Basic data descriptions of datafile

42 views 9:02 am 0 Comments March 23, 2023

2. Basic data descriptions of datafile lfs3.rds [10 marks] Provide tables of counts of the following, and provide a brief paragraph explaining what you find for:
a. education (educ4) by sex by year b. industry (ind) by sex by year c. part-time/full-time status by sex and year d. wage rate (hrlyearn) by sex by year e. wage rate by age (original or numeric version) by year
3. Basic model of wage. [15 marks] Start with the following model: wage = f (age, education, sex, part-time status, year) making sure to use the numeric version of age generated in 1.b. above. Use educ4 for edu-cation, and part-time status is a variable generated in question 1. a. Run a regression on the basic wage model above. Report your regression results using the command stargazer(). Fully explain your regression results. b. Run the basic regression above again, but run the regression separately by year for both years 1997 and 2022 (which means you will drop the variable year from each regres-sion. Report both regression results using stargazer(). Fully explain your regression results. Compare results you get when running separately by year with those from the previous section where you constrained the coefficient estimates to be the same across both years.