Background to the Group Consultancy Project

80 views 8:14 am 0 Comments May 19, 2023

FTMBA – Full time

BUSI49676 – Change Management

Background to the Group Consultancy Project and the Group Presentation

On the first day of the consultancy experience (Monday 24 April 2023), students will meet with their client. While purpose of the meeting is multi-fold, in particular the project brief / terms of reference should be clarified and agreed, and refined if necessary. The work plan for the week should also be discussed and agreed, though it is inevitable that there will be some flexibility. The company representative is the main contact within the company for the students, and so the meeting provides a useful opportunity for the team to meet with that person. This first meeting is also a great time to source information and data in addition to that which you have already gathered.

To avoid confusion, student teams will each appoint a single Team Leader who will be responsible for making contact with the company representative. Please let the module leader and your project supervisor know who your team leader is as soon as possible.

The scheduling of team meetings is an important activity for all projects, and to assist you in recording such there is a NBS meeting record form (located in the module learning room). The NBS group work policy, and associated forms, may also be found in the learning room.

Before the assessed presentations, each student team should arrange an interim debriefing with a presentation of initial findings to the client (and NBS supervisor if possible). Often such meetings will also identify areas which require further development ahead of the assessed presentation.

Assessment Element 2 – Group Presentation

The module assessment comprises three parts. This is the second part of the overall assessment.

A group presentation (80%)

The purpose of the group presentation is to provide your client with recommendations and an outline action plan which could support a successful change outcome.

The group presentation should identify the project context, sources of knowledge, data and information, analysis of such and, using change theories, concepts and tools, indicate how you would recommend your client to implement the identified change(s) so they can attain their ‘desired future state’. This may include measures or activities that might need to be carried out, or be in place, before the change is effected. Your presentation (and report) should also suggest an outline action plan to your client.

The presentation is designed to assess module learning outcomes a to f.


Presentations will be held on Friday 28 April, and each student team will be allocated a presentation slot. The assessed presentation will be delivered on campus – please check your timetable for the allocated room. While there is no prescribed way in which to deliver your presentation, you should use PowerPoint to provide a framework for your group presentation. You should also provide your client(s) with an electronic copy of your presentation slides ahead of the assessment.

A Powerpoint file containing the group presentation must also be uploaded to the Learning Room Dropbox by 8am on Friday 28 April 2023. The NTU / NBS assessment team will use this version (which must also be the version that you deliver) to grade your presentation.

Your presentation should take no longer than 30 minutes. After your presentation your team will be required to answer some questions from your client (if they are able to attend the presentation) and the NTU / NBS assessment team relating to your consultancy project. These questions may cover knowledge of practice, and academic theory and / or tools too. The Q&A session may take up to 20 minutes.

The NTU / NBS assessment team will bring the assessment to an end at 50 minutes, if not before. If the client attends, students are encouraged to continue any conversations / discussions with the client afterwards, in private session.

As the presentation is also an academic piece of work, full academic referencing using the Harvard style is expected. Citations should be located in appropriate places in the presentation slides, and a Reference list added as a final slide.

The Powerpoint file must be named using your allocated group number and module code and the deadline date as the file name separated by an underscore (“_” which is next to the 0 key:

e.g. Group 1_CM_28042023.ppt. You will be allocated a group number.

Please note that in relation to group working, you are asked to submit your group’s Collaborative Working Agreement (CWA) to the Dropbox by 5pm on Friday 21 April 2023. Non-submission of the Collaborative Working Agreement by the given deadline may result in individual grade penalties as indicated in the most recent NBS group work policy.

The Meeting Record and Peer Assessment forms need to be submitted to the Dropbox by 11pm on Tuesday 2 May 2023.

Please also note that in pursuance of the NBS group work policy, only one student per team needs to upload their team’s Collaborative Working Agreement and Meeting Record. However, all students are required to upload their own individual Peer Assessment form.

Marking Criteria

The NBS Feedback Form may be found in a separate document in the module learning room.