushfire.

Your ‘audience statement’

(Your outline of your intended audience)

It is intended for environmentalists, indigenous people, as well as the general Australian population as a whole to read this issue. The audience would be keen to learn about bushfires because bushfires are continuously a threat to them, their neighborhoods, and their families, which make them, want to learn more about the bushfires. As a result of the poster, the audience will be able to learn about the major causes of bushfires, how to prevent them, as well as how to limit their effects. Like the general Australian population, the audience is likely to be aware of the problem, the risks involved, as well as the impact they are likely to face as a result. There will be information provided in the poster regarding fire awareness and how it can be managed in order to prevent and manage fires. It may be a way for the government and environmentalists to foster the research on scientific ideas in order to overcome this problem.


Briefly describe the factors you considered when seeking to understand your issue (bullet points are fine). List any research that you used to inform your understanding of the issue.

The following factors were taken into account in order to gain a deeper understanding of this issue:

There is a broad understanding of the issue as well as historical facts that have been reviewed, such as the time when the bushfires began, the reason behind the bushfires, the impact of the bushfires at the start and the policymakers’ efforts to prevent them from occurring again.

In addition, there are other factors such as the effect of climate change such as how the hot weather leads to bushfires and how they can have a fatal impact on Indigenous communities, the general public, and endangered species due to the high temperatures.

The third factor that is considered to improve the understanding of the issue is the solution that is proposed in order to resolve it. In order to provide a better solution to this issue, a realistic solution must be provided in order to be able to provide a better answer to the problem of bushfires in Australia, which is a very fatal issue.

Another factor considered is the nature of the issue to understand this issue. Whether this issue is a major one or not and the impact of this issue on the general population, healthcare of the country, wild species, environment, etc. was considered to measure the nature of the issue. 

Research for gaining knowledge of this issue –

Journal articles, newspaper articles, and other factual data on official websites of government were searched on the Google Scholar to gain understanding.

Additionally, some scientific reports, case scenarios were also searched.

Your ‘How can we….so that’ statement

(Your problem definition statement, based on the design thinking process)

The problem of bushfires in Australia has become fatal in the last decade. It has resulted in the death of millions of people, livestock, and communities. People’s land, buildings, and Australian forests have been destroyed. Due to this, the number of diseases such as asthma, COPD, and respiratory diseases increased [ CITATION Rac212 l 1033 ]. So, timely action to mitigate this issue by mitigating the impact of climate change is required.

Your poster design ideas

Insert the three poster ideas that you created in Session 2 and added to the Padlet. Your ideas can be rough: you don’t need to be a good artist. It’s the ideas that count.

The poster will be more effective if cartoonist icons are used to increase its impact. It has the potential to resonate well with the audience in order for them to better understand the issue at hand.

In the poster, use shapes, icons, and text to demonstrate that you are providing the audience with detailed information about the poster as well as demonstrating your creative side in providing the audience with the poster.

It is a good idea to use big fonts to highlight what the issue is because it may catch the attention and reflect well on the design itself.

Your poster feedback

Copy and paste the following text from Padlet:

The three or more items of feedback you have provided to your peers on their poster ideas

Perfect placement: Perfect placement can improve the space of the poster as text can synchronize well with the shapes, images, and other icons.

Creative collages: Creative collages can be added in the poster. A collage is a great way to design a poster. Graphically displaying multiple images in a grid layout is possible. Collagens can be symmetrical or playful and asymmetrical. Depending on your aesthetic, you can use photo collages, icons, or text boxes.

Poster background image: It is common for the poster background to fade into the background of the poster. If you want, you can make it the focal point of your poster, but you don’t have to. It is the background image of the hiring poster above that sets the tone for the entire poster. It is important to consider the font color, poster structure, and even text orientation when designing a poster. Together, they create a poster that is pretty unique.  

Your response to peer feedback about your poster ideas

I am grateful for your response; I agree with you that adding the cartoon images can resonate well with the audience. I agree with you that think people like cartoon images because they illustrate the effect of the poster in a very effective manner as all the audiences can relate to it.

Thank you for the honest feedback, I think that adding images and shapes to the poster can make it more creative than the others they also illustrate the different moods of the poster and can create the visualization.

I also agree that a poster that has big font can attract the audience and let them know better about the issue in the poster.

Your final poster

Insert your final poster design here:

The document of the poster is attached in following –


Rodney, R. M., Swaminathan, A., Calear, A. L., Christensen, B. K., Lal, A., Lane, J., et al. (2021). Physical and Mental Health Effects of Bushfire and Smoke in the Australian Capital Territory 2019–20. Frontiers in Public Health , 9, 1-13.

Zhang, J., Sheng, Z., He, Y., Zuo, X., Jin, B., & Mingyuan. (2021). Analysis of the Impact of the 2019–20 Australian Bushfire Season on the Atmospheric Environment. Frontiers In Earth Science , 9, 1-16.

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