Benefits of evidence-based practice

106 views 9:23 am 0 Comments May 17, 2023

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t Brief
• • •
6 of 15 (7) [2,
• Explain the benefits of evidence-based practice as a method in carrying out Research • Produce a project proposal for a proposed study based on research topic • Justify rationale for proposed research study based on research topic. • Critically assess the viability of own project proposal in relation to the literature

review conducted
Academic standards: LO
Your work sho lid always use Arial 12 font and be spaced as 1. • Submission must be word processed • Ali sources must be referenced using Harvard refer en ,ind style • Su emission format Project Proposal 1,”2.rnplato
Recommended Resources Textbooks Beft, J. (2014) Doing yoUr RE7,1,::,,,H S / LiUtd, l r F•1151., HO, KC,,,,1101,21S