Basic Bash commands

72 views 10:08 am 0 Comments March 12, 2023

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Software Development
Tools and Automation SD-130
Andre Specht
Assignment 1: Basic Bash commands Weight: 10/100
In this assignment, you will practice some of the most important and useful Bash commands.
Directions and requirements
Create a directory called master, open it via Terminal (Mac, Linux) or Git Bash (Windows), and
execute the following tasks. Add your commands and screenshots (when required) to a MS Word file
and save it as a pdf.
a. In
master, print your current directory (screenshot the output).
b. In
master, create directories dir1, dir2, dir3 using only one command, in one line.
c. Still in
master, add two txt files (file1 and file2) to dir1 using one command.
d. Still in
master, add ‘Hello, world’ to file1 in dir1.
e. Go to
dir2 and print the current directory using one command.
f. In
dir2, add an empty txt file (file3) to dir3.
g. Still in
dir2, append ‘CLI is fun’ to file1 in dir1.
h. Go to
dir1 and list the files with their permissions using one command (screenshot the output).
i. In
dir1, change the permissions of file1. Give ‘group’ and ‘other’ permission to ‘write’ on that
file. List the files with their permissions again to see the difference (screenshot the output).
j. Still in
dir1, remove all ‘group’ and ‘other’ permissions from file2. List the files with their
permissions to confirm the changes (screenshot the output).
Marking criteria

Required commands (10) and screenshots (4) 9
Properly formatted answers (on pdf) 1

* Marks will be deducted if the assignment is submitted late and/or incomplete. Assignments not
submitted on time will see deductions of 10% per day, including weekends and holidays.
Submission guidelines
Upload your answers to the Dropbox folder (My learning à Tools and Automation SD-130 à
Assignments à Assignment 1) as a pdf file. Your file should be named as follows: